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Everything posted by Liam

  1. July 28th: another corps destroyed outside of the Parisian Defense parimeter and another weakened South of the Mines in Eastern France near Maginot but still no Cigar. The French forces are connected not divided... the Battle of the Baltic Commences, 1 u-boat lost, 2 Cruisers badly damaged likewise some damage also put upon the Allied forces there..Stalin's Admirals watch with interest outside of Leningrad..
  2. July 14th: French launch a major counteroffensive with RAF and manage to break the German frontlines, German forces re-establish their dominance however and break through the Southern most part of the Maginot... the entire Royal Navy aside from Carriers is now in the Baltic on the Hunt for the Kriegsmarine
  3. June 16th: German forces are 50 miles from Paris. French and British Forces bypassed in the Maginot are weakened the rest are all in diseray. British Navy is massing off Holland, almost every Mainline British Ship Italian War Entry at 94%
  4. May 26th: Axis forces breach further in the hole they pounched through French and British Lines, devouring more of the Allies forces. However experienced the Nifty Spitfire over the Rhine where they hammered extensive damage on one of our HQs and Fighter units...
  5. April 28th 1940: German forces break the Ardenne Forest where another BEF Corps was left to the defense, it was broken by massive Luftwaffe and combined Wermacht Assualts... and then occuppied by German Corps... France's future is now is question... Most of the British Navy is off the coast of Holland
  6. Mar 31st 1940 Winter's end comming in sight. We counterattack after the Death of Dublin Corps, by destroying a French Army in Northern France bordering Antwerp. German forces are overexposed a 2nd attempt on Ardennes wasn't made as expected
  7. following: Winter Offensive Germans weaken Ardennes hex2 in France from LC with Panzer and Luftwaffe support down to 1 no cigar last N.Atlantic Raider, falls victim to Massive French and British Naval operations North of Ireland where the Dublin Corps still holds strong
  8. Jan7th 1940 Wermacht operates over to Face France, first Major Offensive upon the nation. 1 BEF Corps destroyed... German units reinforced. U-Boats bang French Cruiser in the N.Sea down to 2 strength, the German U-boat fleet is near dead... Brits Royal Navy retreats from the Baltic
  9. Nov. 26 '39 Poland and Denmark both surrender.. Poland after significant pounding on the Polish Army and seeing the Ruskies were there to annex their former Borders not save the day they gave in Denmark after 3 airstrikes and naval bombardment First casualty in the N.Sea 1 U-boat down the Kriegsmarine Mourns their loss... Baltic still disputed... France held in the LC
  10. OCT 29 1939: French CounterOffensive and BEF wedge kills a Panzer Division in LC Warsaw falls but Poland does not surrender... Full scale engagement in the Baltic, with 2 Mainline British Warships spotted and near sinking one of U-Boat fleets. as well as air support. Danish Copenhagen Corps banged down to 2... Ireland disputed... N.Atlantic Makes contact with French Navy
  11. To include: PAF retreated to uncertain border in BeluRuss bombs our HQ in Poland we take our first hit on French Army, knocking it down to 5 U-Boat raiders take 8 MPPs
  12. Rnd two for Nazis: We push the Polacks back to a Line 1 hex in front of Warsaw. in the North Army pounds Warsaw down to 6 LC attacked and surrenders... 1 army and 2 airfleets do the damage. British Battleship spotted in Baltic...
  13. first game in awhile, sanctioned League, battle of David and Goliath see if I have a chance Opener Fall Weis Bang frontline Polacks, destroy 1 army badly harm all else save 1 south of Danzig. PAF down to 2.. Denmark recieves a DOW, and is banged by German Cruisers... U-boats disappear into the N. Atlantic
  14. Depending on the team working with you a game like this, as Rambo said could take a couple of years... Depends on the programmers time and interest in the project I usually find
  15. Interesting! I forget that if there is no landbridge you cannot place a land unit there regardless of having 5 supply guess cause usually I never run into that problem. Italians do well in Russia but not that well. Some people argue on how powerful to make Italy... sometimes I finding teching with Italy easier, it seems either a bug or merely the chance factor but there are many times I reach AT 3-4 with Italian Units and regardless of their low rated HQs still gives a big power hit against invading US forces... Rarely though can I afford Italian Jets and German Jets, don't think that's a good idea. Think Germans cause of the higher MPP Yield should shoot for Jets<and Heavy Tanks> and Italians for AT... I've even tried my hand at Italian Naval Technology but that seems to be a usual dead end Big question: It seems that Allied or Axis HQs enhance the supply of other Satelite or Sister Nations after they've gone through the usual 5 of there own. Granted that there is less than 5 within their OP area and there is Friendlies within that range. Am I wrong? I'm not sure, but I heard a few of the big guys discussing the French HQ in this manner for some reason. Could've been just for later Disbandonment P.S. Supply is the biggest reason I notice for new players losing... was my own, that and basic strategic erros P.S.S. The Germans should start with AT 1 with the 88 [ January 09, 2004, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. Jets of the 40s and early 50s era much like this game, and as far as this the era represented in this game could achieve would be able to make the aircraft go faster but not shoot faster or more accurately. The destructive capability on the ground for jets is no higher