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Everything posted by markl

  1. What computer specs are people using to play this out? I have tried with my P3 1 gig and gforce-4 TI4200 video card with no success. Moving with the camera is slower but acceptable, but waiting for the computer to plot it's moves takes 10 minuets or longer. I have had to give up because of lack of computing power. Having a limited budget I am interested in finding out what people are using, as it seems a shame to miss out on giving this a go. Thanks
  2. Could someone point me in the direction of a list of sound files for both CMBO & CMBB? I would like to have a go at mixing and matching some of the other packs. I really ling the NightCrawlers pack for both games and would recommend them, even worth the download with a modem.
  3. Great Map, I will start the operation this weekend. Looks like a good concept, I hope the whole series works out well.
  4. My problem, My wife always asks, why did I pay so much for the game, only to read the forum so much. I bribe my daughrter so she won't tell the wife what I was playing while she was out. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
  5. Please send me a copy if you get the chance. E-mail is in my profile. Thanks
  6. Hi, If you need more feedback please send it to me. I will like to give it a go against the AI Cheers
  7. Hi, All the CMMOS rule sets I downloaded from Combat Mission HQ for CMBO were executables and installed them selves. The files unzip to an executable file .exe unlike the CMBB ones. All these rule sets installed them selves for CMBO.
  8. As a beginner I got a fair bit out of it. If you were experienced, it would be not much help. The pictures unfortunately are very bad and not really usable at all. If you do not have the time to read the forum, which has better information it would be better value. 4 to 6 out of 10 for beginner. 2 out of 10 for medium player with some experience.
  9. Hi, Could the whole lot be put in a zip file for download. It is too hard to go through the tables on the link. Thanks
  10. From a beginner, How about incorporating some of the good threads into the tutorial. Most games come with good tutorials these days. Some purpose build scenarios taking you through e.g. JasonC's crossing 200m in the open, scouting and a real combined arms tutorials. This would really help the beginners. Some of the more experienced players should be contracted to do this as they have demonstrated often enough they have the skills. And how about posting the pictures in the manual on the web for download. The pictures printed in the manual I hate to say are a waste of ink! The future of any game lies in getting and keeping new people in the ranks. This is one area that could be improved on with little effort. Small things like the ability to tab back to the desktop should be maintained. Something you can not do with most games these days. Makes it easy to work and play at the same time. As well as game improvement which I can not comment on as yet, the game should be made a little easier to get into, and some people do not have a lot of time to check out the forum for all their answers. Cheers
  11. There was only the cmbo clipboard when I had a look. I think the site is http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ It was a little while ago.
  12. Unforunately you will have to reinstall to get the default bmp's back. But considering how long it takes, only a few minuets it does not matter.
  13. With no FOW playing against the computer. Does the computer also have no FOW? If that was the case there would be no use with this setting at all. As a learner I like full FOW but may move to Extreme soon. I am not realy sure but I think I see the tanks etc quicker with Full than Extreme, and since I have just downloaded some mods I want to see more of them.
