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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I thought it was either way advice, AI or MultiPlayer. Basically what Terif said is right but you can play it the way you like, I enjoy historical Conquests sometimes vs MultiPlayer. I'll take some of the Historic ations, I'll even run out Rommel in North Africa! Along with 2 Luftflottes in France attempting to Sea Lion. Really a waste as UK can base her fighters out of Range, the LW only gains experience and possibly takes strength hits from Capitol attacks. I think that Historically a Smart German Army would've hit the Russians better prepared so I go into the USSR with 3 tanks, 2 more armies, 1 more AF, 2 or 3 more HQs with a ton of Corps... Then try to max out my reserves for two objectives, destroy the incoming D-Day or enhance my Eastern Front. A very clever Allied player does deserve respect, he will shove 25 Allied units into France by '42 easy... I can usually put 15 in by '41 with some Diplomatic Luck. So your initial starting units will not do you much good alone... VS AI, the game is sorta boring. I could beat the AI by DOWing every minor and every Major as Germany alone right off the bat. Have done it too... Before Poland is even conquored, try it that is actually fun P.S. attempting to run various strategies and tactics in Game is not easy, it is better to read AARs and copy those moves by watching top5 top10 player tactics... You will learn a lot by watching Terif by PBEM in action. He will usually play you or anyone if you register for a League, as he enjoys competitive play. I learned 5Xs per game what I learn versus a typical player with his strategies and tactics. Iron Ranger, Hellraiser, Rambo, Codename Condor, Pfieffer, JollyGuy, few others all real good to play with too.. Good Action and Learn lots Woohaa !!! I end the game in 1942 with just the units I started with (plus some Corps for garrison duty) teched up. Just the 2 HQ, 5 armies, 2 tanks, 3 airplanes and 6 corps. Why the heck do you need all those units ??? </font>
  2. you're not playing the level of game to use 'em all you will lose.. just your initial units??? By end of '42 at least all the corps should be built. You need them to prevent 25 Western Allied Units and 40 or so USSR Units from killing you. What is 11 or 12 German units going to vs that? Woohaa !!! I end the game in 1942 with just the units I started with (plus some Corps for garrison duty) teched up. Just the 2 HQ, 5 armies, 2 tanks, 3 airplanes and 6 corps. Why the heck do you need all those units ??? </font>
  3. I've learned aggression with the RN, and always employ it. At times this can be dangerous, as it protects the Land of the UK from Invasion on Several points. Fact is, Destroying the Kriegsmarine or Italian Navy is very doable at a HIGH cost.. One problem is if the Axis do not counter by mopping of UK units for just that. I'll trade the Kriegsmarine for zilch supplied UK units that can never be rebuilt and the Italian Navy... Build 4 or 5 Subs with Tech later for Naval Coverage or defense, that with Corps you have a nice barrier reef for Axis D-Day for the Allies is as big a threat as D-Day from the Axis
  4. I'm not the best Axis Player, but I will unveil some secrets! First of all, Minors are a waste for the Axis! Leave them be... or you'll pay for it early! Use Diplomacy to attempt to bring in Spain. At exactly the same point where you take down France. There are several variables to Take Down France quicker. It's either cheaper and more cautious method or faster and slightly more expensive method. Either way smarter to avoid letting your German units border 2 French Armies if you can avoid it that are high in Strength Second move is after France, ignore UK Island, unless it's completely defenseless. If you got Spain, mow down Egypt. Plan out your moves about 8 Turns ahead, so you do not operate unneccessarily. Garrison the West with Minor Units and Spanish ones.. Build up Experience for all Axis Airfleets on Soft Targets... In egypt or Spain for instance. Avoid Naval Battles as Axis without a HUGE gain, they're are too few Axis Ships to gamble against a Decent Allied player. Keep your Axis ships in Port! Denmark is the only Scando nation I'd worry about! Unless the USA enters early, then Rampage, you get no MPPs from Scandanavia as far as I know other than Transporation of Ore as Germany, so it's worthless, unless the UK gets Diplo Luck, counter her after Spain. That or Keep USA out... Your next goal is to knock out several minors for USSR to get the Iniative, how and which are up to you. Tunisia-Vichy-Syria-Iraq or Iran. Or any combo that you wish! Swiss-Greece and Yugo are tougher, and two are diplomatic hits so I'd avoid Minor grabbing till Spain is in your Bag or invade Spain as you invade USSR. The Goal is to have 6 HQs at least. All the Corps and Armies out there, and focus on Maxed Land Techs by Sept of '41 then Destroy the USSR. Earlier the better. The earlier France fell the better, that is the quicker you will have your Goals! Spain comes in the game earlier along with Italy, same... Land Techs maxed! Then Destroy as much of the USSR as you can, avoid Caucasus, take Leningrad-Moscow then Hammer through the South in the Winter months take up position to take Stalingrad in '42 and game over That is my ideal, but sometimes certian factors inerrupt this. I.E. A good Allied player.
