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Everything posted by markl

  1. Has anybody ever produced a community mod disk? I have seen these produced on the net for other games etc. I would be glad to pay for a community disk for Mods. Downloading enough for CMMOS to be worthwhile for me is a non-event with a slow modem. I see CMMODS needs donations for that site, this may be a way to help cover costs, and get the mods used by a wider audience. It would be good to have a CMMOS and possible a Non CMMOS mod disk. (Possibly separate for CMBO & CMBB) Has this been done or in the pipeline? I saw somewhere BTS do not mind if the new parts of the upcoming store version of CMBO are shared around. There have been so many people asking for a graphics upgrade for CMBO this could be a good idea. Is any one interested I this concept?
  2. Thanks for the reply JasonC, It seems I have been trying the wrong way. I have been trying to use the infantry to button the tanks, then trying to engage from the front and sometimes the sides to stop the tanks from advancing at all. I sort of picked a line and tried to stop the advance from that point. I will put all these new ideas into practice, and should come up with a win soon. Does any one know of a table that lists the tanks and big guns that could be used as a reference as to the relative strengths and weaknesses of each? In the forum most people discuss the various merits of each vehicle and gun, but as a beginner I do not know often to what the name refers to. It appears unless you know the various attributes of the unit you are up against you can make a lot of tactical errors. A table listing or giving cross reference to what can kill what at which range or angle would be helpful to beginners like myself. Thanks again to all who replied.
  3. I would like to see really different terrain types. Like the mountains in Papua New Guinea, and real European Mountains. Some of these landscapes would not be suitable for vehicles but that is ok. Really all the landscapes are the basically same now, with very minor overall details. I am talking about a couple of thousand feet elevation, like the kokoda Trail. A couple of maps like that would be very nice. Also when pressing tab to lock onto a unit and selecting "1" as the viewpoint I would like to see the action like the first person view in Ghost Recon. No gun or anything just run with the unit etc, see through its eyes. A campaign would be good as well, it is one thing missing from the game. As long as all the missions were available separately as well. None of the win one to unlock one bit. Being a person who only plays the AI I hope the game does not go the way others are these days and focus on multi player at the expense of single player. The turn-based idea suits me very well, with a lot of family commitments I can walk away and come back later with no problems. I would also like a bigger time scale to include some modern warfare, and I like the idea of combining the old games with improved graphics in the new one for historical games that way the old models could be used. A degree of destructible landscapes may be good, i.e. blow up certain bridges, tanks knock down trees. Pipe dreams most of this, but who knows. One last thing scalable AI response for beginners or people who will only ever play every so often.
  4. It is a good point to keep the tanks in the rear, every time I try to bring them up they get creamed. Most of the kills I have made so far have been side shots. I will just have to practice more with the reverse slope and hiding the guns better. I must admit I have been mainly engaging with the guns at close range because they don't seen to get a kill at long ranges easily. I will try a few more infantry maps then come back to it again. Thanks for the replies.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I am trying the reverse slope approach about half way down the map. I am only playing against the AI so my enemies are all tanks, no infantry. The problem there is so many tanks. When I get a flanking shot on one and kill it another comes up behind my gun and kills it, or I get the internal flaking armor message then the tank kills the gun. I will keep trying till I find out how to beat this one. Thanks again.
  6. It is a shame to see the site close. As a new comer to the series I have not played any of the scenarios yet, but down loaded some before the site went down. One question is are the scenarios not marked (CMBB) all for CMBO? I downloaded the page with the info about the scenario as well as the file for future reference. The only trouble I am having is determining which CM version some of the scenarios are for. Are these files available somewhere else yet, as I did not manage to get them all? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. It is a shame to see the site close. As a new comer to the series I have not played any of the scenarios yet, but down loaded some before the site went down. One question is are the scenarios not marked (CMBB) all for CMBO? I downloaded the page with the info about the scenario as well as the file for future reference. The only trouble I am having is determining which CM version some of the scenarios are for. Are these files available somewhere else yet, as I did not manage to get them all? Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Possible Spoiler Citadel Schwerpunkt Even though I have the 2 full games I still go back to the Citadel Schwerpunkt scenario in the demo game as it covers the one aspect of the game I am not improving in. Infantry tactics I am slowly coming to grips with but this type of scenario has me completely beat. When playing against the tanks I place the guns on what I hope are reverse slopes in the middle and rear of the map with infantry opposite to button the tanks. The tanks can out range the guns easily so I have to wait for them to get close. I use infantry to get them buttoned as they come over the hills but only get internal armor flaking most times, then the tank kills them with one shot. (I can only get front and side shots in before the guns are spotted) There are so many tanks I can not isolate them easily, if one gun gets a flanking shot and kills a tank, another tank comes over the hill on the other side and kills the gun. I have even tried to win with no fog of war and double my forces (shame shame) but still end up with the same result. Any help would be appreciated. I do not need to know how to win the game, just a few hints would help.
