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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. Cool, then we already have the minimum, but maybe a few more can join
  2. I was there, er, roughly. 17-17:45ish and after 22:15ish. never mind. Since I´m child-free this week I can play more often. any time today 19:00-23:00 that is 11:00-17:00 New York and 8:00-12:00 Honolulu anybody? I wish the world were flat. :/
  3. the plan so far: enlist 8 players minimum divide into 2 teams via randomizer best out of 3 games date/day of the week: to be determined interested so far: Phonan, The Phantom, Rua, Redcon, jby
  4. anybody for a quick game now or within the next hour? (17:00 GMT+1) Might be able to join later after 22:00 GMT +1 cya
  5. I do Shall we go for something grand, scaleable or something manageable? my ideas: manageable: we compile a list of a minimum of 8 players, divide them into 2 teams by random, and play for a best out of 3 games. scaleable: we spend time scouring battlefront forums to get as many people on board and play with as many teams / rounds as seems practical. grand: we define a scheme with several teams beforehand and only play if we get a sufficient number of players on board.
  6. Yeh, every tournament needs a prize In CM they have whole crates of wine as prizeses, really!
  7. *bump* My head is abuzz with new tournament ideas and in the next tournament there will be a prize! But first let´s get this one done! I demand nothing less than victory by christmas!
  8. I had a quick look yesterday, very nice, 1 little problem though, the dropship pilots have considerable difficulties in dropping you onto the thin walls. This will require strict control of bot dropping. Maybe no dropships would be better? The purple sunset reminded me of the planet of the corrupt imperial governor (throttled by Darth vader in the end) in the game "tie fighter".
  9. hmpf, just saw that they want 10 bucks registration fee for the forum that goonrush hails from... good post on SC forum!
  10. The question is how to get out of the chicken & egg situation that currently bedevils DT. even if we could get a major review site to do a (favorable) review of DT, the trickle of newcomers would hit the empty server and then we´ve added to the non-playing installed base. I´ve been thinking of how to get the non-playing owners of the game to give it a second try. Idea 1)CM map I bet a considerable number of players who bought the game are waiting for the WW2 mod. I´d say 99% of these players play combat mission. i think making some or even 1 classic CM map for DT might be able to kickstart some interest in the game again. Idea 2) a challenge/organised game We (the veterans of DT) could organize a few games at well publicized times. i´ve also been thinking of challenging those Goonrush guys on their own forum
  11. I´ve reinstalled Linux DT several times and had no problems. since you have to login to play, TBGsoftware can easily see whether you have more than 2 copies active.
  12. I BLAM-ed stonewall in your honor and Bane/8ball has returned to the fold!
  13. Yossarian, out of curiosity are you the same Yossarian who used to play Natural Selection for the "MR" clan? </font>
  14. CMETO made me reinstall CMAK after a year or so of not playing CM. Great work David!
  15. Just finished reading it Excellent book. Even better than Army at Dawn because Atkinson has reduced the number of boring home front stories. My only minor quibble would be that IMHO in 2007 one can dispense with calling the germans "grey wraiths" and "babarians" (when not citing historical documents). The true horror of nazism was that its crimes were commited by a civilized people, not barbarians.
  16. I don´t pretend to be knowledgable on the subject, but my impression is that the Marine Corps is about the training and not so much about the equipment. It will be interesting how MC-training will be simulated in CMSF. CM is, after all, is a -play around with equipment- game. So I´m not holding my breath, OTOH I can be more easilly impressed.
  17. no problems either. worked fine on sunday.
  18. CZ is not active as a mod right now, it´s running raid for tournament training. maybe Poesel could start up CZ as CZ for today though?
  19. my mic works in skype, but i´m not 100% sure if it works in DT. i´ll join in Linux on sunday and see if anybody can hear me.
  20. I´ve installed ubuntu 7.10 the sound in DT is back , dunno about the microphone though. also the dreaded aiming reticle drag mouse problem persists . (mouse is smooth until the crosshair moves over an enemy unit, then it gets "sticky")
  21. Good one George Mc! ***************SPOILERS******************* I played the Syrians (realtime, veteran, V1.04), and achieved a tactical victory, although I didn´t use the AT13s properly. (I tried a second time and achieved an american surrender.) The blue AI is pretty good on the first half of the map, but doesn´t try to enter the town at the end, except for one M1 that goes in without infantry support. What I learned in this scenario is: T72s will survive the Bradley Autocannon as long as they are a few hundred metres away. (frontal armor) AT13s have 1000m range, but only hit with certainty at under 200m. I´m playing blue now (admittedly with more info on the enemy than I should have). Scouting ahead with infantry (as in CMx1) isn´t really an option here, you have to inch ahead and hope that you can spot the ambushes first and mortar them out of existance.
  22. the sound has dissappeared entirely from DT-linux regardless of which system (alsa, native) I use. the sound is ok on the desktop... my error message from the .log SOUNDMANAGER: Loading >../data/sound/chink.wav< SOUNDMANAGER: Status: No ALUT error found SOUNDMANAGER: Sound frequency = 44100 SOUNDMANAGER: Sound channels = 1 SOUNDMANAGER: Loading >../data/sound/Locking.wav< SOUNDMANAGER: Status: No ALUT error found SOUNDMANAGER: Sound frequency = 44100 SOUNDMANAGER: Sound channels = 1 SOUNDMANAGER: Loading >../data/sound/Locked.wav< SOUNDMANAGER: Status: No ALUT error found SOUNDMANAGER: Sound frequency = 44100 SOUNDMANAGER: Sound channels = 1 [ October 15, 2007, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  23. I´m happy I stayed on for that last game yesterday. dam objective , me and Jung on the defence. I still recall asking Jung where the enemy was and him saying: nowhere in force...5min left in the game and suddenly an armada of enemy units appears in our base "out of nowhere", we managed to win in the last minute a few points ahead but Recon and Stonewall should have. @ the black canyon game: Poesel,we should have stuck with our original plan and both remained on the defence. @raid...I still don´t know how to attack on this map against 2 or more humans...
  24. entirelely possible Poesel I think the most important thing is for BFC to realize the strengths and (!) limitations of the DT engine. If they market the wwii release as massively multiplayer and the game servers start lagging as soon as more than 8 players enter, everybody who left the original game early will say: oh great its still doesn´t work. beta test it to death! @ Jung : I guess I just logged out the minute you entered and looked in again after you had left. nevermind. CU on sunday.
  25. maybe just my imagination, but the bots appear to swerve to avoid shots in 1.3.4.
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