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General Jack Ripper

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Everything posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. Judging from my own observations, it is a gradual increase as the range gets shorter.
  2. Why do I sense a disaster about to happen? Quick, get the crew back into the M16, let Brakka save the day! Honestly, seeing a German trying to surrender makes me think this battle is all but over, here's hoping things will finish easily.
  3. This is the unlisted rough cut of the next video. Missing are title cards, and information panels. Once again, comments and criticisms are necessary so I can tighten things up and prepare for public release.
  4. Okay, I have the next video on the chopping block right now, and I'm going to post the rough cut for your viewing pleasure sometime tomorrow. I look forward to comments, etc. to get things tightened up before it goes public. This next part will be longer than the previous two, right now it clocks in at about 36 minutes. Doing a voice-over gave me the ability to pack a lot more information, and also a lot more content into a video. This one will show ways to split your US, Brit, and German squads for maximum effect. Once everything is uploaded I'll post it here.
  5. I'm wondering, what is the status of the M16 MGMC vehicle? Is it listed as destroyed, or merely abandoned...
  6. Alright I've had a think, and you can make it up to me by having a picture of a burning SturmTiger before all of this is over.
  7. NOOOOO!!! My precious!!! You did that on purpose, didn't you! WAAAHH! *Runs away crying*
  8. I do appreciate the maps, but I enjoy the comic without them as well.
  9. The attack on Nyiregyhaza will go ahead as was intended, my intention there is to sever the enemy line of supply, and remove their artillery support. Aside from that, my plan for the upcoming turn is to assemble all armor with a large force of supporting infantry, and strike a decisive blow against the largest enemy formation available. However, that will all have to wait until after the Axis turn, where we will see what our fascist pig enemies have in store for us. Meanwhile, I think it's safe to break out some vodka, it wasn't a decisive turn, but I don't think it was a bad one for my very first attempt.
  10. YEAH!! GET SOME!! WOOHOO!! EAT LEAD YOU ****ING KRAUTS!! Quad .50's rock!
  11. You know what this comic needs? More BRAKKA! BRAKKA! BRAKKA! Good work nailing those halftracks, hopefully things will be finished soon.
  12. Well, I hadn't expected to come back to this, but I had a stressful day yesterday, and Shock Force is good for working out some aggression. Enjoy.
  13. Yup, the only thing you really need to move huge amounts of personnel anywhere on the planet within 24 hours is a bunch of 747 Airliners. Well, anywhere on the planet that has a functional airport...
  14. Just so happens my next TTP video is going to be about this very same topic. Weird!
  15. Once I get my last batch of War Thunder videos posted, I'll be making another TTP video, and another Road to Montebourg video. I've got a few too many projects on my plate at the moment, thanks for stopping by.
  16. I was about to say, it does seem like that German platoon is being wasted. How much time is left on the clock?
  17. Excellent work comrade! Alright, here's what I'm thinking for the upcoming turn: It seems apparent to me the enemy does hold an advantage in armored strength, especially with the King Tiger's ability to dominate a battlefield. Call it 'Tiger Fright' if you want, but I want those units destroyed, or isolated.A decisive movement is not possible until this unbalance is redressed, hence the focus on destroying enemy armor.Once enemy armored strength is reduced, we can attack and destroy individual positions using our own armor in a concentrated fashion.It is my intention to destroy completely the enemy forces directly opposite our position, while allowing our light forces to conduct harassing raids into the enemy's rear area. Thoughts?
  18. Optics means optics. If you want to see everyone at once, play on the Basic Training difficulty setting, where you get the old-style 'borg spotting', instead of the relative spotting model. Like I said, RTFM.
  19. No. What that is indicating is the tank attempting to execute a [Face] command and turn towards the incoming fire, so it can spot the enemy with it's optics, which it does in short order, and returns fire killing the Sherman. RTFM, before coming onto the forums and complaining. Relative spotting doesn't mean a unit is actually invisible, it just means the selected unit cannot see the enemy at the moment.
  20. Sock puppet, me? No. I will admit c3k's excessive enthusiasm has rubbed off on me somewhat, but I still think I had a fair point. When fighting a scenario outside of a campaign, casualties are essentially meaningless so long as one secures a victory. It would be interesting to read an AAR from a battle that has a Force Preservation objective, and see if that has an effect on a player's tactics. For example, if Bil had a 'Preserve 50% of your force' objective this battle would have been extremely different. Congratulations on your victory. Many people had written you off for dead before the fight even started, but I had hope, and my faith was rewarded.
  21. Bah! Shoot HE at them! Ram them! Park the JagdTiger on a hill and let the enemy use up all of their ammo on it! Fight to the death! It's a scenario, not a campaign! Casualties are meaningless! Victory is all that matters!
  22. Baneman is still advancing on his left, it's just that the empty town was a bit of a time-sink. Once he clears the town, I expect he will make a quick push for the first few objectives.
  23. *Evil Voice* "FEED ME MORE TANKS!" That's what your JagdTiger is saying, please don't disappoint him.
  24. You'd best batten down your hatches, a hurricane's a'comin!
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