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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Dragonheart I don't think a new league would get any of the players that have left to come back. They left (or were banned) for a completely diffrent reason which I have already voiced my opinion in another thread, it really isn't because of a loss of interiest. Although I'm glad you are concerned about what is going on. I see your point about a new league, but I got to disagree. What you propose was discussed around April when our first ladder fell apart. The first ladder was done on the forum using a new sticky thread every month and was not done on a ladder site. It was a good start and we had fun with it but it eventually failed. The problem with what you suggest is that it would be too competitive for SC gaming, most people play SC for fun and not to be competitive. The great thing about Z-League is that you can play who you want, when you want. If I wanted to play a Z-League game right now, I would just post in the "Opponent Finder Forum" and would probably find another SC member who plays on Z-League rather quickly. I don't have to worry about who I have to play and things like that. If someone wants to play only lower players that’s fine, but they wouldn't really climb the ladder. Lucky, to my knowledge, no one does that. Z-League for the most part is just a way to keep track who is ranked what. It feels good to win a game and see that you've been bumped up a rank or two. If you lose, it’s no big deal. Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. Curry Not a bad idea, although Hubert would be the one to ask about that, Battlefront doesn't deal with the game design, I think sales and support is their area. I agree with everything you said except for changing the cost of researching tech. The cost isn't the problem, its the system itself. Some people put 5 chits into Jet tech and get nothing while the other guy puts 1 chit into Jet tech and gets +1 the on the first try. Comrade Trapp
  3. I didn't agree with it either, but still, Zapps a good guy. Hopefully we'll get this all sorted out soon. As for PBEM over TCP/IP, there are ups and downs for both. I like PBEM because you can take your time without wasting your opponent's time, but I like TCP/IP because I like to keep the game going. Personally, I like enjoying a long game of SC (when I have the time), so I usually stick to TCP/IP. DSEDS Playing against the AI is ok for practice, but it is my opinion and the opinion of a lot of others, that you haven't played SC until you've played human vs human. The AI doesn't count because: 1) It will never Sealion as the Axis. 2) For the most part, it does the same thing. 3) It doesn't know the meaning of the word "defend". 4) It doesn't stop attacking, even if its in it's best to do so. 5) Its too easy to beat. Like DragonFlame said, he never lost a game until he played a human player. Comrade Trapp
  4. Curry Exactly, that’s what I'm talking about. The SC Forum is by far the best I've ever been on. Like I said in my earlier post, I have made a lot of good friends over the year that I've been here and I would hate to see it all fall apart because of this. But unfortunately, if things don't change, that may very well happen. Personally, I have thought about that, would it work out, who knows. But regardless, that would be an absolute last resort. I personally would not want to see it come to that, but at the same time, we might have to if things don't change. Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  5. DragonFlame I suggest you stay with SC, I know it can be frustrating as hell when you play human players for the first time, we've all been there, you just gotta stick with it. I said the same thing back in my newbie days about the gamey tactics that are sometimes used, trust me, you will learn to accept and counter them, just takes some time. SC is by far, one of the best war games I've ever played. As for Z-League, don't let the dispute between Zapp and Terif stop you from playing competitively. Z-League isn't perfect, but we're working to improve it everyday. Hope to play you in a game sometime. Dragonheart The old generation isn't gone yet; we just seem to be dropping like flies at the moment. Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. I may very well get banned for saying this, but at this point, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. So here it goes.... In my opinion, it is the moderators that are responsible for the downfall that we are going thru on the forum. They have been slowly driving this forum into the ground since last June with their absolute enforcement of the rules that are too strict to begin with. I believe that I would have completely lost interest in SC and this forum a long time ago, if it weren’t for the members on this forum. I consider a lot of you guys friends, especially the "veteran" members who have been here with me for about a year now. The Mods don't understand that. Considering most of us post on this forum at least once a day, I don't see why that’s so hard to understand. For the past 3 months, we have been losing a lot of our "veteran"/"core" members and I think its because the way this forum is being run. I was talking to JerseyJohn and CC Baxter (both have been here for since the beginning) the night Kuniworth was banned and I think we came to this conclucion (don't quote me on that because it not my place to speak for them). To show what I'm talking about I'm gonna quote some of the posts from that conversation the other night. Comrade Trapp
  7. They probably haven't seen it yet, I'm sure it will be within the next half-hour. Comrade Trapp