  9. I hate to ask, but where at The Scenario Depot is this series, I could not spot Vuosalmi anywhere. It must have been right in front of me but I could spot them. Could someone put in a direct link. Thanks
  10. Reply to Ladie_from_Hell Thanks for the offer, I tried to reply to your e-mail but I am not sure if it got through as my ISP's e-mail is down at the moment. I would definitely like the files if you can E-mail them to me. Hopefully the e-mail server will be up again soon. University servers may be cheap, but unfortunately you only get what you pay for.
  11. Thanks for your posts JasonC, I look forward to reading them and always learn something. I appreciate the time it takes to write them. Cheers MarkL
  12. Does the link still point to the file? I have tried to get this file a couple of times and I get a "page can not be displayed" message. It would be nice to try the mod, has anybody been able to get the file via this link? Cheers
  13. Hi, I have just installed Mad Matts mod packs 1 & 2. Map pack one has 2 parts graphics and sounds which I downloaded separately. MDMP.zip for the graphics and newsoundmod.zip for the sounds. Map pack two has just graphics MDMP2.zip Just unzip the files with winzip or similar into a empty directory then copy the files to CMBB. The graphics files go to CMBO\BMP folder. All these files have an extension of .bmp. All the sounds go to CMBO\WAV and have an extension of .wav. If you check the extensions of the files you are copying and the extensions in the folders you are copying too you will see they are the same. This should let you know you are putting them in the correct place. These files replace existing files, so answer yes to replacing the original files. I hope this helps.
  14. As a new person to the game I must add I purchased CMBB on the strength of the forum. I thought since most of the posts seemed to come from people who could afford to pay for the game there must be a lot more to it. The demo is hardly the same game. If I had to make my decision based on the demo I would still be playing one of my children’s games. I just hope the next version has a better demo or they must surly loose sales.
  15. Hi, I am new to the game as well. Downloading all the CMMOS mods is a big ask, a good long term project. If you only have a 56K modem like me it will be a big job. Try to find someone with a unix box and cable modem so you can down load a whole site overnight or so. In the mean time I also applied Mad Matts 2 packs, & replacement sky pack by Der Unbekannte Jager from Combat Mission HQ. I then downloaded from CM Mods the small arms mod by Juju and his explosions for CMBB which also work for CMBO, the Hi Res faces by ?, and gridded grass and snow by Strontium Dog. Some people will question the gridded grass, but is good when starting out and you can always get rid of it later if you want. I have yet to find a decent muzzle flash. But you are correct, you could easily spend more on downloads than you did for the game. Cheers markl
  16. Thanks for the replies. The toggle vehicle is an idea I had not thought of.
  17. I have just purchased the bundle pack, and so far I like CMBO best. I have downloaded a few mods to pretty it up, but have not found a tank gun flash like in CMBB. It is the only thing that really stands out that needs fixing. I only have a slow modem and don't want to download every mod before I find one. Has anyone found a good gun flash?
  18. I could use a couple of tips for getting my troops to ride on tanks. I have read the manual and always check to see if the vehicle and troops are compatible, but some times my troops go inside a tank never to be seen again. Some times I give a movement order to board a tank for e.g. 3 men. A mortar, spotter & HQ. Two will ride on the back and one enters the inside never to be seen again. Once I exit the outside riders I can only select the tank, not the poor sole inside. I then quit or reload and try to issue the order to one of them at a time. Two will mount and the other will just go to the road under the tank. I must be doing something wrong but cannot work it out. Cheers Mark
  19. Hi, I have just received the bundle pack. I straight away installed Mad Matts graphic packs for CMBO Juju's small arms and a gridded grass. To me I prefer CMBO, I like the vegitation colours better. Maybe it is my eye sight being over 40 but I can not see a great dirrerence after these small modofications. I run my screen at 1024 X 768 & FSAA. Maybe after I play a bit longer (and start to use CMMOS) I may see a major difference, but not now. Cheers Markl
  20. Thanks for the replies. I have some good reading ahead of me now.
  21. Has anyone found good AAR sites apart from Combat Mission HQ? I have read most of them there including the very good Sunken Lane. Fionne has mentioned a French site, does anyone know the link?
  22. You are right there seems no easy way. Hopefully in the next version there may be something like move together, when different squad types are selected as a group.
  23. I have been trying to get tanks to cover infantry on the move. If I find enemy fire mainly coming from one direction I have tried to get the tanks in a diagonal line placing covering fire at the same time providing a shield for the troops. The trouble has been getting the troops and tanks moving together. I am having to give the tanks very small legs to move to keep them in step. At the moment I am just trying different ways of using the game as I am new to it. I am not trying this as a winning strategy, just a way of coving an advance. If this is possible could the same idea be used to cover half tracks if they could be moved together with not to much trouble? Any ideas would be appreciated.
  24. Thanks for the reply, It pick up on one bad mistake I was making. cheers
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