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General Jack Ripper

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Everything posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. Part 4b: These Part 4 videos are posted as unlisted for review purposes. Any feedback is welcome.
  2. 30 Meters is standard for me. When they open fire, they can immediately start throwing hand grenades.
  3. Better than my first time. The A.I. refused to fire the howitzers at their plotted targets, so my whole group got blown up by 105mm direct fire high explosive.
  4. The beginning of Part 4 is uploaded. This part will be an attack exercise, demonstrating the use of the knowledge imparted up to this point. A purely frontal assault, against a fortified enemy, needn't be suicidal. Yes, you heard me correctly. The recording of the exercise ran to more than an hour, I will trim as much as I can, and stick to a 15 minute time limit for this series of videos. Be aware, this is strictly an equal strength exercise for demonstration purposes, rifle platoon vs. rifle platoon. If the enemy had HMG's available, this would, in fact, be suicide. I know, because I tested it. We will get into how to defeat HMG's and other things when we discuss supporting weapons, in a later part.
  5. ‌@Marco2marzo Report to Command a full explanation of the destruction of 27th Gds Tank Bde. That unit was vital to future plans. Command out.
  6. The entire 27th Gds Tank Bde has been destroyed? Or does the red X mean something else?
  7. Baneman, how would you estimate the relative infantry strength remaining? Do you hold an advantage in manpower?
  8. I bolded those three segments because: Tactics first thought up in 1935, first tried in 1939, and succeeded wildly in 1940-42, are old and decrepit in 1944."massive enemy opposition" Novel tactics work best against an unprepared enemy, as has been pointed out by people in this thread, even a modicum of preparation makes your "Panzer Wedge followed by Halftracks" into a completely suicidal maneuver.The source you quote from even goes so far as to admit the tactics described led to enormous losses.The trouble with trying to talk tactics, is you need to correctly place successful battlefield techniques within the context of their successful use. Before you can even think of using halftracks as an assault vehicle, you need to answer the following questions: Is the enemy dug in?Do they possess anti-armor weapons?Do they possess semi- or fully- automatic weapons?Is the enemy in an elevated position?Does the terrain support high-speed vehicle travel?What kind of artillery or tank support do you have?Can you call in a smoke screen to mask your movement?I think you'll find the vast majority of casualties suffered by your halftracks and passengers are being caused by an incorrect tactical use of those vehicles. You can use halftracks as assault vehicles, but only under ideal circumstances, and only if your tactical plan makes allowances for doing so. You cannot use halftracks as assault vehicles if you simply look at them as "bulletproof trucks" or "invulnerable to small-arms". If you want a problem to get fixed, first you must prove that there is a problem in the first place. Starting a thread that simply states: "My halftrack gunners and passengers are dying, when they're supposed to be invincible," doesn't prove anything. Long ago, Battlefront changed the stance for halftrack gunners, lowering them slightly to be more protected by the gun shield. The vast majority of gunner vulnerability complaints disappeared after that. If you're going to bring up the topic again, at least have the decency to post some screenshots illustrating your complaint. Well, that's all I have to say.
  9. I can't seem to edit the post anymore. Sorry, I didn't think of that when making it. I flagged the post, maybe a mod can fix it.
  10. The example given was 66mm Bazooka HEAT, but you're right, HE mostly doesn't penetrate. I don't know how HE concussion is modeled, but it doesn't seem to be particularly serious. One of my StuGs hit a Sherman with 6 HE rounds (75mm L/48) in a recent PBEM to no apparent effect. Perhaps if you hit the tank with 20-30 rounds it might do something.
  11. I suspect that is the case, I did a reply to a thread once showing how the armor skirts can stop a shot: The shot penetrated the Shurtzen but failed to penetrate the turret behind it. On a different note (SPOILERS FOR OP LINNET II): http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac164/Mercenary_SPQR_CLAN/Combat Mission/OP Linnet II.png What kind of sadist dreamed up the 'OP LINNET II' scenario? I haven't seen such a gigantic deployment task since 'To The Volga!' way back in CMBB! With the camera zoomed out to the side like this screenshot, my liquid-cooled monster gaming rig of a PC can barely make 7 FPS! Clearly this is some kind of torture test scenario for the secret Battlefront interrogation chambers.
  12. If you're okay with it, disable shadows. You'll pick up a few FPS.
  13. One more update, I was playing doctor for my dad who had pneumonia, and I think I've come down with something. I'll have to doctor myself for a while, so the next part will be delayed. Blame my dad and his horrible germ-warfare.
  14. I noticed extra BAR's in infantry squads, mostly during the September timeframe, which I use for my TTP videos. I agree with CptMiller if extra BAR's are lying around, why not help yourself? I've also noticed much greater randomness with STG44's too.
  15. I know Charles is a brain floating in a jar of nutrient fluid powered by red bull, but there are only 24 hours in a day, and there's an enormous list of things to do. If a bug has been reported, and is reproducible, it will get fixed. Eventually. Maybe.
  16. The distribution of weapons seems to have a bit of randomness based on the 'Equipment Quality' selection in the scenario editor. I've noticed a lot of squads with two BARs.
  17. Good point. I could think of some interesting applications for this. Paratroopers? Levitating weapons platforms?
  18. I just wanted to post a quick update: I've been working on a personal project for the past couple weeks, but I'll be starting the next part of the TTP videos sometime this week. I'll be demonstrating a purely 1:1 frontal assault using the Split Squad techniques introduced in the last two parts.
  19. Image cropped for OPSEC. Q: After eight huge explosions, how much damage was done to these two SturmGeschutz? A: Absolutely nothing!
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