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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. For the record, I have never called Zapp an asshole. The only people I have ever called assholes were: Maximillion, because he was a little snotnosed bastard that deserves nothing better than to burn in hell for all eternity. and.... Rambo, way back in the day, which a lot of the veterans here remember well, Christmas Season from hell. (Newer guys, don't ask). I don't think this one counts because everyone has called Rambo an asshole at one point or another. Just setting the record straight...... Comrade Trapp [ September 25, 2003, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. Zappsweden I don't want you to take this the wrong way, I like you, you are one of the main people on this forum that have worked hard at improving SC, you have turned the idea of having a ladder into reality from the otter failure that it was. But this challenge system is wrong. I don't play SC to be competitive, I play to have fun. Yes I like being on Z-League, its a challenge to climb the ranks and it feels good to get a win and find out that you are one rank higher then you were before. But it all boils down to the fact that I really don't care who is what rank. When Leopard for example stated playing, he was getting his ass kicked by everyone for his first month of playing SC. He as since kicked my ass playing my own house rules and fought his way to being ranked number 5 on Z-League. That is no small accomplishment. Do I care that I got my ass kicked? No, I say all the power to him. The bottom line is that pretty much all of us play SC and on Z-League for fun, its nice to see who is ranked where, but no one really cares if someone is higher then them. I have never seen Terif or really anyone else for that matter; turn down a challenge if they were available for a game. Therefore, I feel this challenge system is completely unnecessary. Since this is turning into such a big issue, I say we put it to a vote. If the challenge system is kept without voting on it, I feel Z-League will be too competitive and it will take away a lot of the fun. Therefore I will withdraw from Z-League if the challenge system is left in place without voting on it. Comrade Trapp
  3. Ya, I played "The Operational Art of War" myself, it did began to wear on you moving all those units for so long. Really the only campaign I played all the way through was the Battle of France, I played as the Allies. It got kinda demoralizing when you know where the Germans are gonna attack, postion your forces there, digin, and still get cut to pieces. I even gave myself a 10 turn head start to position my forces in the Ardennes, and still get my ass kicked. Theres was just NO way to win as the Allies. Comrade Trapp [ September 23, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  4. It was the resemblence in names that caught my attention, nothing you said, and it was Luck Zebra, not Lucky Zebro. And I am not "some dude", show some respect "Junior Member". If you think I'm strange, just wait until you see some of the other guys on this forum. Damn newbies...... Comrade Trapp
  5. I was wondering, is there anyway you guys can add another tag under our screen names other than just "Junior Member" and "Member". Like once you reach 1000 posts you automatically become an "Expert Member" or something. Just a thought........ Thanks, Comrade Trapp [ September 21, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. Guys, these need to be posted in the "Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players" Forum, you stand a much better chance at finding someone to play there. Don't forget to post that it’s for SC and post weather it’s for fun, Z-League, or PBEM. Good luck, Comrade Trapp
  7. You keep talking about keeping the game historical; when you play SC don't think like that. Playing historically makes you predictable, if you play as the Axis and you play historically, you will probably lose the war. Yes, you would have a very tough time with Operation Sealion using that timetable; Sealion is always a bitch to pull off. But with the USSR set to neutral, you can take as long as you want to prepare and you can take as long as you want even after the invasion is in progress. Like I said, the setting you chose pretty much guarantees an Axis victory. Most Allied human players don't commit anything more than a few British corps in the defense of France. I have never seen a human player build a British Expeditionary Force (Army) to send to France, because chances are, it would be destroyed. You are probably right there, but beating the AI is a small achievement. You haven’t really played SC until you've played a human player. The AI makes too many stupid moves and some important moves it will never make at all. For example, the Axis AI will never launch Operation Sealion, even if England is left completely defenseless. Why don't you get involved in playing real people, get involved in Z-League (Z-League is the ladder used for TCP/IP play), or PBEM (Play by E-mail). Sign up for Z-League at: Z-League Then leave a post in the "Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players" Forum to find someone for a game. Hell, I'll even play you. Comrade Trapp [ September 21, 2003, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  8. Playing against the AI and playing against a real person are two completely different things. Your strategy would only work if the enemy did exactly what you wanted them to do, when you wanted them to do it. You did not take into account any units you may loose in the Battle of France, you did not take into account the status