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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Don't I get a cookie or something? :confused: Comrade Trapp [ October 25, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. I still think it would be fun to get a few people from this forum into a game but guess thats not going to happen. Les the Sarge Ya, Civilization 2 Mutiplayer Gold is what your talking about, I have the same thing. I think Civ 2 is by far, the best of the Civilization series, even though the graphics are not the most high tech by todays standerds. Jersey I loved that guy, always wanting to go to war for no reason what so ever. If I no contact with any of the other civilizations he would want to do more exploring for the lone reason of finding someone to go to war with. And of course we couldn't forget the female Foreign Affairs adviser who all the advisers agreed with all the time for some odd reason.... I always loved how the AI, if it had a city next to a small pond, would build naval units to put there. Or the way they declare war on me for not giving into stupid threats telling me to give them advances or money, and then attack a city loaded with howitzers and mech infantry with some out-dated phalanx and knights, knowing before hand that I just kicked their asses the last time they attacked me. They'll sign a "Peace Treaty" and wait only a few turns before they attack again, which you know full well wasn't enough time for them to build up sufficient troops to do any real damage. You gotta love the AI..... Comrade Trapp
  3. So no one would be interested in getting a group of people from the forum and play a MP game of Civ 2 or 3? You guys are no fun..... Comrade Trapp
  4. Any of you guys have Civ 2 and would be interested in playing mutiplayer? I haven't played the game in years but I think it would be interesting if we could get a couple of the guys on this forum in a game against each other. Theres got to be someone here that has this game..... Comrade Trapp
  5. Hombre Plin Me and Zapp have had our disagreements but I have never known him to cheat. I have played many games against him over the year that I have known him and can't recall anyone ever accusing him of cheating. I don't think your lying; I think this is just a misunderstanding. Zapp Don't go there. Comrade Trapp [ October 18, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. johnpruner Playing against the AI and playing against a human opponent are two completely different things. The Axis AI doesn't go for a lot of things. Comrade Trapp
  7. ErrantRecce A seaside invasion of Spain is doomed to fail due to lack of supply (Gibraltar is not enough). The only way it would succeed would be if the Axis were unable to operate units to aid the Spanish (Allied control of Spanish-French border area) and even then it would be a bitch to pull off. Only invade Spain (as Axis or Allies) via the Spanish-French border. You can have units do a seaside invasion to capture the coastal cities but don't count on them being able to take Madrid by themselves. Your main invasion force should enter Spain via the Spanish-French border. I'd say your better off opening a 3rd Front in North Africa, Italy, or Scandinavia. Maybe the Balkans if the situation is right (never seen this done but I don't see why this wouldn't work if the conditions are right). Comrade Trapp
  8. Just so eveyone knows, I copied and pasted my above post, so I can't take credit for it. Comrade Trapp
  9. Strategic and Operational Doctrine The Polish Armed Forces (Polskie Sily Zbrojne) or PSZ incorporated the Polish Army and Polish navy. The Polish Airforce was part of the army, but was distinguished by its own uniform and command structures. After 1926 the organization of the PSZ was on a peculiar two-track system devised by Pilsudski (Zaloga and Madej, 1991) in order to cope with war and peacetime operations. Like all armies during peace, PSZ war games and strategic planning simulated invasions from the Germany (Plan N) or from Soviet invasion (Plan R). The Poles even simulated a two front invasion (Plan N + R). In each scenario, the role and support of the French and Romanians were critical to any success or survival, therefore, all the post 1918 conventions with these countries encompassed strategic support being put into action should invasion occur. In March 1939 the Pole estimated they would be facing an invasion of 70 German divisions. According to Zaloga and Madej (1991) the Polish fighting doctrine as to split the armies into two smaller operational units, fight at night and use improvisation in order to counteract numerical weakness. Tactically, this approach was more akin to the Franco - Prussian War rather than an army about to face the Blitzkrieg. Each army was to cover up to a 200Km front with each infantry division covering 12 to 25 Km depending upon terrain and the opposition's tactics. The main defensive belt would be 2 Km deep with conventional linear defences. The cavalry would provide scouting and a mobile defence for up to 9 Km in front as a screen to the main defences. Artillery would typically be positioned about 3 Km behind the main defensive curtain. The September Campaignb Analysis of the September Campaign is all too easy with hindsight. Liddell Hart (1970) expounded the proposition that the Poles should have made its main fortifications behind the Vistula and San, abandoning the country's main industrial area. He saw the Poles military strategy as being over weighted by pride and an over-confident military making their military planning unreal by placing huge concentrations in the 'corridor' and ill-equipped to deal with a mechanized war. It was not an easy victory and the Germans took heavier casualties than the longer campaign in France (Ascherson, 1987). By the end of August 1939, Poland had secretly being mobilizing its army to a strength of 700,000. On 25th August the Wehrmacht despatched orders for 'Case White' (invasion of Poland), unfortunately, the negotiations between Hitler and Mussolini were not going well, therfore the orders were rescinded, but not all units received them in time. Border raids by the Abwehr, increases in reconnaissance flights and an intrusion at the Jablonka Pass were noted and not necessarily acted upon by the Poles, not through 'over-confidence' as Liddell Hart saw it, but through sheer inability due to lack of resources. The Germans did not achieve tactical surprise as many English and German historians would us believe (Zaloga and Madej,1991). On the 30th August 1939, Marshal Rydz-Smigly put the country on war footing. The Navy was instructed to activate Operation Pekin. The destroyer flotilla left for Britain and had time to clear the Danish Straits before war was declared. General