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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. 152, i thought I was smart and copied my windows DT data folder (has all scnearios, been updating sinve V 1.0) to my Linux data folder thinking that this way I could tell which files I would need to send your way. The difference amounts to 350MB, not exactly emailable. Will have to do this on a per scenario basis... :/ ... I wanted to run creature zoo this weekend but it crashed and I have no way of restarting it till tuesday.
  2. 2 points (disclaimer: unofficial) You can setup your own key bindings, but DT has a strange tendency to sometimes jump to default. maybe that just happened to you. If you have a non-english keyboard make your own keyboard bindings, the default choices are impossible to find on i.e. a german keyboard. hope that helps, and welcome to DT!
  3. see it. I´ll be sending the scenarios one by one, because I have to figure out what the dependent files of each .scenario files are.
  4. 152, here is my email: jby AT inode DOT at I will send them some time during the WE.
  5. Hmm, no matter which network monitoring utility I use, i can only measure RX (download) but no TX (upload) in Ubuntu. Any suggestions as to what is wrong?
  6. some progress in my little server stats project: I recorded the stats every minute. The CPU load is approx 10% and is unfazed by a joining human. I played half an hour and dropped lots of turrets but that didnt make the server break out in a sweat. I managed to record inbound traffic and that was astoundingly low, hardly more than 1k/sec (from 1 player). I didnt record any sent-traffic for some reason, but Iĺl figure it out for the next time . I wont be able to run the server today. Next time would be the weekend.
  7. my first attempt at quantification of a dedicated server was a frak-up. I ran the tool dstat and told it to record cpu, memory and network once/second 43200 times and output the data in a file. dstat -c -m -n --output jbytest 1 43200 Unfortunately it only recorded the last 2900 sec where nobody was playing :/ have to try again.
  8. Armor penetration; the absolute resource: http://dropteam.johalla.de/Threats/100/Thor0.html a few rules of thumb: You cannot kill a thor from the front with 120mm HEAT or 20mm AP at any range. 76mm HE and 20mm HE exist in the game but arent useful for anything except killing infantry. AP flies faster and "flatter" reducing the chance of being intercepted by ion towers. So let's say you're in a thor and have an enemy thor exposing its side in your sights at a medium range, say 2000m, you would use HEAT, because you have a higher chance of getting a one shot kill because HEAT has more explosive power. BUT if the enemy thor is under the protection of an ion tower or galaxy resupply ship your HEAT round will probably be intercepted. At log range always use HEAT. 76mm AP (only in the 76mm Paladin and 76mm turrets) is useful for killing turrets, against other targets you usually need more than one shot. 120mm HE: Good against wheeled vehicles. i.e in a CTF game the enemy has captured your flag and is running with a shrike or paladin. even a close miss will blow off half the tires and make the unit very difficult to control the other use for 120mm HE is blowing up enemy buildings. An ion tower takes 15 120mm HE hits to be destroyed. Don take any comfort in the designation "light tank" of the apollo. Its survival chances are lower than the paladin's. EMW paladins are one of the most important units: the autocannon can destroy incoming mortar rounds and missiles. In addition they are mobile sensor jammers. some DT speak: EMW paladin = hermes SAM paladin = bacchus bot wrangling = trying (!) to tell the bots what to do There's more... DT can be pretty overwhelming. [ May 07, 2008, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ] [ May 07, 2008, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  9. The KT880 Dragon 2 V2 Mobo is socketA so you´re really on the low end of things, though that shouldn´t make the game crash, just (possibly) sluggish. i don´t know how often the dev looks in here, but this is his email adress, that might get help faster: cfowler AT tbgsoftware DOT com Other than that you could try installing on linux most important: a) change dash to bash install nvidia 3D graphics driver (not installed by default in ubuntu) c) presuming that you downloaded the dt-install files in windows, make sure to give yourself access rights to the files (chmod) I´m not a linux pro, but i can tell you how to do those 3 things, if required.
  10. If you`re running winXP or linux ,open GL drivers are included in the nvidia forceware driver and don´t normally require activation. I´m running forceware 162.18 and that includes openGL 2.1. The 7600GT supports open GL up to 2.0, so I don´t think that the openGL version is the problem. don´t know about macs.
  11. Not sure the game supports widescreen format, maybe 1024x768 would work?. Other than that updating your graphic card driver might help. Open GL hast to be >1.5 disclaimer: this is not official. And welcome to Dropteam! Join us on Sunday 3pm EST for our "Bloody Sunday" battles.