of the RAF (number wise and tech wise), and you did not take into account the possible positions of the Royal Navy. You also did not take into account if Great Britain committed any ground forces to the Battle of France, if they didn't, they may very well be waiting for you dug in south of Manchester, in which they will put up one hell of a fight. The options you chose are never used when playing the AI or playing a human player because the war is pretty much won for the Axis player under those options. If the USSR stays neutral, the Axis would not have to worry about a 2 front war at all and could focus all its forces against Great Britain for as long as they liked, overwhelming the British long before the United States could enter. Even if the British held out until US entry, the United States would be able to do little against the by then superior Axis (superior in size, tech, and MPPs). Comrade Trapp [ September 21, 2003, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  9. I was looking at Rambo's "*Ryder Cup [as of Sept 19, 2003]" thread and saw that the first reply was made by Lucky Zorba asking if he could join the Ryder Cup...... Could it be that Lucky Zorba is really Lucky Zebra? If you don't remember, Luck Zebra was the newbie that went AWOL not to long ago and spamed the SC forum and was banned for it. Lucky Zobra joined today (9-20-03) and has only made one post, but the resemblance in names caught my attention. Makes you wonder...... Comrade Trapp [ September 21, 2003, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  10. I can play anytime this weekend, I can even start tonight (Friday) if someones up for it. I'm just not sure how we do this, do we play each other once? And the winners of those games play each other, and so on? Comrade Trapp
  11. Although I agree with most of your prior statements, I think how we handled the Native Americans can be called a genocide campaign. I know I don't have to go into the history aspect of it so I won't </font>
  12. Some_God Yes, there have been times in American history where the United States was in the wrong. There are even some things we did in WWII that shouldn't have happened. But we were NEVER wrong in the same way Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan was. We have never launched a genocide campaign against an entire race like Nazi Germany or treat POWs they way Japan did. Comrade Trapp [ September 18, 2003, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  13. Piumarcobaleno Your comparing us dropping the atomic bombs on Japan to Hitler and the holocaust?!?! The diffrence is that hundreds of thousands of American lives were saved and probably a large number of Japanese lives were saved in the end as well. I know this isn't policticaly correct, but I say even if it saved only a thousand American lives, it was worth it. They started the war, we ended it. Comrade Trapp [ September 18, 2003, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. You are weak, you lack discipline! You could learn something from the Japanese, did they surrender after a few "minor" setbacks?!? NO! It took 2 atomic bombs to take them out, now that shows dedication to a cause. Comrade Trapp
  15. Jersey WHAT HAPPENED, I didn't see one "Stand and Die" order in that entire AAR. You have failed the Fatherland, you have failed the 1000 year Reich, and you have failed Team USA. UNACEPPTABLE! slides a Luger across the table to you you know what you must do........ BTW, I challenge you to a PBEM game on the new league. I will show you the proper way to fight as the glorious Fatherland. Comrade Trapp [ September 17, 2003, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. Thanks for the congrats guys, its very much appreciated. Unfortunately I still have to finish my senior year of high school before I can ship out and they don't really give you too much of a choice on a ship date. If I had it my way I would be shipping out a week after my HS graduation. I may have to take you up on that offer, god knows I'm gonna need all the advice I can get. Thanks again guys, Comrade Trapp
  17. Well, I took the big step and enlisted in the Marine Corps today, I finally got to find out for myself how much fun MEPS is. I enlisted as a 0311 (Rifleman) and will be leaving for Parris Island on August 2, 2004. (August 2004..... am I gonna miss SC 2? :eek: ) Just posting this for the hell of it. And so this will be SC related, I will apologize to the guys I have games going with who are wondering where the hell I've been for the past 2 weeks. Just send me a e-mail when your able to continue. Comrade Trapp [ September 08, 2003, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  18. I don't know about you guys, but I've just about lost interest in the Ryder Cup. Where are we even keeping track of the scores anyway? Personally, I think both games between Kuni and Wachtmeister should be void . Comrade Trapp [ August 25, 2003, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  19. Jersey, Your talking about Babe Ruth and postin pictures of smurfs at 4:00 in the morning, you gotta get a life man......... You gotta admit, the guy in your picture does look like a smurf. Comrade Trapp [ August 20, 2003, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  20. We quit for tonight, will probably continue tomorrow. The game is going good, I made some mistakes when I didn't put up more of a fight in the Med, but everywhere else is good. Comrade Trapp
  21. September 7, 1941 2 Luftwaffe air fleets and 1 corps attack the British I corps in Brest, RAF intercepts, both sides take damage. I corps repels attacks with no losses.
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