  5. Agreed, They have no need to kill off their customers. I'm certian attacking Taiwan, which they consider a province would cause an American ban on Chinese Goods, perhaps European too. Costing them Billions.. Whatever they loan us, they need our consumerminded society to eat their $6.99 teddy bears, and $5.99 Bras. Who can compare? God knows this keyboard I'm typing on is Chinese anyways off the production topic, back on Military.. The Chinese did invade and rape Tibet, nobody talks about this? The Religious Leader of that nation still is in hiding in India or Nepal last I heard! So all this Americabashing, and all this soft talk on China, she didn't get to Dominance by waltzing around East Asia. North Korea is nothing more than a DMZ for China on Korean Pennisula... Always has been, I think just lately they're seeing it as a bit old and archiac to serve the purpose and N.Korea is only holding the Nuclear card keeping China from just saying, "ohhhhh fiddly-deedee!" China cannot afford a Nuclear war on her northern border so she must appease the North Koreans by Feeding them, so they do not starve. Nukes cost money and the that Government has starved it's people to feed it's Huge Military. China will not do this, so I assume the reason they still have a military is due to the tensions around her. Look from Vietnam-all the fractured Soviet States, the Muslim Extremists in the MidEast stretching too close to Chinese interests, the possiblities of Selling their old arms off to finance their new ones! And hey, lookie! I got a new Gun! Ain't it Neat, see it firing 67,000 thousands rounds a second, and not making much muzzle heat.. I say very confidentially, ain't it sweet! And as for the Russian Federation, yes sooooo screwed up Pre WW2 Nazi Germany..
  6. Okay okay, a little too rigid in scripture folks. Perhaps there was some inkling of the future in biblical prophecy, but just maybe, along with many of the great scholars and men of the day, they figured what would happen eventually, inevitable in any future Fate.. Far be it from to pass judgement, but I will judge that people take these passages and they barely make sense to any of modern English Folk! Hell, can you read me the other 20,000 Prophetic Releases of the pass 4 thousand years! I'm certian all of them have a DoomsDay Parade in them. From Babylon straight on up to Atheism, that being the Nuclear Winter Scenario. All Belief, even non-belief, sees an end. Not carved in stone but present! So we should keep our eyes open and aware. Many civilizations, and Periods have known such upheaval already. Anyway, on the topic of the Chinese. I'm not certian why people are so concerned over them. When we have more Natural Resources in Russia than any other Nation. Still the technology capable of growing beyond Any Nation aside the USA. IF they just got their stuff together, a Russisan Federation or a Eastern Asian Trade Power would be something to threaten the future. Trade may be the tool, not Nukes. I forsee, the possiblity that in 50 years, the USA has developed a weapon that renders all Nuclear weapons fired worthless. Blasts them out of the trajectory! ICBMs rendered obsolete, Star Wars for real... Possible? in 50 years, sure! As far as Tactical and Suitcase bombs, well, both very dangerous... But even the Sub Nuclear Threat can possibly be dealt with. That will be the The Threat that looms on the horizen for a long time to come... then again, countermeasures... What we as modern souls must worry about is making our place a better one so that a Psycho doesn't rise up from the ashes and say, if I can't have it all, burn it! Sort of like Uncle Adolf China? That type of mindset, they don't strike me as being all that millitant. So far they haven't invaded 2 Nations outside of their Continent? Though the USA has! My thoughts are they have been building up their economy whilst we have been building up for a Dummy War that has never happened! Selling dummy products to consumer minded Souls of the West... HellBent on having the Fastest Internet Connection, Fastest PC, best Gaming Platform, cheapest best Motor Vehicle, cheap Trashbags so they can afford all that gasoline. Etc... Meanwhile their own economy is becoming as consumerminded as we are! Slowly, The King, Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse will conquor the World.. With DVDs, the Internet, Bambi! God, American's are so cutsey What do the Chinese have on that? SoyBeans and Kung Fu? Wait didn't an Indian introduce them to Kung Fu?
