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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Finally, some good news, we haven't had that in awhile. I think this will lightin things up a bit, your always thinking, thats what I like about you. Comrade Trapp signs up and calls out Rambo. "Thats right, your time has come to parish at the hands of Comrade Trapp, you have hidden long enough." :mad: Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. Les Suprised the hell out of me, never really thought of you as a noob. Oh well..... NOOOOOB!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Comrade Trapp
  3. Shaka On most SC-related subjects I agree with you, it doesn't matter. But when it comes to something like this I think the number of posts and amount of time here does matter. He knows nothing about history of the situation at hand, therefore he doesn't fully understand it. I know we're not going to agree on this so I'm going to leave it at that. The only person I regret telling to stay out of it is Blashy, because he has become a frequent poster on the SC forum and has earned the right to get involved. So to him, I apologize, but to him only. In my opinion, at the time that thread was created, it was the community too. But as I stated earlier, that situation has been resloved. No one that I know of has said recently that they think SC is "dying", I hope that is a thing of the past. Therefore I think we agree, while we may be going through a tough time at the moment with all the fighting and accusations, I don't think SC or the SC community is dying. I think once this fighting ends, things will begin to go back to normal. Discussions about SC and SC2 will begin again and within a few weeks I think we will have a new league up and going again (it has already been proposed by someone at SCHQ). Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  4. ChinaWins Skaka's right, you haven't played SC until you've played against a human player. You may be a "veteran player" against the AI, but a decent human player would tare you apart with little effort your first few games. Not insulting you or anything, we've all been there. The AI makes it a lot easier for you to win, the AI: *Never launches Operation Sealion *North Africa never moves either way unless you go on the offensive. *Becomes easily predictable. *Attacks when it should be defending. *Launches suicide attacks with units that it can't afford to lose. *Builds nothing but Armies, Corps, Tanks, and Airfleets. *Never does anything new. I'm going to be very blunt here so be prepared. Show off? Then SC and any other wargame is the wrong game for you. No one on this forum likes show offs, not that your in a position to be one anyway. People who try to be show offs are usually the ones that get their ass kicked every time. Yes, we have a ladder available (Z-League) where you can compete with other members and keep track of your wins and losses, but we're here to have fun. We all joke around about our rankings, but no one takes them to heart. I doubt anyone would last very long around here if they started bragging about their ranking. If you want that kind of gameplay, go find a good first-person shooter or something, I recommend "Ghost Recon" or "Battlefield: 1942". If you ever want to play a mutiplayer game, I would be happy to play you, just send me an e-mail. You can also always leave a post in the Opponent Finder Forum. Good luck, Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  5. mpacc This really has nothing to do with the dicussion at hand, they were two completely different issues. In fact, the whole disagreement with Battlefront has been for the most part resolved. I even went as far as giving them credit for the way they have run things lately in my original post. As for the new board (Strategic Command HQ), it worked out for both sides. Battlefront's SC forum is used for strictly SC on-topic dicussions while Strategic Command HQ is used for the more off-topic dicussions between members. Not only can you have off-topic dicussions, you can also dicuss other war games that are not products of Battlefront. While I would rather not have all this bull**** fighting in SCHQ, I think it would be better if this disagreement between Zapp, Terif, and everyone else involved was dicussed over there and not on Battlefront. All its doing is scareing away the newer guys over here and Les is right when he says it hurting the reputation of the Battlefront SC forum. Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. ErrantRecce1 These last 3 posts of yours are not even worth responding to. If your going to try and fight with someone, try to have some kind of argument in place and not post endless ramblings. Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  7. ErrantRecce1 You have only been here since August 27, 2003, therefore you have no clue of what is going on here. This is between Zapp, Terif, and every other veteran member that has been sucked into it. This has nothing to do with you, so please, stay out of it. I know I sound like an asshole, I'm not trying to talk down to you here. But some of you newer guys need to learn not to get involved in issues that are personal between veteran members. Comrade Trapp
  8. Jersey Don't you have some work you need to be doing? It's 10:30am, GET TO WORK! Did you just wonder off and do what you wanted when you were supposed to be defending our nation from the threat of a Soviet nuclear attack? Thank god there was no internet back then, we would be under nuclear attack and you would be happily posting away while your supposed to be on duty. Maybe you could have got away with that kind of lazyness in the USAF, but your in the civilian world, I doubt your employer would approve of what your doing on the clock. On a serious note, your a lot more diplomatic then me. We got the "god cop, bad cop" thing going. If someone steps out of line (or at least in my eyes ), I tare them apart without remorse, and you come in saying what I said using much "kinder" words. Now thats teamwork. Comrade Trapp [ November 18, 2003, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  9. Terppana This is between the veteran members of the forum, don't get involved if you know nothing about the situation. Comrade Trapp
  10. Wasn't aware that is getting national attention, a couple people from my high school decided to have a relaxing dinner at Chi-Chi's and were unfortunate enough to contract it. Closed the entire school for 3 days because one of them helped out in the school's lunch room (thats why I always eat junk food out of the vending machines, much healthier ) Americans should quit eating at those damn foreign food places and start eating at the good high quality American resurants like McDonalds. Ronald looks out for his customers unlike those damn Mexicans. Comrade Trapp
