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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. for player numbers the hope is on the wwii edition I would say. anyhow, I will be online today at 9pm GMT+1 to test the new update. hope one of the 6 others will join me
  2. To remind the two final contestants: The final is Raid/objective
  3. Hey that is unfair! Poor Clay had to drink american beer *shudder*, no wonder he lost congrats to the finalists: Redcon-5 vs Junglist hope the replays for the semifinals will be online soon! Didn´t make it to the sunday games either, because I was imprisoned in the Alpenfestung being force-fed Schweinsbraten and Knödel.
  4. Congratulations IG! We could promote DropTeam with its fertility enhancing properties
  5. Congratulations to the first finalist!!!!!
  6. sunday replay is up. hehe, really cool how events that felt like 10 minutes in the game were actually ony one and a half in actual time.
  7. This is sad,Phonan,Viperdevil-who-drinks-from-Clay´s-skull. Imperial Grunt, are you back yet?
  8. Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to implement negative points. DT does discriminate between kill and teamkill, so a "building teamkill" could ensue negative points. btw. did you have your match with phonan jung?
  9. gnagnagna, *orders summary execution of bots and dropship pilots* edit: explanation. I was retaking our base with a cutter and saw Jung closing with inf. I had a tank standing by, so i had 2 possibilities: stay in the cutter and hope that the bot would fire on jung (not unreasonable since he was approaching with white hot jet packs) or take over the tank, kill jung, but hope that the bot cutter wouldn´t sudddenly run off on an errand of its own (has happened to me very often). time was short, I stuck with 1, the bot didn´t defend me naturalmente and Jung finished me off with one grenade. to add insult to injury a second tank/cutter team I had ordered in as backup was dropped in an unusable way...see replay when available. anyway, good games, jung, poesel, redcon, and stonewall [ September 24, 2007, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  10. No, I have XPpro SP2, never had that problem. has the problem gone with CZ online now?
  11. see last sunday, Dead Gulch CTF, at about 20min. The flag bounced onto the flag-dropping vehicle. I think it´s the bouncing that is the problem. One bounce too many and the flag reverts to the base position thankfully I didn´t curse into my micro...such a nice plan, it was working so well...boohoo (©Jung)
  12. Currently the commander has only one real asset, he can hold drops. This is very useful in 1on1 matches where the defender can potentially cover the whole or most of the map with AA. This saves losing lots of dropships. As soon as humans enter the fray this gets gets clunky, as you have to now specifically single out the bots you want to stop from dropping. wish1: control over human players should be optional not the default. Currently the commander controls all deployables, this is a good thing during the combat phase, but can be a game loser in the setup phase. wish2: optionally the commander should be able to allow the use of deployables in the setup phase. and wish3: it would be nice to be able to un-Commander one self. and wish 4 "hold drops" remains active if the commander leaves the game. if the commander leaves the game, the game should revert to, umm, its pristine state of battlefield anarchy.
  13. sorry couldn´t resist really strange that, did you try running update again? (from outside the game)
  14. hehe, I thought of teamkilling too, but i felt inhibited. yep, too many CTF maps on DP now.
  15. You are carrying the flag, your vehicle is shot up, so you go get another vehicle and move close by, then take over the bot, drop the flag, then take over the bot in the other (working) vehicle and take the flag. all clear? The problem: sometimes the flag reverts to the enemy base for no apparent reason (no enemy nearby). Why??? wish: give us a drop the flag command for bots please
  16. under standalone, click replay, then you choose the player and the date/time
  17. Playing it right now in 1.03. RT I decided to split my forces roughly in the order they appear during the map. airbase HQ: advance slowlay and blast everything in sight with the 2 big gun strykers. messy, but doable barracks: breech the wall of the compound, thus avoiding the ambush alley from the compound entrance. easy special forces HQ...i´m advancing from the tower. ive tried to position mgs on the houses to supress the enemy but they supressed my soldiers instead. also the ultra-gung-ho-RPG wielder in the SF HQ is really diffilcult to supress without losing several strykers in 1 min....will try smoke cover and apaches, [stubborn]but I want to take the building intact[/stubborn].
  18. Previous Sunday matches were recorded, but n ot this Sunday. Does the record thing only kick in after a certain number of players join, or was it simply out of order this sunday?
  19. Update: Semi finals: Redcon-5 vs ThePhantom Junglist vs. Phonan
  20. Congratulations to You and the Missus! Peers into glas ball...Yes, computer gaming will be reduced in your future, Toby. All games on DP are recorded automatically as far as I can tell.
  21. bump remember that all (in-game) swearing will be recorded for generations to come
  22. replay works now! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  23. It was a cool trick, maybe it might have been sensible (with hindsight) to drop me and let me try to get a parting shot at nexus AND kill Poesel (not quite sure from where that ATGM came), but who knows.
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