  7. Abstract? You will not build a new a Cruiser or Battleship as Germany-USSR-UK-Italy or France ever in SC2 terms. The cost of a Battleship makes them dangerous to use in the field. If you should run amuck with them, it's unlikely you will repair them unless you the opposing fleet remained in tact and you operated your fleets poorly against Ports or out of supply combat situations. The USA is the only nation really able to build a Fleet, and that's a goody... Against a Germany who built Subs... That is the reason Battleships were made cheaper and since they're not worthwhile vs Subs only the 3 other Naval units available what good are they! Bombardment in rare occassions that you can actually perform one without taking 2 hits back! Most save their navys till the end game and use them in an all out effort to take a bridgehead or the only other reason to knockout resources and squeeze chokepoints along the map. They can serve some stragetic purpose but that is a waste of cash, they're a better tactical resource by far...
  8. I always love a Free French Battleship, but they're very useful for scouting, protecting English Ships, hunting Subs. The Longer that France lasts the more punch they pack. Actually what is missing is a french submarine! check historical figures Gamey, yes, but a combined Anglo-French fleet would've never let the Germans or Italians breath a second in any Ocean of any part of the World.
  9. Yes, the U-Boats were effective as the English Isles required Shipping to survive, the Germans did survive without it in two World Wars. Of Course by 1918 Germany was starved just as much as Britian in either case by the naval blockades. Ukraine Grain was too little too late? I do not know the precise figures, I have heard the rich Dairy diet of the German people, made it particularly harsh they had to rely on their own resources alone in WW1. In WW2, they substituted by stealing it from every other race! Sort of the plunder and Scorthed Earth Policies you see... Plundering to feed the Fatherland, NOT TO FAR OFF THE SUBJECT: Great Britian needed that ore, oil, food, war supplies, to survive. She lived in Rations after the war well into the 50s as far as I know! That is the impact of the U-Boat, not reflected by SC2 at all! Strategic Bombing is a more powerful weapon, the only way Subs are effective is a pre-invasion force and knockout force at around level 3 or level 4... Unstoppable warmachines... They're not really a strategic weapon at all, I do not ever feel the wraith of the U-Boat in SC, economically, only militarily! Politically during WW1, they were going to doom Germany, unrestricted U-Boat warfare is what really hurt Germany. However German U-Boat Captains did complain UK Merchant Shipping were armed and baring False flags often... They had to shoot first before they could warn the Merchant shipping, the British were not going to let the Germans take down their shipping without a political cost.
  10. USA will leave Iraq in 2 years time... Possibly as soon as the elections bring us a new Democrat. It's inevitable. The American People and Government do not have the will to enforce Democracy and Stability upon the Iraqi People. Those people will splinter, fall into chaos, be divided amongst local powers, enhancing local ambition like Iran... Turkey... So really we got rid of a complete insane dictator, thankyou anyone? The HUMAN COST was high! 600 thousand plus dead Iraqis, yes, but then again if Saddam's kids would've inherited the Throne wouldn't have been much different? I'm not sure, and I will not speculate... Do not attempt to unless you're smarter than me, and I do not even have a degree in Political Science, Culture, Religion. Merely an admirer of some who do Obviously this problem was MASSIVE, religious intolerance, Fascism in Modern times practiced in the same inhuman fashion of the previous century... And Old Hatred going back before we were involved and will continue for a long longggggg time. Like Yugoslavia splintered.. Time for the U.N. and the USA to do their job, and police the place, time for the World to take responsability and stop being a Hypocrit. Time for the USA to admit we screwed up! Now I know why Bush Senior didn't Take out Saddam. He didn't want the job of policing Iraq for the next 25 years plus. This is worse than Korea or Vietnam.. America is out, Public opinion is dwindling, a few hardliners will stay, 60% of American's want out and the 40% undecided yet on the exit strategy will just need $5.00 a gallon gas to say, I'm with the Majority. Remeber now, no Nation is perfect. Though can you really say everything in Iraq was bad? I saw the people as hailing American's as Liberators personally. Think of the Kurds and Shi'ites who were opressed under the boot of the Sunni Minority PsychoPathic Nazilike Freaks? Do your homework before you knock the facts Euh... Isn't is kinda obvious, why people distrust so-called superpowers ? They tend to invade other countries, usually under under false motives, you got to give the people at home a reason why they should send their kids to death. Rome did it 2000 years ago, Napoleon did it 200 years ago, the UK did it 150 years ago, the Germans did it 60 years ago, the USSR did it 40 years ago and now the US are doing it : invading countries that did nothing to them under some bogus reason. One would question motives for less... </font>
