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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Southern France is now firmly in Axis Hands. Northern France is still in question along with belgium. We attacked Algieria. soon hope for that section of the Nation to fall.. Italian special forces have snuck around France disrupting MPP
  2. Marsellies<sp surrounded soon to fall.. Algiers sees Italian Navy approach, waiting for it to cower, run and hide. Italian Frogmen nabbing an average of 6 mpps per turn out of eastern med near Port Alexandria More BEF corps destroyed in Belgium
  3. French score a victory and take Ireland, no more free Catholics<The British Scourge must be stopped even Rosevelt thinks so -15percent> Deep penetration Corps reach into the heart of France probing for weakspots, the Italian Navy approaches the the Gem of the Med, Gibraltar. The only Cruiser left is shelled repeatedly by French Guns, finally her large 15 Inchers ending a legacy
  4. The Proud Irish Fighting men of the Dublin Corp hold strong but now we're afraid this is enough for them, they should be let to surrender to their British Protestant Overlords Penetration in Marsellies<sp southern France occurs. Italian Navy on the move... Belgium thinning for the final confrontation
  5. German forces assualt Royal Ships off Coast with their fine 88s. Doing petty damage, Hitler is upset though very happy to hear that his Mentor in Italy Mousillini has joined the frey
  6. Gneis is attacked at harbor in Danzig, she doesn't look as if she'll last the Season being hunted nor the rest of the Valiant Kriegsmarine On a brighter note, German forces crush through frontline French Guarding Antwerp
  7. German forces crush a BEF Corps. Reinforce Copenhagen facing a combo of Brit/French Naval bombardment. Air battles over Belgium again. Luftwaffe shows an impressive edge in it's leadership and I imagine takes the cake in that regard
  8. Sneaky little Turd U-301 gets a taste of the French Royal Navy and falleth to the bottom of Fjords near Norway Again no gains in Belgium, aside from destroyed Brit Corps...
  9. UK Commandos surrender in Norway due to overwhelming Nazi infiltration. 1 french corps knocked down to half. RAF and Luftwaffe face off over Belgium. Battles inconclusive
  10. Allies invade Belgium and Netherlands!!! Counterattacking along the new frontline into Belgium the Wermacht manage to badly damage 1 Frog Army and destroy another... In the N.Sea, German U-Boat U-29 seeks to the bottom sadly as it's country and Master Amdiral Lament in it's loss. it took a combo of the Royal Navy and Fleet German Units Transfer over from the Eastern Front to face the grunt of the French and British Scourge UK is plundering away wealthy SAS in Denmark has smashed and hurting for supply
  11. German U-30 escapes Aerial bombardment near port Scapa Flow in the North Sea and moves on to safer waters. U-29 leaves it's payload on the largest British Battleship. We manage to sink one Brit BS In retalation Poland corps smooshed down so they give up. Denmark is opened up like a sore wound by Kriegsmarine Lufwaffe combo and Panzer captures both Copenhagen. Dec10th both Poland and Dennmark sign peace
  12. No sign of the full brunt of the Royal navy, Oak Royal faces off with Gneis in the Baltic, taking heavy damage the German Cruiser Retreats. German Subs hit in Scapa Flow Region attempting to hunt down retreating Royal Navy... Denmark corps smashed and PAF and Warsaw Captured
  13. UK Corps show up in straights of Jylland and gets pounded by German Subs...reduced to strength 3 behind it is the visible English Fleet. Intercepted LW fighters bomb Copenhagen Corps. Polish Front reduced closer to the heart
  14. Axis Start off: Invasion of Poland... crack crack, frontal brush, especially corps to weaken the more mobile units. Sub Raiders hiding in the Atlantic... of Allied tonage in the Atlantic. Denmark recieves a friendly letter of DOW. gets bombarded by Scharnt and Gess. French Mine gets pounded by LW [ November 12, 2003, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  15. John J. is the Allies... opening AAR bid altered 1:1:8 360 Rambo Allies [ November 12, 2003, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. Finland supply is 5 and Riga is hard enough to take on it's own, once you take Riga it's open road all the way to Leningrad anyways<all you need is enough AirFleets then>. Which I find hurts the game that the North is such a small peanut and the South is overextended Like Iron says it pushes RR too high. Leningrad doesn't mean victory at all. Neither does Moscow<but it certianly helps from that point...