  14. Hi This really depends if you are getting the new retail version or not. I have not gone the cmmos way as I only have a modem so the down loads are too great. I have moded the CMBO that comes with the combo pack sold by battlefront. The thing I hated the most was the hexagonal muzzle and explosion flash. The modes I installed below have changed the game enough for me. The sound pack is a fairly large download but I think it was worth it. Most of these I downloaded from www.Combatmission.com and some from www.cmmods.com the sound mod was from boots & tracks 1) Mad Matts (dogs) Map Packs 1 & 2 2) Hi Res Faces for CMBO 3) Small Arms Pack (by Juju) 4) Wolf's HiContrast Grass & Snow pack (low res but good) 5) Juju’s Explosions (For CMBO & CMBB) Not bad, gives round muzzle flashes! And great explosions when a building is destroyed. (this mod is a must have it gets rid of the useless hexagonal muzzle flashes and explosions) from cmmods 6) Generic Marker Badges (By Juju) 7) Mine Field Markers (By Thorsten Ozzy) 8) Replacement Sky (& batch file for installations options) By Der Unbekannte Jager) 9) Smoke: I am using the “Black Smoke with Fire”, and “Real Smoke By Nathan Shinn” together to get the effect I want. I am using the 1801 .bmp from black Smoke with Fire for the red fire in the smoke off tanks etc and the 1800 .bmp from Real Smoke for the ground smoke. The 1800 from real smoke gives a nice textures ground smoke. 10) Fire: I am using the bmp’s from the Fire2 directory in Juju’s “New Explosion & Fire” mod for CMBO. (The Fire1 is more realistic, but the flames are a little too small for me at the moment. I have not tried the explosions from this mod as I are using Juju’s explosions for CMBO&CMBB. 11) CMBO trees by Strontium Dog. These look very nice. Not as colourful as the Mad Mat Packs but slightly better. I did not mod the Deciduous trees in the sub folder “decisuou” which replaces the pines with smaller trees, see pictures that came with nod files. Look quiet realistic. 12) Pakfan interface mod. This is a must have. Looks Great. 13) NCrawlers CMBO Sound Pack: Better overall sounds. If you but the normal CMBO from battle front this should get you started. If you but the combo pack get Palfans interface mod for both. Very nice.
  15. Hi I presume you are referring to the muzzle flashes only here and not the tank itself. I found Juju's explosions for CMBB & CMBO were a good improvement over the default ones for CMBO. They got rid of the horrible Hex flash and look just like the ones in the screen shots for the retail version for CMBO. I think this was available from CM Mods. Juju also put out a “New Explosion & Fire” mod that I got from Combat Mission HQ to replace the default fire. (Did not try the explosions from this set, may be the same as above) To round off the total effect I am using smoke BMP's from two mod sets below: I am using the “Black Smoke with Fire” (Author?), and “Real Smoke By Nathan Shinn” together. I am using the 1801 .bmp from black Smoke with Fire for the red fire in the smoke off tanks etc and the 1800 .bmp from Real Smoke for the ground smoke. The 1800 from real smoke gives a nice textures ground smoke. (both from Combat Mission HQ) This seems to round off the muzzle flashes, explosions and smoke nicely. I hope this is what you were referring too.
  16. Could these be posted for down load, as I would like to try them as well. Cheers
  17. To Laxx I hope there is enough interest. It is a fine data base.
  18. Does anyone know where the movies for the Sunken Lane AAR at Combat Mission HQ are now? I have tried to get them a couple of times but they seem to be missing. Are they at any other sites? Thanks
  19. Has there been any updates for the vehicle database by Laxx? I down loaded the original version when it was released. I noticed on the thread, a later version was posted but the link does not seem to work. Is anyone adding game pictures etc for a later release? This database seems very good. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. I received my copy of the strategy guide. The content seems very good, but the pictures are so flat that there is no detail at all. The picture on page 2/10 regarding the T34 is just a Grey box. I would like to see the pictures put up on the site for download. It would be nice to see what the text refers to. I would prefer to pay a bit more and be able to see the pictures in the manuals. It looks like the printing is done a little too cheap. When CMAK comes out I would like to see a PDF on the disk as well. That way I could print out a color version. Was my copy of the strategy guide from a bad print run? Or do others have the same problem with flat pictures with no detail?
  21. Thanks for the great AAR, With good AAR's like this could a link be put up so we down load it with all the pictures etc. I cut and pasted this one because it was so good to add to my library of AAR's. Keep up the god work, it is appreciated.
  22. To MikeT Thanks for the offer of the files. I would very much appreciate getting them. I will give you some feed back once I have tried them out. I hope a disk is produced one day as I am sure there would be plenty of support for one, and I am sure the authors would be in favor if it is for non profit. Regards Markl
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