  11. SeaMonkey, in the past I think wrong and right were a bit more clear. We are now for the first time uncovering the true human nature we possess. We are looking at it, attempting to do it objectively. More people are educated and luckily so far the World has prospered for "us"! There have been worse times in history... The End of Rome, The Great Plagues of Europe, the Mongol Invasions... Actually neccessary to promote new growth, sorta like burning off an ugly pine forest to get a new beautiful Spruce One I do not think American's for the most part see themselves as a super power, people think we do, but honestly we have always believed that China, Russia, etc... were as capable... We're very modest, you may have find a few with some pride and ego, but hey, it's human not really American That's the thing I sort of detest about some nations. Superiority Complexes. Look Germany vs the USSR, didn't work for them did it? Superior but ultimately destroyed by those they thought to be subhuman! Right now as we speak I hear a commentary by James Woods on China, talking about a Farm Community, barely able to feed itself, running out of fertilizers... the land destroyed by the new Industry!!! Poor, stripped, starving people still to this day! I have heard that for them though industrialized at what cost? How many Chinese workers bringing us Cheap Motherboards lost their hands doing it? With no work comp! We definitely don't know the hardship some other people know. Not as much now! As before... Though honestly, picking up timelife I checked the income bracket for American's... what it is, 70% of us make less than 50g a year, whose living the good life? 10% of people are earning enough to be considered above Middle-Upper Class? Lordy! The American Dream, quite elusive, I think that Foreigners do not have a very objectivew view on us either!
  12. Moon, You're right to say that I sensed 'personal' Hostilities in your words. This board isn't so serious allover to be scrutinized in one place. Personally I do not know the fellow and I'm not that big a sports fan. The World did suffer and a sense of Nationalism is something you just will not change.
  13. The Chinese have a lot of People, and are fast surpassing the West. Some believe the Industrial boom in China will hit rock bottom and the pollution is already in the water so they have an uncertian future and competitors everywhere. Raising military spending, I'm not sure what that accounts for as fielding a 100 million men today is obsolete. This is not 1900. When that would've mattered... Perhaps in a 3rd World Regime! One Tactical Nuke could clear off 20% of that Army, and remeber China still as far as we know, has no ICBMs... Of course she doesn't really need them all that much! As far as a Local Power, she is that, few nations could stand up to her militarily. I doubt North Korea would exist without China. Also it is true we buy nothing but Chinese, it's nolonger Japanese boom in America but the Asian Market is a lucrative one and only growing allover. It will get bigger and bigger in the future but I do not know for certian the temporary growth China is seeing will remain strong in 20 or 40 years from now as I mentioned before. As many other Nations in History can be reflected upon. Consistent Growth Requires good Planning, something us American's haven't done so well! I do not forsee us as thet SuperPower in 100 Years, do you?
  14. All is on the line, tonight Rambo has challenged to finish our Duel, He's the Tyrannical Axis and I am the Savours of the Free World and Not see Free World in The East
  15. This is my record since 1.2 in PBEM and IP Games: Zeke Tucker- KIA Konigs - KIA X2 Rambo - KIA X2 & 2 pending RRWEEKS - KIA HellRaiser - KIA Scook - MIA X2 ComradeTrapp KIA Rambo and Terif are the only two Threats to dethrone me. Rambo just 1 Win over me since the new patches and has 2 pending matches, to prove his Legend Status still burns That particular match was quite the fluke, he was extremely lucky with the Allies and it will not happen twice! :eek:
  16. Has anyone noticed a diminished level of Partisans where there is AA upgrades?
  17. HC, I was already aware there is 2 seperate Calculators, however the big difference is that Heavy Bombers 3 or 4 is much more effective than GLR 1 or 2 People can also use a Resource to protect a unit... just place AA upgrades on it, A little bit sneaky! An interesting question ASW is the counter to subs 4 or 5... Which is a deadly weapon, but why limit GLR if you do not limit subs? Why not just increase the expense to 125 MPPs instead make it a full 3 or 5 Tech? It would make the Italian and German Navy useful past 1940
  18. This strategy pays when the Axis are thinned out in other Theatres, you can then send in the American's with 5 Land units an HQ, and several Ships! Boom! The entire Front will fall, not completely ahistorical in that India is a perfect pad to hit Africa, or South Africa... However with the Recovery of Egypt, which is not reflected is Axis Conquest and Liberation movements in Africa! Italian East Africa would've been retaken by the Italians and Germans speerheading a small force to crush all the British Garrisons in Africa as in WW1. The Germans should get 1 or 2 corpsize units, African volunteers fighting against their opressors in Cairo Egypt the minute the Allies show up! The Axis would have been favored in Africa/Arabia despite their Ideologies, all of those colonies loathed the Allies.
  19. Just watching a show on the Battle of Britian, hidden files, showing a 3-D image of the battlefield. The German's had a good image of many English Airfields, however, over ten thousand feet some of the disguised airfields were invisible to highflying Recon Aircraft and missed. It's hard to get a decent picture of things without absolute Air Superiority. Spotting Range should be reduced via Strength Points mantained with an an area of operation.. This may not be easily implemented, perhaps spotting range could be reduced though say when a Fighter is below 6 or 7? By 1, then between 5 and 4 by 2...any futher diminished all the way? Reflecting air superiorty
  20. Alright folks lets not make this a whose right and wrong topic. There is some archeological proof that the Native American Indians of the USA may have actually taken this land from a former Race, evidence is bones on the West coast as well as Prehistoric Evidence of Human presence in North America before the crossing of the Bering Straights. meaning the new Naturals killed the old ones, much like we had done! Also, who taught us how to kill them off? Our European Ancestors who themselves are our forefather taught us the New Settlers the same corrupt ideals that they shared and as in France's case, some new ideas like Freedom and the Statue of Liberty The French and American Democracies though one shortlived mirror one another. We are all brother's and sisters and deep down all share the same things.. Germany was only one of many nations filled with Hate and Evil, and they were taught it by their Fathers just as we were. The Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian and English. You must purge hate and evil and that is done very well by Genocide and Mass Murder Even the Hebrews were renowned for genociding early races in Isreal few thousands years back
  21. The one issue is that if you produce level5 German tanks Blashy, why build anything else? They're Powerful, considering they can kill off a Russian unit with 1 attack! 6 or 7 by Sept 1941 with some Morale is more than deadly... This is not a defensive game I don't find limits are necessarry. A L5 tank cost X more MPPs, which means a player will have a hard time producing alot, or if he does produce all german tanks at level 5, he will shortchange himself somewhere else. I like that it leaves it to the players to decide where to go. MPPs and hard build limits are enough for limits. </font>
  22. Air is decisive on good terrain, but not all terrain. i.e. The East was too massive a Front to have air as the decisive factor. The bombings the Allies did in the Italian campaign at times created more hiding places for the Germans, I would say in Normandy you have a lot of units piled up on a few roads. Also tanks are better targets they're bigger than infantry that scramble amongst the woods. Air is excellent for recon, i.e. Kursk, Russians flooded the skies to prevent the Luftwaffe seeing their rear Reserves, and it may have changed the outcome of that battle and the length of the war. Strategic bombing was not proven to be a winner in WW2, and no real objective ideas were ever obtained from it's use. It is quite abstract. Bombers would be better at recon, hammering out ports, harassing supplies, hurting Naval units. Precision Bombers anyways. Area Bombing is a hit and miss thing in Europe where it's bad weather most of the time.
  23. I think the sprites are abstract to represent more than the model but the evolvement. As 70% of a tank unit at level4 may still be actually new and improved Panzer 4s...
  24. few toys: German tanks: lvl 0 Panzer2 lvl 1 T-38 lvl 2 Panzer4 lvl 3 Panther ? lvl 4 Tiger ? lvl 5 King Tiger ? German Jets: lvl0 Me109 E lvl1 109 K ? lvl2 FW190-D lvl3 FW190-D13??? lvl4 I have no idea lvl5 never seen it
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