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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Thanks for the answer. I was afraid that would be the case.
  2. ummm, run over them with a tank? Can engineers or soldiers spot them before my vehicles discover them under my tracks? Not talking about daisy chain mines here. Cheers
  3. So thats how double posts get created! You live and learn. [ September 30, 2003, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  4. Thanks for all the advice. I'll try using the 'n' command a bit more - its one of the commands that I haven't really bothered with until now. Cheers
  5. Thanks. I'm in a situation where I have a maxim within 30 metres of a stationary ht - which I think may be shocked. Was debating whether to open up. I think I'll wait for a platoon of infantry to catch up and then maybe I'll get the ht when it turns towards them. Germant hts can only shoot in front of them, right? By crickey I hope my opponent is not reading this!
  6. At what range does a maxim become effective vs German HTs? Also, how about Mg42 vs Russian light armor? If at all?
  7. Eh? I can understand the sherman guy wanting a tiger, but what reasons did the tiger man give for wanting a 'tommy cooker'???
  8. Hi GFK, Thanks for the quick reply. Out of curiosity, are the original sounds timed to match the animation? Is that why the blasts are spaced out? If so, wouldn't there be a mismatch between the mod and what is happening on screen? Again, thanks for the work - those deep pounding cannon shots make my legs shake, teeth rattle and wake the neighbors if the volume is too high. Cheers
  9. Have been comparing the sounds on GJK Beefy sounds and the original, and they certainly are an improvement. But there are some differences: in the original the flamethrower (I guess) sound files (230 and 231) have four slightly different sounds with silence in between while in the mod it is just one sound. Wouldn't this make a difference during a game? Has anyone who loaded the GJK sound mod noticed anything when in use? Interested to find out before I load them on. Cheers
  10. Not having fog is annoying, what I'm concerned about is if having this damned graphics chip means missing out on the dust in CMAK. Can anyone confirm if this is the case?
  11. I can confirm that this is a brilliant scenario for PBEM/TCP. There are so many tactical options, and it is brilliantly balanced. Go play!
  12. I once tried some of the high-res cmmos terrain mods but I found that loading the game seemed to take forever (I'm on a PIII 850 dell laptop with 384 RAM) so I changed it back. What I have now is a good looking mix of stock and custom bits, but if I play a large scenario it still takes ages to load each turn. For example, I timed the Ferdinand Skirmish scenario and a single move took about 15 minutes. My question is this: what mods do you use to ensure that the game loads more quickly? Does using a low-res steppes mod make an appreciable difference? Have others noticed a big difference in time to load between using stock and hi-res infantry or AFVs? Those on high-spec machines, how long does it take you to load a huge scenario?
  13. Got it! Thanks for the tip. It's beeeaaauuutiful. It's amazing how many different ways PzIVH can be written! Before I unzipped I noticed that it did not replace any files. How does that work? If there is snow on the ground does the game automatically load in the new files? I haven't checked it out yet, so I just assume that next time I play in winter I will have whitewashed PIVs...
  14. Have searched cmmods.com but the winter IVH is nowhere to be found. Any ideas where to look? (edited to add 'z' into the title) [ July 22, 2003, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  15. By the time I got round to checking this thread the pictures were gone, but knowing Juju's work and going by the comments, they will be fantastic: I'll get myself a copy ASAP. Not knowing the extra work involved, yet knowing the convenience that it adds, would there be a CMMOS version in the offing ?
  16. Why not compromise? Have authenticity setting for units only available, and for those who want a little 'more', have an 'all-in' option. ... and in the expansion pack you can include the lazer beams...
  17. I guess the difference is between concealing something stationary vs being able to conceal something in movement. Understandably a wheatfield would be dense enough to hide the moving vets whereas a steppe (in the right season I presume) would be sufficient to hide something in a prepared defensive position, but not enough to hide the moving soldiers. Does that sound convincing? Or is it more like big steaming piles of defecation?
  18. Oh Kimmo, I thought you were too busy writing papers to play...
  19. Hey, where can I find out how many VP each unit is worth? Could be useful information... Thanks
  20. Usually when I advance I put my men forward to some kind of cover like a crater or foxhole up to 80 metres in front of them. I considered that the advance command meant that the soldiers would find suitable places to bury their noses in the dirt. In a previous thread (preventing early cease fire) Elmo commented that From this I would guess he means instead of laying one straight line of advance he puts down a series of points in spots that provide some sort of cover. Is this, in fact, how others are using the advance command?
  21. You want someone who only knows approximately what should be done as a tester? Or do you want experts? My experience is limited to a handful of PBEMs and a few more vs the AI. If you want me to have a go, bring it on! You'd better say what kind of AAR you want though. vulpine_odyssey@hotmail.com
  22. Thanks for the answer, It seems a drastic measure... it must be possible to do it without triggering a ceasefire. Is this a common problem with small point scenarios?
  23. **Spoiler alert** Have been playing Gefechtsaufklaerung as the Germans. Its a small 800 point scenario on a tiny map in which the Germans must advance up a hill across open fields where the Russians lie in wait in trees and a church. ... after being slaughtered a couple of times because I moved my infantry across the plain too early, I decided to really let fly with the support. But now I reach the point where my infantry are advancing across the open plain the flamin' AI calls a cease fire!!! It seems I have a choice: either move in early and have my infantry slaughtered, or move in late and it becomes a 'tactical defeat'. How do I avoid the early ceasefire? cheers
  24. I had good success with sewer movement in a tournament. It was the only way I could get reinforcements into a factory. They were usually a bit late, and I'm sure they didn't smell too good, but they got there in the end. I don't think my opponent ever cottoned on to how I was able to field so many men in a factory he thought he had cut off. I did lose one platoon of pioneers though. They're still down there as far as I know.
  25. Thanks for the thoughts: But do Russian pioneers carry "panzerwurfer" mines? And in any case wouldn't it be represented in a separate icon? Five grenades per icon? That makes sense, maybe they just used 4 up, leaving the icon in their inventory intact. But has anybody else noticed whether pioneers are better at using grenades against tanks than other units?
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