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Everything posted by Liam

  1. There are arguments that the Japanese surrendered due to the fact they were facing 2 atomic bombs and a Huge taskforce of Allied Forces comming for the Home Island from one side. The Soviets comming into Manchuria China from the other. I think there is some hope that despite the fanatical Kamikaze attitude going on in Japan some of the leadership knew it was hopeless and that's what happened ultimately. Did the Americans ever Beta an A-Bomb for the Japanese, I don't recall if that happened? I know my GrandFather on my English side was serving over there in the Pacific Theatre before you Americans wanted to get your feet wet and we were telling you about Pearl ages before it happened. The Japenese probably killed 20 Million Chinese, they got what they deserved as the Germans likely killed as many more Russians. I'd of not lost a Million boys lives as a General for no reason. War is Hell. Only save World Destruction
  2. Gotta give a developer time. Make sure he has a trillion Beta Testers. Some of us know this games bugs better than Hubert
  3. bidding: One Bids to gain control of the Axis. i.e. "100." "125." "Yours." You then proceed on the agreed alotment per nation saying 1UK:1USA:1USSR. Translates. 125 extra MPPs for each, edit, save into a new filename. Viola
  4. should let me sell some copies of SC, I have an EBay site, probably sell of 30-60 copies there!
  5. SeaMonkey, yeah I know there a couple Battle warfare games out there. One thing that interested me about Panzer General when I looked at it was the inclusion of so many battles in one, So that you get the feel of the War. I always feel shortchanged from one battle I suppose. Very into full scale Fronts at the very least. Guess why I love Avalon Hill and SSI
  6. SeaMonkey, I reviewed HTTR, it looks rather low end PentII 300 MHz type requirement. Kinda lame boring 1 Battle game. Bahhhh. Where is a Grand Game with all the battles. I also reviewed HQ, same as Gamespy and Zone. Bahhhh. Less players even... Rise of nations is decent for a RTS... AOEConq2 is old getting boring. Empire Earth RTS has some amazing features, but don't buy the upgrades. Europa Unversalis 2 is excellent and requires a lot of time, not RTS but runs very uniquely. Don't buy HOI or Victoria though, waste of cash, in fact any other Paradox game... WW2online first person shooter beats out the dreadful battlefield 42 Packages that are so fake and gay you wanna throw up. There are several First Person Shooters out these days that are pretty good, but WW2online is massive and the #1. There are several new RTS, no new War games or Board War Games, strategic games. The Old School still rules because Programmers are pretty gay. noone is making something for us old dogs aside from people like BattleFront. I shopped for nearly 10 years since COS for a game like that, SC was not just closest, but the only. Of another 200 games I've demo'd or played, unless you like RP Games, the Market is Pathetic. I'm shocked some of us cannot program, we'd be rich on this this small 10,000 Fringe market. BF is really gonna pull in the cash if they do come out with several unique titles
  7. Attacking Greece is one of the easiest Minors. The reason being you can hit it Athens from every side Amphibiously as Axis. Even Allies can hit it they choose and have the resources in place. You want to send 2-3 Armies 1 German Corps. Surround the Greek elbow that sticks out so that you can land in 4 different hexes around the capitol. If you wish include a Italian battleship to bombard after the landing and have an extra corps on hand to take the city after the port is captured. I think once or twice every did I fail to take Athens with that setup in 100
  8. getting that IT tech is hard. If you got the money for it yeah. I've sat on IT and AT techs for years and never got a return. Really makes you sour to invest in anything but the most required fields. LR and Jet
  9. There are two schools of thought. Reinforce the Italian Navy and build U-boats off the Coast of France to kill a D-Day or remain there to Protect Sweden. Usually the latter is easiest and more practical for the 2 German Cruisers and Sub. They can destroy both Russian destroyers fairly easy and then can counter any move against Scandanavia. Although a Super Axis Fleet off France with Air Support is a prospect that frightens most
  10. Agreed Losing LC to The Allies costs! Your best bet if the Allies attempt Turn 1 is to move in an Armor over the Capitol where Allied Ground Air suffers more and keep your air vigilant to protect. Even move up your Baltic fleet for a surprise hit on any exposed Carriers. Making them intercept lights them up and if the UK player is hunting subs, the French cause of LC Gambit The Rhine is a tedious thing to cross. Though you save in Readiness it's still painful to counter. I have lost to most players who manage to entrench across the Rhine without going through Italy. Italy can be a pain if it takes it a bit to enter the war and the French stack enough protection in the French Alps to prevent a breakthough. Best thing to do is always DOW LC turn 2 no matter what, then you fix any possiblity of anything else happening. Place a German corps border Hex to LC Capitol raises Italian Readiness and there ya go
  11. Dear Jesus, Do not be too upset! Fate saved you and with faith in Almighty God, Fate will deliver those responsible to justice. Take those who have lost away to a better place.