  12. Actually our (me and stonewall) victory in Mesa (territory) was quite close. If you had concentrated on holding NW base it would have probably been a draw. I always find it difficult to formulate a plan for HousetoHouse, but what I did right this time is to use my deployables more effectively. In CTF one does have to add that the last flag run was against Rua alone.
  13. Some preliminary results from my home PC running a server with no humans on board: after an initial lurch to 50% CPU usage 10 bots: about 12% CPU usage 1 bot: about 6% 16 bots caused a crash my home PC: athlon 64-4000 2gigs of RAM DDR 400 memory usage: 182 MB (so that at least shouldnt be a problem) edit: Of course I not entirely sure if the bots are actually "playing" when no humans are around.
  14. For clarity, it´s not my system, so i can´t change that. Just a system I have access to. Anyhow i´ll run a server tomorrow evening and log the bandwidth and maybe (if I can figure out how) the CPU load. Maybe we can extrapolate from the bandwidth and CPU use a single player causes what an ideal DT server would need.
  15. a very interesting question indeed. I´ve always wondered if network bandwidth or CPU use is the limiting factor (or both). Lots of turrets firing tends to slow down DP which makes me think that all those LOS/LOF calculations are weighing down the CPU. The case against the CPU limitation is that the more humans join the fewer bots the CPU would have to handle, thus making it faster which certainly isn´t the case. It would be cool if we could play on my testserver next sunday for at least one game, because I have the exact specs for that (Core2duo E4600 at 2,4GHz, 2Gigs of RAM, on a 1Mbit up/down connection, running on Ubuntu hardy heron 32bit).
  16. update: upon restoring the file using update, the file is not detected as a virus anymore. whatever.
  17. I just updated my AVG virusscanner to version 8. It identifies dropteam.exe (windows XP install) as containing a Win32/heur virus. I sent the file to AVG as a false positive. I´ll post if I get a response from AVG. please post if also have this problem! I cannot get DT to run if I restore it from the virus vault. [ May 04, 2008, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  18. server up running clavains watch obj and the pass CTF
  19. A fresh linux DT 1.3.5 install contains only these scenarios: Archipelago.scenario BlackCanyon.scenario BoilingPoint.scenario CrashSite.scenario Cratered.scenario DeadGulch.scenario Dunes.scenario Forsaken.scenario Haven.scenario HotDropZone.scenario HouseToHouse.scenario IceField.scenario mesa.scenario Raid.scenario ReconInForce.scenario SeaCliffs.scenario SlugFest.scenario TheDam.scenario TheHiredHelp.scenario ThePass.scenario Treachery.scenario TwinPeaks.scenario UnexpectedReserves.scenario VolcanicDeposits.scenario Yosemite.scenario I am sure there are more in my windows install. [ April 30, 2008, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  20. ah, thx Poesel! 152, I´ll run a server today on my home PC with some unusual maps (starting at approx 6pm EST) just for the record for linux beginners: to run a server: first: go to DropTeam/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../lib/ then the actual server i.e:(there´s a mistake in the manual): ./SpaceVikings -enterlobby false -hostmode server -lobbyname jbyServertest -numbots0 6 -numbots1 6 -dynamicbots true -gametype Objective -password jbypw -deploymenttime 180 If you have a router you have to open port 9967. the equivalent of ipconfig in linux is: /sbin/ifconfig
  21. I can´t make the server permanent, but I can run it tuesday nights, thursday nights and over the weekend. (don´t ask why ) I´m going to be away in the mountains til Sunday, so the next possible day to run the server will be next tuesday. Any specific scenarios you want? edit: If you need a server for wednesday night fights, I can let my home PC be a server for you. Could even run Creature Zoo if you want.
  22. I can´t influence the ping, it is is a function of the distance America-Europe An ideal location for transatlantic battles would be Ireland. As long as tzhe ping is below 250 thats OK to play . My ping to DP is 170-190. So the good news is: my server works, the bad news is I cannot login with the password i gave myself, strange...
  23. can you see a server now (except delta pavonis)?
  24. better put this in its own thread: I am trying to run a server in linux. Questions: Do outsiders need to have any rights to any files to be able to join? If I start DT while running a dedicated server (on the same machine) should I be able to see it in the game?
  25. I trying to run a server in linux. Do outsiders need to have any rights to any files to be able to join? If I start DT while running a dedicated server should I be able to see it in the game?
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