  8. Baxter No one could give a better description of what is happening. Couldn't have said it better myself. Comrade Trapp [ September 29, 2003, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  9. Couldn't agree with you more there. I said this in my last thread; I believe that I would have completely lost interest in SC and this forum a long time ago, if it weren’t for the members on this forum. I consider a lot of you guys friends, the Mods don't understand that. Considering most of us post on this forum at least once a day, I don't see why that’s so hard to understand. For the past 3 months, we have been losing member after member and I think its because the way this forum is being run (I know I'm gonna get banned for that one). Comrade Trapp [ September 29, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  10. Give me a break, yes his last thread was off topic but he was in no way spamming and didn't deserve to get banned. Even you guys got to admit that he has behaved himself since being banned some months ago. How long was Kuniworth's "probation" supposed to last, I know its been a couple months since he was banned, was there a set date for it to end or are you just using this as an excuse to ban him. Did you guys bother to look at any of the good things he's done for SC and the SC Forum? Believe it or not, many people (including myself) were beginning to (and still are) lose interest in SC due to some of its shortfalls. Don't get me wrong, SC is a great game, but the shortfalls of the game get to you after you play it again and again. In order to prevent this, many of the members on this forum have spent much time and have put a lot of hard work into making mods, keeping up interesting discussions, and keeping up competition within the SC forum. Kuniworth is one of these members; Kuni has put a lot of time and hard work into the SC Ryder Cup and has made a lot of interesting threads that should be credited to help keeping interest in the SC Forum and SC itself. I believe that I would have completely lost interest in SC and this forum, if it weren’t for the members on this forum like Kuniworth and others. I consider a lot of the guys on this forum friends, hell most of us post here at least once a day so I'm not surprised. And I think if you go through with this banning, you will be stirring up a lot of crap. Well, I'm glad you guys are convinced because I doubt many people on this forum agree with your actions. Comrade Trapp
  11. Curry You should have seen all the bad things Jersey was saying last night...... :eek: Comrade Trapp [ September 29, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  12. I think foul play may be involved in Disorder's disappearance. The Euros knew that if Disorder continued he would have won, bringing the Ryder Cup to a tie. They couldn't handle the fact that Team USA was superior to the stupid Euros, so they "eliminated" Disorder to prevent us from achieving our glorious victory. For this, they will pay....... :eek: Comrade Trapp [ September 29, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  13. Jersey, your going a bit too far there, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.......... Comrade Trapp
  14. Yep, leave it to the Euros to cause problems. Comrade Trapp
  15. awwwwww, how sweet........ [ September 28, 2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. J P Wagner I don't think Jersey saw the link that was on the site in question; if he had I'm sure he would have agreed with you. Regardless, your previous post was completely unnecessary. Comrade Trapp [ September 28, 2003, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. So Jersey, did you ever know anyone who fought in the Revolutionary War? Comrade Trapp
  18. Thats often the case with most combat veterans, and when they do talk about it, its often pretty gory. I had a grandfather that fought as an Army infantryman in WWII Europe and a uncle who served 2 1/2 tours as an infantryman in Vietnam. Neither one of them talked about their experiences too much. Comrade Trapp
  19. Zappsweden All I'm going to say is that I'm disappointed in your decision. I don't see what your trying to prove by refusing to put it to a vote, but I see we're not going to come to terms on this so I'm not going to bother continuing this discussion. Please don't take any part of this argument personally, I respect you, I just strongly disagree with your decision here. Sincerely, Comrade Trapp [ September 28, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  20. Thanks for the congratulations, Moon locked your thread before I could thank you. I don't ship out to Parris Island until August 2nd of next year so I have awhile to prepare. Hope to see you around here more often. Comrade Trapp Moon: Sorry for posting this, I wanted to thank Hueristic but I didn't have his current e-mail address. Comrade Trapp [ September 28, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  21. Zapp Is there gonna be a vote or not, as of right now on the thread I made, the vote is 0 in favor and 4 opposed. If there was an offical vote I'm sure more people would bother taking the time to vote. If this isn't put to a vote, there is gonna be some major problems in the near future. The lack of a vote will and currently is degrading the integrity of Z-League. This has nothing to do with Terif. Comrade Trapp
  22. Thats what I was trying to do before, but Zapp posted saying it wouldn't count so the voting pretty much stopped right there. Comrade Trapp
  23. Zapp I'm not arguing that there should be a vote for every minor change made to Z-League, but for something that is causing as much controversy as this, it should have been put to a vote when people first started voicing their disapproval. Many people didn't bother voting when you posted on the vote thread that the vote wouldn't count either way. You havn't really givin anyone a chance to complain. Once again, you didn't give them a chance, you stopped the voting when you said it wouldn't count. Before the voting was stopped, there was 3 opposed and 0 in favor. There is no doubt in my mind that if it was put to a vote, it would be voted down. Comrade Trapp [ September 28, 2003, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  24. Rambo I've already said that my argument has nothing to do with Terif. I'm arguing that this rule should've been put to a vote. You said it yourself that you would have never voted for this rule, and there is no doubt in my mind that if it was put to a vote it would be voted down easily. But yet, it hasn't been put to a vote, why is that. Before this I thought that Z-League was run by its members, but now it’s beginning to look like its being run by Zapp and only Zapp. There are no guidelines in place to prevent Zapp from doing what he damn well pleases; maybe there should be some guidelines to prevent problems like this. Comrade Trapp
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