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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. This is patently untrue :mad: , well partly untrue anyway, There are at least 9 main german dialects spoken in Austria (corresponding roughly to the 9 provinces), 8 of which belong to the "bayuvaric" and 1 to the alemanic dialect overgroups and....
  2. It´s ja, but prunounced ya and no is nein, pronounced n aye n and next week we´ll talk about ä, ö and ü here´s the missing battle:
  3. upload to your webspace use the if you don´t have any webspace set up, send the pic to me: jby at inode.at the at in the middlöe is @, the one at the end is austria
  4. thanks for the AARs! Congrats to our first semi finalist! time to start filling out the form: Semi finals 1) Redcon-5 vs. ? 2) ? vs. ? @Jung: in case you don´t have IG´s email contact me at : jby at inode.at
  5. Stellar rat, to save you some frustration: when you lasso several bots, take care not to include deployables (techniaclly also bots), since your orders are then restricted to the possibilities of the deployables (only extract essentially)
  6. As much as i would like a round robin, it would mean a lot more games, and I see this tourney as a lab scale experiment to see if this kind of thing would work and what unforseen difficulties we might encounter. (upscaling in biopharma is my current job btw ) Jung, I can give you IG´s email (I think he won´t cut my head off with a hunting knife for that ) and you can ask him if he will let you take his place. [ August 17, 2007, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  7. Though I believe in leading from the front, my game with Imperial Grunt will be delayed for 2 weeks, because the empire thinks he needs a training exercise. Tsk, should be him teaching the pentagon guys about jet packs and antimatter propulsion for tanks
  8. Clay hasn´t been offering info since the last few updates, I´m thinking positive: he is working hard on the wwii ed. and maybe the ogre, or...
  9. Imperial Grunt, you have email rua: Oahu! the wonders of modern technology, to think we´re playing a game with millisecond reaction separated by 7700 miles (shortest distance over the N pole)(probably more than 9000 in actual cable distance)
  10. I am certainly absolutely cool with making your own servers, as long as both participants agree. And thx Poesel for offering CZ for the tournament!
  11. hehe, I suspected howls of anguish from you when i saw the result of the randomizer. but who knows?, Clay hasn´t gone through the same school of dirty tricks that most of us have gone through in the last months (I think)
  12. OK, so here we go: Everybody got a No.: 1 jby 2 Phonan 3 Claytonius Rex 4 rua´anith 5 Redcon-5 6 ThePhantom 7 Imperial Grunt 8 Nexus Research Randomizer Results Set #1: 4, 5, 8, 6, 3, 2, 1, 7 thus: Quarter finals: 1) rua´anith vs. Redcon-5 2) Nexus vs. ThePhantom 3) Claytonius Rex vs. Phonan 4) jby vs. Imperial Grunt semi finals: the winner of 1 vs. the winner of 2 and the winner of 3 vs. the winner of 4 The map is Dead Gulch objective, no mod Since we have no direct control over DP, we´ll just have to vote through the maps until we get there. You play once as blood, once as water. If both players win one each, points decide (write down your score, preferably make a screenshot of the final screen..especially cool because we could do all sorts of funny statistics...ammo waster champion, most killed player etc. )points of both matches are added, more points wins Please post when you are going play, so that other players will stay away from delta pavonis for the duration of the match. V1.3.1 is out! Check if there are any unexpected problems before you have your match! Please write a short AAR of every match. sort of: this was my plan...and this is the disaster that ensued When to play: when both players have time, ASAP (the next 2 weeks or so) If there are no objections we can start tomorrow! [ August 14, 2007, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  13. sorry I didn´t mention you. A weekend at the in-laws has warped my mind. *looks at watch* where do you hail from rua? [ August 13, 2007, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  14. *magically revives thread* Good Games yesterday (after CZ went titsup most of us went to DP)! Best games were: Boiling Point CTF (myself, poesel & Redcon vs. Nexus & Phonan (edit: & Rua) Despite being down one man (IIRC)(edit: BS, Rua was with them) Nexus & Phonan were on the attack most of the time, but we finally chewed our way into their base (lots of tricky placed turrets)and the moment we had their flag I dropped into our base cathching Phonan & nexus as they were about to steal our flag. I then kept our flag safe while Redcon & Poesel did the flag run. After that Nexus got extremely close to capturing our flag, but was vaped by Redcon in an ambush in the last second. Phonan tried a last minute dash with the flag but I was waiting with a thor at the entrance to the base. hrhr. Then we had an objective map (I can never remember the name...the one with the river) Me & Redcon defending vs. Nexus and Phonan on the attack. Despite some harrowing moments we stayed in control, until I noticed that the attackers had run out of dropships....as usual feeling safe is the the beginning of one´s downfall (i´m sure Sun Tzu said something to this effect). We neglected our air defence (although we still had 4 AA turrets to spend !!!)and we were EMP -ed and turret-swamped turning our victory into a very narrow defeat. 30sec before the end Phonan was still muttering that they couldn´t make it... [ August 13, 2007, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  15. Lets wait till tomorrow (monday). If nobody volunteers, you´re drafted Toby Current Roster: jby, Phonan, Claytonius Rex, rua´anith, Redcon-5, ThePhantom, Imperial Grunt, Nexus?
  16. will try, thanks for the tip. BTW, we´re still missing one person for the tournament! hint, hint, hint
  17. Hooray, 1 to go! Current Roster: jby, Phonan, Claytonius Rex, rua´anith, Redcon-5, ThePhantom, Imperial Grunt
  18. My Sidewinder2 works, but joystick control doesn´t work for me in DT. Still works for Xwing alliance, a game I dusted off the other day, nobody seems to want to make space combat games anymore...*sighs*. Dropteam spacecombat....hmmmm...Clay? Battlefront?
  19. goodie, everybody agree on the maps so far? I suggest using this to randomize the initial round: http://www.randomizer.org/form.htm Current Roster: jby, Phonan, Claytonius Rex, rua´anith, Redcon-5, ThePhantom [ August 08, 2007, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ] [ August 09, 2007, 12:41 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ] [ August 09, 2007, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  20. yeah that was really tooth and nail, very good games, every one really really close, but raid was decided by a whisker. and you really got me on black canyon, took me completely by surprise. There I was feeling smug with 2000 points under my belt a few minutes before the end... Current Roster: jby, Phonan, Claytonius Rex, rua´anith
  21. well, you can fly around in a viper, but it is not easy to control and you have to be real careful not to wander into cobra missile zone. When driving the Mercury command vehicle you can see all enemy units that your team has in LOS or sensor range (can also call arty, EMP and smoke strikes). All other units can only see things in their LOS and what is in range of sensors (unless jammed of course)
  22. What ruaánith said and: 1) aim at the vehicle, right click (un-toggles auto aim), then lead the target. Naturally works best when the target is moving in a right angle to you. oh, and the round does not inherit your relative speed (not modelled). and don´t forget to turn on auto aim again ( I often forget ) 2) Both EMV Paladin and Ion towers can destroy mortar rounds, antitank missiles and cobra missiles. Countermeasure against ion towers: swamp the defense by firing lots of 20mm over the tower.
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