  11. Blashy You've been a nice guy and I don't have a problem with you. But this is between Zapp, Terif, and all the other veteran members that have got sucked into it. It's better if you don't get involved. Besides, Rambo was right when he said Z-League had a good running but it has run it's coruse. Comrade Trapp
  12. This is directed at the veteran members of this forum. I think its time for everyone to take a step back and take a break from SC for a week or two. Do you really think we would be going at each other's throats like this if we had a chance to think about what we say before we say it? In the year I have been a member of this forum, this is by far the worst I've ever seen it. Before, if one person got out of line, the others would keep him in check to some extent. But now it seems like all the veteran members have been split down the middle over this thing and we're dragging this forum down with us. Lets just put this damn thing behind us before one of us gets banned. Something Moon has every right to do at this point. Believe it or not, I think he has done a pretty good job at restraining himself. For once it seems we're being given a chance to sort something out by ourselves and all we're doing is proving that we need to be treated like children. I'm not taking sides in this little dispute between Zapp and Terif because at this point I don't care. I really can't bring myself to blame just them when a lot of us have done nothing but add fuel to the fire. But really, I think its time for us to get over it. Besides, we're setting a bad example for the newbies. I think if we give it a couple weeks that things will start to go back to normal. I think after a small break, the competition will comeback and the discussions about SC and SC2 will return. Just give it a chance. Comrade Trapp
  13. I would have never bought SC if it hadn't been for the demo. But thats just me. Comrade Trapp
  14. 1) Yes, the "Rambo Rome Invasion" should be forbidden. 2) Yes, the Italian Gambit should be forbidden. 3) Yes, the seaside invasion of Russia on same turn as DOW should be forbidden. 4) Yes, the invasion of the United States on same turn as DOW should be forbidden. 5) No, the Allied invasion of the Low Countries on turn 1 should not be forbidden. 6) Yes, the Spanish Gambit should be forbidden. 7) Yes, all countries with the exception of Norway and Spain. 99) While the Allied invasion of the Low Countries should be allowed, the Allies should not be able to launch a seaside invasion on the same turn as DOW. Comrade Trapp [ November 07, 2003, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  15. I control you all, you people are nothing but puppets to me. mwahahahaha......... :eek: Comrade Trapp
  16. Notice: Cheaters will be terminated with extreme prejudice....... Comrade Trapp
  17. I think it's time we all took a small break from SC, let things calm down. I'm sure we would all deal with this a lot diffrently. Just my opinion. Comrade Trapp
  18. Like Jersey said, none of us have any desire to have absolute power over the new board. One of the reasons there are 3 moderators is so no one mod would have complete control. Any decisions made have to be discussed by at least Jersey, Shaka, and myself. The only time anyone of us would take action alone would be if a member started spamming the board or making hateful and threatening remarks to other members and it was absolutely necessary to take action immediately. Even then it would be put to vote afterwards. Also it states in the Strategic Command HQ - Terms of Use that any major issues concerning the board would be put to a vote using the poll feature. This is policy. Major issues like banning a member or anything else that would substantially effect the board. In fact, in a few days, there will be a vote to approve the Terms of Use which all members can participate in. Everything I have posted up above is the backbone of the new board, it is one of the reasons why it was created. Comrade Trapp [ October 26, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  19. To my fellow Battlefront.com SC Forum members As we all know, things have not been going well on the SC Forum. For the past 2 months things have taken a turn for the worse, although when you look at it, things have been going down hill since June. In my opinion, it is the Battlefront.com moderators that are responsible for the downfall that we are going thru on the SC forum. They have been slowly driving the SC forum into the ground with their absolute enforcement of the rules that are too strict to begin with. After the "SC community is dying" thread wasn't locked and we were allowed to post our concerns about the way things were going, I thought things were going to get better, and for about 2 weeks they did. But now within the last week, it seems they are at it again with the padlocks and the threats of banning members. At this point, I don't see how the SC forum at Battlefront.com could revive itself, at least not until SC 2 comes out. We have made an attempt work with the Battlefront moderators, but unfortunately they won't meet us half way. Now for the good news. For the past 4 days I have been talking with a few of our "Veteran/Core Members" and we have come up with the idea of creating our own discussion board based on "Strategic Command: European Theater". While the primary reason for this board is to discuss SC, discussions relating to any war game, historical topic, or political subject are welcome, this board is pretty much open to general discussion. Our new forum came online yesterday morning and is now up and running. As I look at the features available on our new discussion board, I think this board will prove to be a lot better than the one provided by Battlefront.com. Link to new forum (Strategic Command HQ): Strategic Command HQ It is requested that you register under the same screen names you used on Battlefront.com. Unlike the SC forum at Battlefront, this board will be run by the members. All major issues will be put to a vote (the board has a poll feature available) so everyone will have a say on how the board is run. For the day to day operation of the board, I have asked JerseyJohn and Shaka of Carthage to be moderators along with myself. If anyone needs to contact me concerning the board, you can contact me via e-mail at JTrapp04@comcast.net or you can contact me via ICQ (217469683). Also, the discussion board has a Instant Messaging service, feel free to IM a moderator at any time. Sincerely, Comrade Trapp
  20. Please tell me you didn't just say that........ Comrade Trapp
  21. Jersey E-mail incoming...... Comrade Trapp
  22. I think Dragonheart just needs a hug. Comrade Trapp
  23. It will go Axis when France falls, although it shouldn't be hard to retake since there is nothing defending it. Your overall plan isn't a bad idea if it can be pulled off. Comrade Trapp [ October 21, 2003, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  24. Damn, you sure do like that button..... Comrade Trapp
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