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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Then don't waste our time by posting on this thread. Obviously you haven't read the entire thread or you would have known that this has nothing to do with exploiting SC itself, its about a rule on Z-League that Zapp put in place without a vote that is causing a lot of controversy. This also shows you haven't taken the time to read the entire thread. This rule that has been put in place directly affects every member of Z-League. I see you are not in Z-League, so please don't get in involved in things that have nothing to do with you. If this topic had nothing to do with SC, then Moon or Madmatt would have lock it a long time ago. Comrade Trapp [ September 28, 2003, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. Rambo I don't care what is or could have been going on between Terif and Zapp, this should have been put to a vote regardless. If there was something going on between them before this and Zapp put this rule into place because of it, then Zapp is abusing his powers as head of Z-League. Comrade Trapp
  3. I hate saying this but I believe your wrong about that. Don't get me wrong, I like Zapp and he has done a lot for the game. But currently, there are no guidelines in place to prevent Zapp from doing what he damn well pleases. Yes, some things have been put to a vote and changed accordingly, and it’s ok for Zapp to change some minor things without putting it to a vote. But since this has been causing so much controversy, I think it should have been put to a vote when people (and it wasn't just Terif) voiced their disapproval in the first place, but Zapp still refuses to put it to a vote. I started a thread for a vote yesterday; the vote is currently 3 opposed and 0 in favor (Zapp posted that the vote wouldn't count either way so many people didn't bother posting). In my opinion, the lack of a vote is degrading the integrity of Z-League. Comrade Trapp
  4. That is a majority of the league..... Comrade Trapp
  5. That is a majority of the league..... Comrade Trapp
  6. Hey Newbie , considering Rambo is one of only a few people who have ever beaten Terif, I suggust you show some respect. And people wonder why I hate some newbies..... Comrade Trapp
  7. There is a vote in progress, Z-League members have a right to voice their opinion. Its up to you weather you follow it or not. Comrade Trapp
  8. Terif Were putting it to a vote, go and vote on it, although I guess the finial say goes to Zapp. If the challenge system is voted down, hopefully Zapp will disable it. Comrade Trapp
  9. There is now, its up to Zapp to get rid of the challenge system if the vote goes against it. Oh ya, Rambo, accept the damn authorization thing for ICQ. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  10. I vote against the challenge system. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  11. Vote on the challenge system, information below: Comrade Trapp
  12. Hell ya, I guess today doesn't completely suck. Comrade Trapp
  13. I'm still here, I don't think anyone else other Lucky ***** got banned. Hopefully he won't comeback and if he does, what is Battlefront gonna do about it..... I liked Bill Macon's idea of having a more formal registration process. But I guess theres only so much Battlefront can do. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. Double post, disregard. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  15. rgr that, maybe I should take a breather from this forum for a while..... Comrade Trapp
  16. Damn, that was harsh. I'm gonna stay out of this because I like Wagner. But your still good in my book Kuni. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. Bill Macon This thread is my way of venting, I was attacked yesterday by this guy and one of the threads he posted today were directed torwds me. I'm well within my right to bash this guy. You guys know me, I never call anyone names unless they attack me in a way that pisses me off, and pissing me off is pretty hard to do. But your right, I should and will "***" out the profanity on my previous thread for the good of the forum. Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  18. What did I tell you, I told you the little **** ****** was Lucky Zebra, but did you listen? Noooooo.... No one would listen to Comrade Trapp because "what does he know". Lucky Zebra = Lucy Zorba = Lucy Elephant = TROLL This is what happens when you don't listen to Comrade Trapp, bad things happen. Now ban the little *******. Heres a little message to Lucky Zebra/Lucky Zorba/Lucky Elephant: BLOW ME....... Sincerely, Comrade Trapp [ September 26, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  19. We had best be careful; Moon might start having flashbacks of last Christmas Season on this forum and ban us as a preemptive measure. oh the horror....... Comrade Trapp
  20. Its alright Kuni, I had your back while you were gone. And besides, soon Moon will lock this thread, making it that much harder to break your record. Comrade Trapp [ September 25, 2003, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  21. I see someone is gonna be banned in the near future....... And the moderators are Madmatt and Moon, I posted their e-mail addresses on your other thread. Comrade Trapp [ September 25, 2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  22. Jim Boggs Thanks for the compliment; I forgot that was you banned with JerseyJohn. BTW, I was not referring to you when I said that some newbies in the past needed an "attitude adjustment", you were a good newbie. Besides, you haven't been considered a newbie for a long time now. Comrade Trapp [ September 25, 2003, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  23. Go for it, Moon and Madmatt are the modertiors for this forum. I haven't broken any of the terms of use so I have nothing to worry about. Moon's e-mail: martin@battlefront.com Madmatt's e-mail: matt@battlefront.com Comrade Trapp
  24. No one said you’re not welcome here. I was only questioning if you were really Lucky Zebra (someone that stirred up a lot of **** on this forum), and for some reason you took it personal. Even you have to admit that your names look alike. That issue got cleared up anyway, so why bring it up again. As for Kuniworth, I guess you’re referring to the "1 post - Asshole Newbies" remark he made. Guess what... HE WAS JOKING Also, there have been a few newbies in the past that have come on this forum that needed an "attitude adjustment", so he wasn't completely out of line in saying that. The title on this thread was completely unnecessary, that’s a good way to make enemies on this forum. If we have made you feel unwelcome then I apologize. But really, nothing we said should have offended you. Comrade Trapp [ September 25, 2003, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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