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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Yeah and a hussy to boot. Or is it spelled husy? I'll pop over to the other thread and check out the correct spelling.......................... Yeah it's hussy.
  2. I hope you are not referring to the Space Alien Punk Rockers in Utah Thread. It seems to be one of the most popular titles!
  3. It was no dream. We'll save some room for ya when wino's package is finally delivered. See ya then!
  4. And so the flood waters of the great crossover slowly receded and only the mess was left to clean up. Work was begun immediately on the wall which would once again divide the two kingdoms. The Pengish Leader proclaimed: "No more fraternization! To the wall, to the wall, we must rebuild the wall!!!" Bending under the crack of his great wit, the wall began growing and widening and soon it had reached so far into the sky that the top could not be seen through the clouds. "Is this high enough, oh great Olde One?" "No higher, it must be higher!!!" Soon the wall had reached into the thin atmosphere above the earth and the workers were beginning to suffer dreadfully in the continued raising of the wall. They began to slowly die, one by one, until no one was left except the Olde One. And there was no one left to care.
  5. To the newly annointed Valkyrie I doff my hat.....Long overdue and proudly earned. I am at your disposal in regards our game. To the dismay of many, this return should be of some length, unless the.....real world.... rears it's ugly head again! (please note-only two words italicized)
  6. Anybody seen the wind beneath our wings lately? Way to go Seanachai, you've ruined (or is it runed) that lad. You went and filled his head with notions and such.
  7. Rune Let em start with your post!! Seriously, what a tough job to decide from so many worthy applicants. This community has got to be one of (if not the) most talented, intelligent, and diverse groups you can find.
  8. Usually this reaction is followed by: 1. A new sig line 2. A vow never to post on the General Forum again 3. The realization that the term free man will never again apply to you.
  9. Soddy & Wino What is up with our games? You probably owe me turns or somefink. Do we continue? postpone? restart? cancel? Hello...Talk to me. It's not like I got a life.
  10. Ah...metaphoric imagery. How about: Your wit is like a glass of water filled only half-way ie; halfwit? Given your picture posting abilities, I would have to agree. Just me Nobody but me I'll always be me Can't you see?
  11. Radley Picture this: A man standing, with wings on his back. Now if he were to create a wind beneath his wings, just where exactly do you think that would come from? Given that I can only endorse the Gnome's observation.
  12. My good Liege Konrad To be your Squire until the end of days is honor enough if you will remain with us. To be a knight without a liege can only lead to an empty shallow existence. Just like at Christmas, your presence is required. [ September 04, 2003, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  13. HUH!! :mad: ......okay, I thought Croda came back there for a second. Carry on. Hey Beckett, I don't think Spkr realised you were kidding with your first post. For gawds sake he highlighted your mistakes in his reply. Too Funny!!
  14. Smilies in the Peng Thread? What's next versification in the Cheery Waffle Thread? Okay! My Old Friend Sittin at home one night watchin a little TV when there came a ring from the door I wonder who it could be It's a little late for company tonight As I went to the door I heard a laugh from the past There at the door stood my old friend Ten years I'd seen him last And the memories came flooding back to me And we sat and talked into the night Remembering times when we were young The crazy days when life was fresh No responsibilities Together we had tamed the world He was only passing through and now he had to go I told him to come again But like a river he must flow so once again we go our own ways to live Okay, it doesn't all rhyme, but damnit, that's the feeling this thread and you guys give. PS-I'm sure that it is unintentional
  15. While I was Away And then one day, it came to pass Crossover threads, so full of sass When Yeng met Yang, it seemed so crass But now it's done, don't cry alas The Forum shook, Madmatt awoke The stench was foul, it made him choke "Those loser boys, I'd like to poke Between the eyes, and that's no joke" Steve and Charles were hard at work The tremors came, it was no quirk And Steve looked up, "Who was the jerk That had to post, instead of lurk?" What can be done, to set things right Cess with maggots, a horrid sight Don't blame the left, don't blame the right Just blame Croda, he picked this fight So now you see, the wall is down Peng has smilies, they're all around But don't despair, wear not a frown So much the same, is what I found
  16. Just wanted to pop in and congratulate Boo for his new sig line. It must have taken a mighty outburst to impress the Bard enough for him to utter those words. By the way, at what point did you realize that flatulence was your number one talent?
  17. There, there now lad. Don't apologise, we realize that you cannot overcome a lifelong experience in one post Just as we are confused as to why you would inflict Boo_Radley upon us. Much like your life it would appear. You are aware that there's been a patch (v1.03)? If so please contact Mr. Radley about continuing your game from some months ago. There are no titles in the Cheery Waffle Thread. Well, except for MGD, but nobody takes him serious. Thanks, mike_the_wino introduced this concept and it just sort of took off from there. I think we have almost reached a level of perfection. Except for Teddy Windosr, I do not know of any gents on this thread. So I guess that part of your question will have to remain unanswered. It has been a pleasure
  18. Soddball & mike_the_wino My apologies but I will be away from the Board and our games for a while. You may save or scrap them at your discretion.
  19. Lady Moraine & NG cavscout My apologies, but I will be away from the Board and our games for a while. You may save or scrap them at your discretion.
  20. Great, finish off whatever small furry creature you are having for lunch and: SEND A TURN You degenerative, digressing, digesting, dimwitted, dolt!
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