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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Why yes, so kind of you to ask, your Mother called and has dishes to be washed, that is if you have finished solving the world's big problems.
  2. Inter-Thread memo TO: Wisconsin Scout Master FROM: Jim Boggs SUBJECT: Call to Arms! As you have managed to put the Sin into Wisconse and have donned the, oh so intimidating, Hat of Cheese, I feel compelled to respond to your feeble outcries. I have done some research and according to \SirReal you have shown the ability to send more than one turn per day. IF you are capable of actually playing a game, at a pace faster than paint can dry, then I will launch in your direction a small 500 point QB of the 50 turn variety. In the meantime continue to expound on the virtues of a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk. Jim Boggs Loyal Squire to lenakonrad (MIA) Loyal GrandSquire of Aussie Jeff (MIA) Great-GrandSquire of Berli (AARP) Of the House of Hellinois Whose motto is: You're never that far from Normal
  3. If the Dear YK2 has AOL, it is quite possible that they (AOL) have changed her ISP address, which they do periodically and assigned her a new number which is on the ban list. This has happened to myself and others that I am aware of. The banning is usually temporary, but a royal pain nonetheless. [edit to add]- Joe your thread title reads like an episode for Rocky and Bullwinkle. [ August 02, 2003, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  4. Sir Disgustus May I say, first of all, that you have indeed lived up to your name. Look. kid, if you're gonna come in here at least try to post something original/funny. This (for you) is apparently not an option. Your very first post, one in which you should have swept us off our feet with incredible wit and passion, was a major disappointment. To demonstrate your complete ignorance of all things, you chose to steal a joke from Boo_Radley as your intro. Very impressive. Listen kid, here's some free advice: Learning comedy from Boo is like taking swimming lessons from a rock Not that, in your case, this would be a bad thing. You then continued to post your inane drivel and I start thinking to myself, "Well at least he hasn't resorted to the lamest trick of all", namely: re-editing someone else's post. But I was wrong. Geez, you couldn't even make that funny. So here's a suggestion inspired by a sig line I saw somewhere: Get a glow stick and break it into a Mountain Dew, then drink it and come back. When you stomach starts to contract to the size of a grape and your lungs swell up to the size of two Virginia Hams, forcing your tongue to roll out of your mouth like a bloodhound on a hot day, and your eyes bug out to a level of Marty Feldman (x3), and you collapse to your knees and look up with your face contorted in such exquisite pain, and you try to speak and the only thing that escapes your lips is a pitiful "Gaaaak!, then, maybe, you might elicit a smile.
  5. COG I read something somewhere that would seem appropriate at this time of crisis: You buy the doughnut, you buy the hole Hope this helps!
  6. [serious]The ever modest Dave_H fails to mention had the game ended two turns sooner the score would easily have been reversed. Sometimes, it seems to me, that not knowing when the game will end keeps the suspense up, but it does lead to wildly unbalanced scores as the two forces battle for the flags. All in all a very enjoyable game![/serious] Axe and Dave_H are serious turn-sending Maggots
  7. Well here's some shocking news!! Our own Grape Masher has dealt THREE turns tonite! Apparently the strain was too much as there has been no activity on the e-mail scanners for over an hour now. Then again, it is going on 8PM in California. Update on word search for a certain currish cretin. I'm in the C's.
  8. I love this SC Forum!!! [ July 29, 2003, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  9. Receipt of second turn sent acknowledged and your apology for being a blustering MasterGoofball is accepted. Now isn't time that you stopped re-arranging the shoe display and get home to send me mine turn? </font>
  10. Hubert (Jimmy) Carter? Wasn't he the President from Georgia? Oh well, gotta go Lurk somewhere else for awhile. Kuni's on to me! [edit to add]- Hey Immer you ever hear of a baseball player named Danny Cater? Oh, and Kuni the R is silent in this one too! [ July 29, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  11. WHOA!! How could I have missed that 2nd turn? Could it have been sent at 3 in the morning perhaps? Full report at 8pm EDT tonite. Oh, Grape Chucker that would be 5PM your time. I'll have a little drop of Golden Florida Feces awaiting in your in-box. You will have 4 hours to return it. [edited again to educate certain people about time zones-ME (8pm-midnite)= YOU (5PM-9PM)] [ July 29, 2003, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. Once-a-day...kinda sounds like your turn-sending strategy. Except for Sundays, when there are NO Turns.
  13. The damage has already been done. Haven't you noticed my good Boo, that currently the most excellent Lady Moraine has become somewhat displeased with me. It is your fault!! Hiram keeps sitting in front of that picture of Shemp that you posted, waiting for him to speak and reveal his secrets. Why hasn't that picture vanished? Do you understand the forces you have awakened? DO YOU?
  14. Boo Do not quail or gnash your teeth. Be joyful! The ill-fortune that would have confronted you would have consumed your very being. The frenzy that overcomes one, when one learns how to post pictures, can be very harmful and destructive. My good Liege lenakonrad is possessed by these very demons and look at the swath he has cut with his digital imaging! Sad it is, I tell ya. Now think of yourself, with the ability to actually post pictures. The horror of this thought gives me pause.............
  15. I HATE TIMEZONES!! GGGGRRRRRRRR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: That is all, Carry on
  16. Alas, my working stiff soul must retire from all things internet at midnight. I will look forward to releasing your pent-up frustration when I am home tonite. Thank you for your prompt response!
  17. I am so relieved that you and Hiram are in such good spirits. It gives me hope that a turn has been sent! PS-Yes, my shirt is still on!!! PPS-Possible no delivery again? PPPS-Thank you for your time.
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