  12. Rambo getting a bit philosphical there aye IMO Neutrals: Germany had walked into Turkey, Spain Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland along with every other nation that would be kind of Strange don't you think? For History's sake there should be no gains for this. They should get the option but with no gains whatsoever. In fact in Spain I'd make it a Russian and Yugoslavian situation. Constant Partisans and requirement of much more than 4-5 corps to keep it under control. That way you pay for taking Iberia. No 8 Supply for Sweden, as Denmark and Sweden are not connected, thus gives you 8 For Norway. Why not Finland if you're going to do it? It's more connected than Sweden and Denmark Suez should allow ships both ways, and units, and FASTER! If Suez falls Iraq should not have to be conquored but join the Axis with the Pro-Axis Goverment there. Bigger penalty for the UK losing it, making it imperative they defend it and not just send their ships and units to pound experience outta Brest Bergen or useless other places in the 40s and 41... Any Invasion of the Swiss should void out Turkey or Spain from ever joining the Axis no matter what. That's fairly straight and historical. Lastly I feel that The Allies Shouldn't have the ability to invade any Neutral without Massive hits. After a certian level I'd break the Russian US/UK Federation into two halves. Both seeking their own Domination. Don't think it would've happened? Much more possible than you realize, especially with the weak relations between Stalin and Churchill/FDR
  13. fact is despite all that's been said. I can get upwards of 10-12 airfleets in a game. that is 2 HQs entirely devoted to Air. Generally if you do not fumble the ground units losing 2 or 3 is a major loss. 4-6 which will usually be half will end the game... Air with experience, high rated HQs and LR is sooooooooooooo evil and dangerous! Almost like Nazis if you don't have a counter. Let's not forget to mention if the Air is using an AA bug and has 3 Carriers backing it up. They can create a KillZone which on unit can enter without being sacrificed. Then again interceptions and MPPs then come into play... Which Jet4 is reached usually MPPs and whether you lose or win the air war is the decision for who wins The only tactic I've noticed to counter massive air is using entrenched Tanks on Cities with the Anti Air helps some too if you can ever achieve a breakthrough for cheap. Also is avoiding Fighting enemy Air Altogether Whenever possible [ March 12, 2004, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  14. Sounds all bogus to me. I think it's time someone created a serious league and posted it up with a Iron Reputation I've got the On-Line Hosting Credentials. Hosted 6 EU MP games over the last 8 months. Never once haven't reported a loss in SC or A&A <never suspended once from any forum accept Fairhousing A&A Forum as he was UBERANAL about discussion about froms>
  15. Interesting subject, I found this site and posted it up awhile back on a discussion about people underestimating the Allies Men, Leaders, Equipment and resolve. Poles of course once upon a time were a Great Power. back in the Day. Just the fact is with many other great Nations they've fallen under with the partition of Poland by Russia-Austria-Prussia in the 18th century. At one time it was the Poles who were kicking the Huns Butt but they had a reversal of fortunes later (also Oddly enough I believe it was Napoleon who freed Poland, and then Rosevelt?) Names or Labels as their more commonly known as are just like one culture or the other. oddly enough the Educated and philosphical tend to have less in their vocabulary. Plus those who've been taught the right stuff In South where I live huge Racial prejudism, but it tends to hit Minorities from African and Hispanic decent more than any other. Even vis versa, towards the native Whites similar distrust, names, sayings... It's all old stuff... Hopefully in a few thousand years people will have a Klingon, Romulan, Xindi, Borg, etc... to name besides our own World/Earth/Peoples
  16. Played a very similar game with Dragon, he's good at bleeding Axis in France! SeaLion is sooooo tough, although isn't there a certian percentage chance that the Allies surrender if Britian falls? I had this Happen with Rambo once. And another player... After Manchester fell, BOOM, Stats were listed<like I'd never seen> and game was over.
  17. Best thing to do in this situation if you cannot sniff Booze John, you're a bad influence! Teehee <gotta try that one time, maybe it'll clear my Sinuses, I suffer from atrocious Indoor and Spring Allergies> Play SC with us Night OWLs on ICQ till 5 AM... You'll be so bloody dead by the 5th or 6th hour you'll wanna sleep!
  18. Rambo: For Finishing all his games in a timely fashion. I don't think that I've missed a game yet with him, all 20-25 games to completion. ZappSweden: For sharing with me a tip about HQ Ratings when both Terif and Rambo withheld it from me awhile back Dragonheart: For Also sharing with me and going light on me. <Damned I should've beat that guy> Terif: For being damned good! <I should've beat him once too!>
  19. thankyou Les, kewl.. I might take this up if I can get a good deal on Panzer General II, I is kinda choppy. What a fan club!
  20. Friendly Fire: yeah, well, it's historical. Soviets were slow. There nation was behind technologically. In this game Soviets are competeing for jets early! Perhaps 1942... Was that possible? Doubtful Curry: I have had Chits on GunLaying Radar with Italy before and gotten nothing. After a year or two the bonus never kicked in.
  21. I just got this game out of a batch of games I was selling E-bay. I never tried Panzer General before because I'd gotten away from the purer Wargames earlier and leaned more towards the strategic ones. Wow! Even the the date, worked on my XP and the interface was really really kewl. My mouse however moved slowly. Could you imagine some of the mixtures of Panzer General and Strategic Command? If you did that what you could come up with? Would be kick ass!
  23. It's just a 100% Chance Random factor who gets tech and who doesn't, along with the system that's already there. If anything in future editions Italians and Russians should get a vast reduction in the ability to tech up. Accept maybe in a few areas... Russians were naturally behind in most areas. There philosphy was numerical from the beginning
  24. I know Zapp, he's just human I don't know you Sarge nor have I ever played you. Play in the league, dependant on attitudes, immaturity? Well, hell, we're all boys. I hate to say it no matter how much we try to avoid the fact it's all a game. No reason to step on someones feelings, or lose your cool. Though of course everyone does it. So what, who cares. Relax, breath, and play more SC I have a anger management issue myself. I have had to learn not to get angry. "Need to get better at SC to take it out on all you players who've continually pounded me!!!!!!!!"
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