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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. The data loss was a lot worse then I thought, it reset pretty much everything. It also deleted all the members so your going to have to reregister when we come back online. Hopefully I will have it back up and running sometime tonight (Wedensday). Comrade Trapp
  2. Kurt I didn't say anything. Comrade Trapp
  3. Notice the smilie with the glasses in his post, it is the matrix. mwhahahaha! Comrade Trapp
  4. What, no one else can handle the pressure? Afraid of getting owned by Comrade Trapp, huh? Comrade Trapp
  5. Kurt I wouldn't say symphaty, more like respect. And what do you mean I'm grumpy with newbies? If a newbie comes in here and shows respect to others, he/she will be respected in return. I can be a newbie's biggest ally or worst enemy. Comrade Trapp
  6. Attention all newbies: Study the above post carefully, this is how you should act when posting as a new member to the forum. Notice how he doesn't claim to be a veteran player and even admits he's new to the game, he took the time to check and see if the question had already been answered (something thats not expected from anyone, let alone a newbie). Notice how he said "please" and "thank you" in his post. I'm not saying that you have to do all this stuff everytime you post, but he just created one hell of a first impression of himself. We have no problem with new members joining the forum, you have every right to be here, but don't come in here with a disrespectful attuitude, respect those who were here before you. Well done Frostwarrior . Now to answer your question. When France falls, Vichy France is created. Vichy France includes Southern France, Algeria, and Syria. In order to capture any of those areas, you must declare war on Vichy France. You would do that like you would any other country. Hope this helps, good luck. Comrade Trapp
  7. Strategic Command HQ is offline at the moment until the board settings can be restored and the fourms can be restarted. We should be back online by Tuseday night. Comrade Trapp [ November 24, 2003, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  8. Ok.....That was just about the most random thing that I've heard said on this forum. You even got Kuni beat with that one. Comrade Trapp
  9. I have just been notified that one of the servers used by our hosting service has gone down and has suffered a major loss of data. The server that went down was Server 2, I don't know what server we're on but from what it looks like, chances are we were on Sever 2. The following was posted by the hosting service on their support forum, they are working as we speak to recover what they can. Post 1: Post 2: More to follow...... Comrade Trapp
  10. ChinaWins What are you talking about? I haven't heard one person say you are stupid and a waste of time, you need to grow some thicker skin. Secondly, yes, you are a newbie compared to the people on this forum. Beating up on the AI is nothing compared to playing against a human player. I don't care if you give the AI 100,000 mpps, it will never do anything new, it will still never do certion things (Sealion, ect.) Also, in the year that I've been here, I have never played a game with anyone that I thought cheated. This is not the type of game that is so competive that people take the time to hack it, nor is anyone on this forum like that. Comrade Trapp
  11. I know parts of this subject have already been covered, like what to do before the Fall of France and how to defend France. But I have never seen general Allied strategies discussed. What do you guys do as the Allies; does anyone try to counter Axis moves in anyway? Launch counter-invasions? What is your general strategy (I know general strategies change depending on what the enemy does)? Lately, I have been thinking about a high-risk, high-reward invasion of the colonies of Vichy France shortly after France falls. Algeria would be a perfect platform to launch offensive operations in the Med. Not to mention the all the airfleets you can station there. Also an Allied Algeria would force the Axis to split up their forces, therefore they couldn’t focus all their resources on Egypt. Tell me what you think. Comrade Trapp [ November 21, 2003, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  12. Pico Never heard of that, SC doesn't take up a lot of memory for me. This would be something to post in the "Strategic Command - Tech Support" forum. Comrade Trapp
  13. terppana Two things: 1) There is a big difference between reading about what has been going on in the forum and taking part in them. 2) If you did have any idea of what the situation was, then you would have known not to bump this thread back up to the top! Jersey hit the nail on the head when he said: Now please, let this thread die. Comrade Trapp [ November 21, 2003, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. Les It was doing that crap last night too, I'm at school right now so there isn't much I can do about it at the moment. I'll e-mail the board service of it isn't working when I get home. Comrade Trapp
  15. Damn, tough crowd.......... Not saying your wrong, but you guys are getting worse then me. Comrade Trapp
  16. I agree with Blashy, although I would rather have option to have it be a 2-6 player game (Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, Unted States, Soviet Union). I really like the idea of having diplomacy. One thing that I like thats was done with "Hearts of Iron" was that there was a communist allience that could be formed with the USSR as it's head. The USSR could choose to do this as opposed to joining the Axis or Allies. Comrade Trapp
  17. Les Don't worry, I know that wasn't aimed at me. And while I believe what I said in my original post needed to be said, I think your right when you said this thread shouldn't have made it to page two. Or at least for the reasons it did. In defence of Battlefront, I do think they are running things a lot better than they were, although I think all of us need to work to get this forum back on-topic. All off-topic things like the Zapp Leno's Tonight Show should be posted at Strategic Command HQ and leave this place for the strictly on-topic discussions. ErrantRecce1 The following is from Battlefront's Terms of Use: I believe your in violation of section 6 of Battlefront's TOU. I didn't see anything in the TOU that suggests I'm in violation. I have tried for ignore your remarks for the most part and I will continue to do so, but you just keep at it with your smartass remarks. This will be the last post I make in responce to you, your not worth my time. Comrade Trapp [ November 19, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  18. Jersey How come he gets a parade at 22 posts and all I got when I hit 1000 posts was a stupid cookie? I feel cheated! btw, you gonna sign up for Rambo's 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout? You know your on my list of people to kill. Like I told Rambo, your time has come to parish at the hands of Comrade Trapp. Comrade Trapp
  19. Hear that Zapp, we're "chuckleheads". Oh well, I've been called worse...... Comrade Trapp [ November 19, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  20. We'll be waiting......... Comrade Trapp
  21. I wouldn't say that, we're just going through some tough times at the moment. The "newer generation" might have to pick up the slack for us a for little while, but we'll pull through. Especially once we get some more intel on SC2, for all we know it could be coming out sooner then we think. Comrade Trapp
  22. Jersey NEVER question my authority again in front of the others. Do I really need to put you in your place? Comrade Trapp
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