than props...aside from sometimes the speed in getting there...as their speed is primarily for interceptor power not for air-to-ground capabilities. Bombers that reach jet technology is a whole different ballgame. We didn't use Jet Bombers during that period I know of and their effectiveness vs Prop Bombers I think is even questionable to this day. Both fast, both durable...and same payload... A-Bombs are tricky, I don't think that 1 should end a War with such a great risk. It took 2 on Japan and the knowledge she was beset on all sides.The fact is both Axis Nations were fanatical and Hitler may have forced his cards down to the last man unless you got him personally in the blast As Stalin would be even worse. I think that Regime Goverment should be taking into consideration here. USA/UK/France being much more likely to surrender to an A-Bomb Blast. Facist half as likely and Communist not at all likely... Also the delivery system. Germany would've had trouble getting one out when their skies were owned. We should make it particularly hard for a weak air nation to develop nukes and secretly deploy them. I don't know personally on the percentages. Once they get up there, they're pretty safe but I prefer the possability of attaching them to a normal bomber unit, but increasing the range/decrease the damage upon the unit/and also ty in Advancing bomber technology to carry an A-bomb to begin with... Don't know how vital Hard Water was either, if this was really a Strategic hex, we should allow for each nation to bomb it also! ;)Only natural and that's how the Brit's kicked the Nazi Nuclear Program.<sorta sorta sorta > [ January 09, 2004, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  17. Edwin, fine ideas! my opinion about Intel from Resistance is a bit different. As much information was gathered by Radar as by resistance cells in France and in other places. Radar technology that is already applied to Ships should also be applied to this intelligence. German Night fighters were eventually fitted with radar to help detect RAF Night Bombers. Your idea towards Anti-Aircraft technology and the possability of adding a bonus for a city is good and realistic. the Germans had some awesome anti-aircraft guns. Was it a Million pointed in the skies over Germany? That's not represented in the game. I takes 2 men to crew any gun, sometimes more... Sure, you can put women and children in that position but that wasn't towards later in the war when Manpower was a drain... Strategic bombing is a big issue. Fighters should be downgraded, and bombers upgraded. People tend to forget even just 1 small raid, like the Dambusters took out what 3 major German Dams and did untold amounts of damage. How many tanks didn't make it to Russia from that damage? I'll assume hundreds... Given the power of rockets and subs I'd say if nothing else we should re-consider the power of the bomber. if nothing else, we should give the ability if you develop beyond WW2 tech as you do with Jet Fighters to increase the value of Bombers in the later stages as a possible strategy. in major Consideration an A-Bomb. leveling any target it hits to 0, resource/port/city hexes and have significant damage to ships as well but not as great towards ground forces which can disperse much more hastily than Ships also the civilian factor. Doubt an A-bomb would've ever been used on anything but Germany or Japan itself [ January 08, 2004, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  18. as far as the New League, give it a chance. Noone is perfect. My own behavoir in other gaming circles has been less than sporty. We all have our stints. Kuniworth has not cheated, he's a decent fellow and he's genuinely attempting to add to the SC Community allow for some Critizism. It's good work with it, Nothing is perfect, it's only a game and we all need to focus on that point. I'll definitely join when I get a chance to get an EVIL ALLY... probably Rambo whose beat me for the 36th time in a row Oh WAIT, I WON ONCE!!! LOL ONCE and he was tired, God I suck
  19. a little sidenote: despite Kuniworth hasn't finished game. I sense it has nothing to do with fear of losing. Just boredom. I don't think he has any ill intent... From what I know of the guy, he's decent and he loves SC. He just needs to make a few very very important alterations to his Game Etiquette<sp Cede games where you've played that you feel you may not be able to finish. You can always play again, do not worry about losing a game...you'll lose a 100 and win 300 if you play that much. do not start games then quit an hour in... make certian you've got the time to dedicate what the other guy does. At least a minimum of 2 and half hours. Unless it's really an emergency or a requirement that you leave... This fundamentals make for good gaming in SC and will not irritate other players. I'm irritated by people who do not finish games with me... Out of about 50 players here, I've had about 5-6 who never finished a game. I really am peed. Those games were a complete waste of time. I have NEVER, not ceded a game I left untimely or was losing. I have ZERO Unfinished games. That's Holier than now attitude, but I know others just like that. most of the top10 guys here are like that
