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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. Either speed is interfering with your ability to type (my guess), or your terminology is foreign to me. Either way, dear quick twitcher, care to explain what "RT = Speed chest" means? You claim a light is going to go off, save me the trouble, splain it to me.
  2. Agree with this one wholeheartedly. Very uncommon in this day and age to get a real manual, much less one that's 200 pages. Btw, on a related note, I really liked the tutorials as well, very well done. It helped me get back in the swing of things and adjust to changes from cxm1. Good stuff!
  3. Good suggestion, but I'd prefer to just get going on a forum for the same. Tell me Blackcat, why do you care so much whether this happens? You've made your only valid point 2 pages ago, which is some of the mechanics questions about cmbn can be answered in the cmsf forum. Now that you've validly made that point, what point are you still trying to make here? Is it that you think a CMBN specific ST forum isn't a valid consideration for BFC to create? Is it that you're still bowed up over Jade pissing in your cheerios? My suggestion, since as far as I can tell you've got no dog in this hunt, is to push back and put away a couple pints, you'll no doubt feel better soon enough, and realize you've been arguing for two days over whether a tactics forum should be created FOR A GAME. LOL P.S. feel free to have the last word on this one from this point forward, my only purpose here was to raise the request for a CMBN ST forum
  4. Yep, that's what this thread is requesting, a CMBN ST forum, welcome to the purpose of the thread.
  5. Yeah, printed that up myself as well. Hardly a substitute for discussion about tactics with fellow players though.
  6. This is the one where you have to be sponsored, end up on probation, etc? Given the number of people who sign up and then disappear this is no doubt a wise approach. I'm just afraid I could never join any club that would have me as a member.
  7. Huh, I never knew creating a forum was all that difficult. Or particularly time consuming.
  8. Hehe, by all means, have at my it friends, enjoy your thread. Just be aware that anytime the wego'ers care to take back this or any thread from you RT boys and girls we need only throw some pennies in a corner and off you'll scurry chasing your shiny object not to be seen again for several hours.
  9. and FYI, they CAN track you via the internet spooky huh
  10. I don't know what's changed about cmbn that makes it different for running a ladder based off it from cxm1. Depending on what the intent is of the ladder (i.e. competitive as you say, or for fun), seems to me cxm2 works just as well or just as badly as cxm1 did.
  11. Yet everything you're plotting in setting up your turn has to make calculations. Just not tell you about them in all instances?
  12. This is the lost opportunity for BFC. Every friend I have on steam has asked me about CMBO at some point for this very reason. Which apparently will not happen with CMBN.
  13. If that was all there was to it, BFC would charge 100 dollars for it. Clearly there's more involved in determining a sales price than simply "charging what the market will bear". This is more a balance between that and volume. If you want a gaming masters degree in pricing, talk to Valve, via Steam they're teaching lessons on how this work every day of the week.
  14. don't hold your breath, it's pretty obvious pandur is just playing devil's advocate here for the sake of playing forum ping pong, or he's an RTS'er who thinks if he's got more than 4 buttons to push it's too complex
  15. hehe, thx for clarifying that, the subject title of the thread didn't already state clearly what this thread was about, oh, no wait, it did
  16. Easy enough to test, I ran FRAPS, I started CMBN Demo, I ran Bocage. I toggled out and looked at resource mgr. Rinse repeat w/o FRAPS running. I didn't notice any difference. Resource mgr in both instances was at ~10% immediately upon exit, then dropped almost immediately to 1%. Running it or not running it, same results. So, I'm not seeing it. Least not in a measurable way. No matter, just didn't want anyone confusing what FRAPS does when you use it to record with what most people usually use it for, which is just to take a peek at frame rate in a game.
  17. This is how misinformation spreads on the intertard. The fact is, no matter how often you tell FRAPS to poll a game for the purposes of determining frame rate IT DOES NOT slow down the game down doing it. However, if you run FRAPS to capture video, it will definitely slow things down, appreciably.
  18. Your wish list perhaps. BFC's no doubt. But you're out of line assuming this request is not on most players list. And if you're failing to grasp that, don't worry, this thread will keep coming back up to remind you.
  19. thx man, good to see you still hanging about here... and you answered it the way i suspected you would, or somebody would
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