Mobilization had to be delayed in order to meet agreements with Britain and France not to inflame the diplomatically tense situation. To may historians, this action has been interpreted as the Poles being taken by surprise. The Wehrmacht were going to war on the 1st September irrespective of what the Poles, English or French thought or did. When General Mobilization took place, the English and French protested despite the evidence supporting the presence of a massed German army on its borders. The Poles were outnumbered by about 10:1 (Ascherson, 1987). For Lieutenant - General Anders, the opening stages of the war had an element of irony. As the commander of the Novogrodek Cavalry Brigade based at Lidzbark, just a few kilometres from Grunewald, where in 1410 the Poles achieved a brilliant victory over the Teutonic Knights, Anders knew the defence of Poland was hopeless. On the 31st August, the Polish Airforce was ordered to disperse to secret airfields. Hitler correctly anticipated the poor response by the English and French and issued the armed forces to be deployed for Case White. No one knows why Smigly -Rydz thought England or France would come to immediate assistance - they had indicated a two week period would be needed for France to mount a full counter offensive. Smigly -Rydz also did not heed the Pilsudskian policy of considering measures for the defence against the Soviets. The source for this has a lot of info about Poland and it's military prior to and during WWII. It has a lot of nice pics so you AAR guys might want to take a look at it. Source Comrade Trapp
  10. Zapp Don't even go down that road, all your gonna do is stir all that **** back up. Comrade Trapp
  11. Is there any websites where you can download COS or High Command? Wouldn't mind trying them out. Comrade Trapp
  12. Esquire Not everyone on this forum believes that, that is your opinion. Comrade Trapp
  13. All of us are at fault for that "Locked Threads" thread, we all took part in that conversation so we are all for the most part, just as guilty as Kuni for that. Comrade Trapp
  14. Ranson52 That completely depends on what you plan to do and the situation at hand. Personally, my first priority is to build the units that are absolutely necessary for defense. For example, as Allies, it is absolutely necessary to be somewhat prepared to deal with Operation Sealion (Axis invasion of Great Britain) after the Fall of France. The invasion may never happen, but if it does and you are caught off guard, you will be in a world of ****. Your talking about what happened during WWII in real life, like the Allies not having jet military aircraft until after the war. In SC, the situation could be completely different from what it was in real life. I have seen Allies get Jets +1 in the first turn through pure luck. Jet Tech is by far the most important tech in SC, Jet Tech is the first thing you should invest in and you should do it as early as possible. Have at least 1 chit put towards Jet Tech immediately after the Fall of France or you will regret it. As Allies, if you have the mpps to spare, its good to have 1 chit put towards Jet Tech before the Fall of France, giving you kind of a head start. Hope this helps. Comrade Trapp [ October 02, 2003, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  15. JerseyJohn and CC Baxter Sorry about that, regardless if you didn't mind, it was not my intention to speak on your behalf, even though it seems to have looked that way. The reason I quoted you was because you guys explained perfectly what I was trying to say. Comrade Trapp [ October 02, 2003, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. Some_God Kuniworth was banned 3 days ago, no use arguing with him......... Comrade Trapp
  17. Ranson52 Welcome to the SC Forum. The best way to learn the game is by playing against people, you will slowly but surely pick up how the game is played and you will pick up new tactics with each game. To answer your questions: 1) Its standard to have FOW (Fog of War) turned on, otherwise you opponent knows where all your units are (including subs) and can predict were your going to attack. Subs are pretty much useless with FOW turned off. 2) You cannot launch recon missions; your airfleets will automatically spot all enemy units that are within its range. Note: Bombers have a longer range then fighters. 3) I would you suggest you use the standard settings for human vs human play. Standard Campaign: Fall Weiss 1939 Standard Settings: All countries set to RANDOM. All rules/variations ON except for "War in Siberia". Turn OFF the "undo" option under preferences. 4) Like I said, play games against other people. That’s really the only way you get better at this game. 5) All depends on what you like, the closest game to SC I've see is the game "Hearts of Iron". HOI is nowhere near as good as SC and I would not recomend buying it. I highly suggest looking at the "FAQ/Strategy & Tips/Suggestions: NEW PLAYERS PLEASE READ" sticky thread at the top of the SC forum, this will answer a lot of the questions you may have and will give some basic tactics to use. Hope this helps. Good Luck, Comrade Trapp
  18. Jersey Check your e-mail when you get a chance. Comrade Trapp
  19. Lets see...... 1) The SC Forum has been in civil unrest for the past 48 hours. 2) We are having some major disagreements with the moderators. 3) Kuniworth has been banned, this time it looks like for good. (Something that a lot of people don't agree with). 4) Terif has withdrawn for Z-League and the forum over a dispute with Zapp. 5) Rambo has retired again because of all the crap that has been going on. 6) The moderators are cracking down on the forum. 7) We're having some problems with Z-League. To get the whole story, start at page 4 of the archived threads and work your way up. I bet your glad to be back. Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  20. who are you? Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  21. No, no, that they weren't. But, you know what? Like the stone that gathers no moss, they'll be rock-rolling 'round again! :cool: </font>
  22. Reepicheep I see what your saying but the thing is; before the moderators started cracking down there were threads that were not really related to SC. But even with the off-topic threads, genuine game discussions were still discussed often. I'd say before the moderators started cracking down, 75% of the threads were SC related while only 25% were off-topic. And when I say, "before the moderators started cracking down" I mean that they gave us some leeway as far as off-topic discussions, they didn't lock threads nearly as often as they do now. Comrade Trapp [ October 01, 2003, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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