  20. Air Power is not a massive weapon from WW2 like some might assume. Let me give you some basics here. You have radar, spotters, recon and detect air comming. Some of the time you may or may not be able to intercept. often the enemy uses many counters against you knowing where he'll put his air. Also Air is much like Infantry. Infantry's main Goal is to capture Key Points and then control it. Air is similar, it's main goal isn't so much the capture of a point, but to control a point to allow Infantry and other equipment to do their Job. It operates in a particular area and it's role is assigned to it. There are other types of Aircraft from the WW2 era that did many different roles... Infantry often did strategic damage in Commando form, recon in fast Mini Armored vehicles or just the straight up old Scout the death job from the Civil war they often assigned to African Americans Air though is primarily for support of land, when Goering attempted to use Air to destroy armies completely we know the outcome, it was the 1st real failure of the Third Reich and huge Morale boost for the English. SC is EXTREMELY unrealistic in this case, it should never ever be able to destroy ground units. It should be able to allow for only land units to do this. It should however be able to wreak havoc. The many options you can assign to air though should be in your hands, agreed. Fighters wouldn't intercept if they weren't asked to, they'd stay home and drink vodka We should have our choice what to do with fighters. Perhaps linking the protection of a particular Land Army, Corps, or tank or even City/Port/Strategic Resource/ship/etc............ So that if they are struck by the enemy only then will they activate rather than now being almost forced to HICCUP!! if anything goes off within their area of Operation. Also, Ships, Air and Land should have different HQs... It's odd to think that some how Manstien, Montgomery or Zhukov are some how Air Warefare genuises.. Even the inept Goering was better Air Marshall than these men. At the very least it shouldn't effect the quality of the air units under their command. I personally would love including Ack Ack with certian cities. Being able to build stackable Anti-Aircraft Units to put on top of my existing HQs, Land, air units. Then even have AA Technology.
  21. The ideas are wonderful folks! The many options you gain and lose with air. Not just a 'set role' Recon sometimes fails, if you considered you had 100% recon everywhere over all your territory then you shouldn't need airfleets period. That may also be a whole nuther possability. If you have a certain LR ability raise recon and intel all over... with or without airfleets as recon detachments are tiny and high flying. Also more tied into Bomber technology that can fly above fighters in the WW2 era... Perhaps LR Bombers, Heavy Bombers both including larger more durable machinery would have to do with whether or not you can pull intel from the air as we do now automatically with a 1 strength airfleet. IMO, all this is extremely detailed points and not neccessary to include. Though would be sweet and is one of the many possibilities.
  22. Airfleets did operate out of some rough areas, remeber that you can basically make any terrain suitable for airfields, look at the Itty bitty Pacific Islands turned into strato-fortress centers Engineering was required and some time, so at least a turn would be nice I think in the future. It's a house rule anyone could easily implement though! Certian undercarriages were designed for worse terrain, some couldn't handle rougher landing strips and others could. Much like WW1 fighers the biplanes were made with fixed Wheels that basically made anything an airstrip<really true airstrips didn't even exist then> Supplies are a definite point however! Though if you have an organized airforce you can ship them in. perhaps tying in HQs and Airfleets more increasing the cost would be benificial? That being the basic supply system. What would be neat in a future SC, is making HQs into actual Supply LandBoats, that are linked with a Port and have to have a mainland connection and have the ability to be supplied like the are now though also interdicted by enemy Raiders surface/Sub/aerial It's true though, if any land comes in contact with air the damage should be inhuman. Land units with simple rifles and grenades can utterly destroy any number air fleets. The fact is in this game Hubert went with the strategic idea that other units surrounding the airfleet<tank and inf units would protect the airfleet> but the problem lys when all possible protecting armies/armor are 3 or 4 hexes away there is no way they could possibly do jack to protect their air force. Airfleets should take much more damage, I say a Max airfleet knocked down to 1, and any other size utterly destroyed! That way forcing players to do what they had to do historically protect airfields, that vital aspect of the battlefield. an Airfleet operating into noman's land would have little or no protecting forces and would be a cinch to ambush. We really need to evolve the role of Aerial Warfare. I think the basic game design is pretty set. Although the air warfare needs some help to make it more realistic and fun
  23. I have had a few players do this including the one you named. The Honorable thing to do is Cede the Game to the guy
  24. Although things are rather quiet and will be I assume till the next release... I would like to say my War IQ has gone up at least 1 or 2 points just from all the helpful utterly devoted WW2 and Wargames fans here. Some of the guys here really know there stuff! Like to give John and honorable mention most of all cause he has taught me more about WW2 just by little facts and usually knowledge withheld when I was in school reading textbooks... and of course Hubert for programming a game that every High School kid and College should be Mandatory to learn. Excellent to keep your mental reflexes up and although not a historical recreation it brings the interest! It brings the Desire to learn, and of course the rest of us relive History in the only way that's possible...
  25. are there any planned anyone has heard about they don't mind leaking to an ole friend I like to know ahead of time it could be awhile until I check these boards again
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