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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. that would also be cool, but DT WWII was announced a year ago, thus: Clay: "Where am I?" jby: "In the BFC forum." Clay: "What do you want?" jby: "Information on DT WWII." Clay: "Whose side are you on?" jby: "blood, no, water, um, never mind... We want information. Information! INFORMATION!" ...to be continued...
  2. Yeah, great games! Thumbsup for Wingtips and Kim2 for trying to do ice map the elegant way (taking the AA tower, very difficult though ) Needless to say I was going to destroy the tower too bad my drop window vanished during the zero g game (the game was good anyway, I was able to take over bots)) being flown by Phonan-Viper while carrying the flag was great as usual [ March 09, 2008, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  3. no problem Junglist, I believe in the importance of swearing! My only self imposed rule: I restrict myself to the occasional sh&t! in front of my 3 year old daughter.
  4. I realize that there probably won´t be any major updates to DT any more, but there is one little annoying thing that maybe could be resolved very easilly: When given no specific commands, the bots are magically drawn to the SW corner of the map. I´ve seen this countless times on low dunes, black canyon and ice map.
  5. Interesting CTF game yesterday 152mm! While I admit that my defeat was partly caused by my arrogance after my first flag capture, the subsequent disintegration of my game had two reasons. self defeat1) I had killed all your apollos, meaning that your bots chose to mass-drop thors. self defeat 2) my bots chose to field nothing but ions for unknown reasons (after using up all my shrikes), making it impossible for me to catch your first flag run. At that point i should have consolidated my defences, but instead opted for capturing the flag again leading to my ignomious defeat. re: the preceding team games: Black Canyon: hard fought but indecisive. Agressively attacking the enemy base payed off, keeping Jung, Stonewall & Wingtips from making a decisive attack on our base.
  6. I support GS´s request for the folowing reason: Playing maps take much longer in realtime than WEGO. I have found that most scenarios turn into a "mash the pause button every 20 sec" fest, when played RT. As for realism, I find it hard to believe that obectives such as taking small towns take only 30 - 60 min in real life... </font>
  7. I support GS´s request for the folowing reason: Playing maps take much longer in realtime than WEGO. I have found that most scenarios turn into a "mash the pause button every 20 sec" fest, when played RT. As for realism, I find it hard to believe that obectives such as taking small towns take only 30 - 60 min in real life...
  8. hehe, completely forgot that that was possible. I believe Poesel once compared the Paladin to a bus
  9. the dev´s email: support@tbgsoftware.com
  10. some post mortem thoughts regarding today´s human inf vs. bottanks Next time we concentrate on their hermes/AA and drop all our bots as bait-inf in a grand rush
  11. Groan, now that I´m in the middle of V1.0 . . . . . . nah, it´s ok, thx Webwing while I´m here: (may contain SPOILERS!) re: Ghostcampaign1.0 played in 1.6 (veteran WEGO): so far . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Map1: the initial approach is a bit difficult, but fun Map2: a stoke of genius! (literally) blasting one´s way through the town is pure fun. the many possibilities to position sniper teams as overwatch is very cool. i.e the mosque towers. One minor problem, not webwing´s fault. if your soldiers wander into the minefield they just keep walking. I wouldn´t mind losing one or 2 soldiers but losing the whole squad isn´t fun. Map3: not very intersting so far.the initial approach is the tricky bit. the enemy snipers are a pain in the ... I took the middle house first then swung around counter clockwise. still have to capture the town....
  12. re: 155mm Artillery round. I´ve always wondered: Shouldn´t the insurgents be running out of those? Even if there were many to begin with, we are in the 5th year of war now.
  13. Too bad there is no online lobby. I would have rather just watched the end of the ice map game. The dam was definitely the best game yesterday. We had more of a plan, but Phonan et al. nearly had us there in the last 2 minutes. If you had waited another 45 sec with the cutter we could not have retaken the dam. Too bad Imperial Grunt wasn´t there, so much cool infantry action. In Dead Gulch our numerical superiority made all the difference. I have grown fond of the ATGM vehicles. Perfect for whittling away the heavies. CTF was fun too, would have been more fun if the server hadn´t acted up.
  14. srever just bailed out..in the middle of my second flag run...grmpf
  15. What was your gameplan, Taki? I would like to learn from your mistakes Were the T55s unbuttoned? Did you try to rush the T62 or did yopu try to ambush it?
  16. Heh, I think I earned myself the "Phonan crazy driving medal with gold wings" yesterday. During that last flag run I felt like YWing Gold in the Death Star trench run. I swear I was mumbling: Stay on target, stay on target,... For those who missed the fun: Stonewall and me vs. Jung and 152mm: flagruns: 1:0 2:0 very cool. stonewall and me converged on the enemy flag at right angles 2:1 2:2 in which Jung narrowly escapes my intercept run and 152 kills me with a very well placed shot 3:2 2 seconds before the end of the game RE: dead gulch: Jung, I think we need to rethink our "don´t hide under the bridge" - rule. As the attacker I just can´t help losing bots in the gulch. This is too much of a handicap, especially since the bots like to go in, but it is impossible to get them out again, tragic when the bots are commanding important units. My suggestion: restrict the rule to infantry, but allow vehicles.
  17. okeydokey To quote the enormous crocodile (Roald Dahl children´s book 1970s): "I have secret plans and clever tricks."
  18. I never count my digital deaths Since the early days of online gaming I´ve been a killer but I also die like russian conscripts in human wave charges. CU on sunday.
  19. DT remembers the password. If you´ve typed it in corectly once that should suffice.(unless you´ve reinstalled in the meantime)
  20. The troops in strykers now (partially) survive the demise of the vehicle. Maybe a bit overdone, I had a t72 kill a stryker and the surviving 5 troopers got out and smacked the offending tank with a javelin
  21. Gah, that would be terrible if gametap had it´s own inaccesible servers.
  22. Due to playing another game I have a steam account now. My name there i jby. Any other Dropteam players on steam? We could make a dropteam group there. would make finding other players easier, especially as you can leave steam on while playing other games. disclaimer: this is NOT an advert for steam.
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