  17. Dragon you have to get in with the devoted Groups on the Paradox boards. V.Net is worthless same for HOI<I am going to wait on that venture> You also have to learn quite a bit. It took me about a year learning curb on and off to get good. Now I've managed to avoid Bankruptcies/ inflation/and Nation Colapsing. My funnest SP endeavor was probably Tunisia, Iroqious<really really hard with Exotic Tech> or Tibet. I managed in all situations to create sizable Empires but it gets boring SP fast
  18. Sarge: That's how I like to do things. It's not like SC requires a manual however Wagner Bill: I challenge either of you to a match, I rest assured you will not win
  19. oh, and BTW: EU2 is about half as complicated as HOI and I have never read a single manual about the game although at this point I am giving a tough game for top10 players SC, I have never read a manual or strategy guide for the game and I'm arguably a top5 player My biggest fault in both cases in versatility, that and common sense make a great Strategist and Wargamer
  20. Just to let you folks know something out there. I'm a complete lazy arse when it comes to SC. So I have never really bothered to read all those superflous manuals or study the many dozens of gambits that one can use. I just play it by air, I go in and kick arse! I enjoy it that way, the old fashioned way. Not all this crap about "ohhh, you weren't calculated out." For a little bit of inspiration for you about Warfare You can win this game even if you're half as powerful as your enemy. The basics, focused Warfare is what is called. Tactical Warfare<something SC includes so isn't a complete Strategy game> You focus what you have, and take a risk at rolling the dice on a location and you hope to gain from it beyond what you lose. At best you hope to win a complete and utter Victory. The basis of any strategy to conduct an offensive victory. I.E> Last night I was playing my EU2, that's Europa Unversalis II, the RenWarfare game from 15th-19th century done by Paradox. I was Austria Facing France in the 1700s. When I began a War to free my Brothers in Lombardia<fellow Italians and Alps Provinces> At first I did have the numerical advantage and many Allies but ran a wild offensive and was completely and utterly wiped in half! I was also facing a Political nightmare with the possability of Ottoman Empire and Russia Joining the War see the vulnerability in the Central European Power. I however managed to skip out their involvement rebuild my forces and Rally forth with my Allies to crush the French in a Series of Conflicts. Most Cases, French have the Manpower but I used focused Combat, attacking from 3 locations<just like SC, 3 hex hits> and flanking operations, as well as misleading information by moving ships in and out of areas, troops as well... This completely confused the French and in the end they surrendered to me my Alpine Fort War Demans.. They could've very easily won. 1v1 Most definitely had the Manpower Advantage of twice as many troops...Regardless of such an advantage using the proper techniques of focusing your Power, luring your enemy, baiting and snagging him like a Fish. I would have likely prevailed. This isn't a game entirely of MPPs advantages. This is a game of expansion for the Axis. To some degree it can be the same for Russia depending on your house rules. What most of you rooks do is do not do enough. Fear guides your actions. When you play smoothly, as I was last night in my EU2 game, you feel the movement of your troops. It becomes like a gut reaction. Playing a piano. The fact is, just let it happen out there in the combat field. Get a feel for it. You need to look at your battlefield 3dimensionally, which is what I see is the biggest Downfall of all the players I face on here. Why I win 'any' games at all
  21. Zapp: I think what you're after is a system of which all can be judged by that is relatively fair and even balanced.Well of course you know you're going to step on many toes in figuring this setup out so to speak. Some me feel alienated all that they must adhere to a few simple rules since say for instance; amphibious landings on the same turn as you DOW a major seems to make no real sense. As historically I'm certian surprise was everything? Problem you get with this is that every other gamey tactic is that can be used regardless is lined up like a dirty dozen to be shot. We all sit there staring, bah, dah, and wah....Stop that for me, and do this for me, and so on and so forth... it gets to be a drag Fact is a lot of this 'figuring out' how to counter enemy moves can be done by the Player and not the Mediator of the boards. Regardless if it's gamey. I don't think you can eliminate the gamey tactics. You could go as far as to say massing 14 level 4 jets against Russia in '41 is Gamey? Invading Every Neutral there is? lining up an amount of corpse<sp> along the Russian front 4 times thick??? How the heck was this managed? The thing that will consistently happen with gameplay my friend is all players will reach forth for the set of rules they like best. That will be what they play with and you will not alienate anyone to have it that way. It'll basically decide itself. The top 5 players are likely not to adhere to the same the rest are I've noticed... I've been introduced to new things I didn't even use before by Terif-Rambo-You...So that's how things will run that's how things should run, via gameplay
  22. Dragon: In all my games, the bidding and house rules didn't make a difference to the winner. The Winner was decided besides a few MPPs edited in..It was the best player won, and was just forced to play harder.Rambo has never tried the Rome invasion even when it was legal vs me so I have never had to see that. Though he did a nasty thing with Turkey and Spain once.. >in the end? What am I going to do, create a thousand rules or just let people go with their gut? To do what is wrong and what is right? You can't police these boys, what you need to do is let them create their own personal blacklist with each other. i.e. I'm not going to play that guy again, he only plays to gambitwin... P.S. What about the English Gambit ? so far I haven't once been stopped... [ November 09, 2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  23. Zapp, I vote that we do away with all house rules there is a counter for a every strategy ALSO: we do away with bidding... Cause if there are so many gambits why do the Allies need them? [ November 09, 2003, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  24. Well, 'anger' 'vengeance' and ultimately 'revenge' are good things for a wargame but getting mad gives you a heart attack, getting even gives you a peace/piece of mind. In the Immortal Paraphrazed Words of Liam the Luny Bin
  25. I think it has to do with what Terif said. The HQ attachment.
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