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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. Went the whole day and no one responded back where a guy can find the latest version of H2HH. Come on, hook me up here.
  2. No need to apologize really, you provided the lol post of the day for me, and for that I thank you. Such an over the top bragging with all your bluster about 150% nonsense was good fun, it's clear you're excited and proud of your prowess at this niche PC wargame thingy. Good for you.
  3. Where's the heat on this one? You and your opponent can agree to any set of rules you can reach mutual agreement on.
  4. Yep, this is not a matter of less being more, it's less is less.
  5. Hey, my signal corp just got mixed in with my tankers....
  6. No problem, good luck with whatever decision you make ultimately. Hard to really go too wrong with almost any choice these days.
  7. It also bears repeating, as was brought up in a similar thread a couple weeks ago, CM is not well optimized. Hardware cannot surmount this limitation.
  8. 1. Do research on TN vs IPS, or take my word for it and get IPS. 2. Look for 1920x1200, the aspect ratio looks better, provides more real estate to work with, or buy what most of the market place will typically shovel at you, which is 1920x1080 (just remember this ratio has nothing to do with it being better for you, it's simply better for the mfg because it's cheaper to cut glass up to that ratio) 3. LED lighting is just more marketing BS. Again, do research yourself, or take my word for it, up to you. 4. You will also see a lot of yammering on about 120hz being meaningful, it's not. This is just another marketing bullet to get you to buy LED TN displays. So, what would I buy, again, if I needed a display, either this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260047, or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260020, depending on how hardcore you want to be about your color saturation vis a vis your budget.
  9. Drivers, LOL, next you'll be suggesting he just needs to reboot his system, this is like talking to L1 tech support. Let's throw a wee bit of occam's razor in the mix here shall we? The most likely explanation is the game itself. Denco is running a 7970, Evo a 7950, still no slouch, and I'm running, for sake of this discussion, an extremely o/c'd 680GTX on an i7 o/c'd to 4.5 w/ 8GB RAM (iotw, nothing about my system is slowed down in the least by anything, not even Shogun 2). Yet, this game still stutters when I move around the battlefield. I'm not troubled much by this because I've just assumed for a small shop BFC has optimized this as much as they can (which is to say not much). No biggie. I just want to set straight that this isn't a user hardware issue, that's all, because it most definitely is not. P.S. This is usually the point Schrullenhaft enters the conversation and blames it all on OpenGL drivers, to which I reply, stop using them.
  10. Is this like a forum rule? Or just a JP rule? Guess they have some rigid rules in Tokyo about queuing up, he figures it applies here and was just trying to help you out.
  11. Suit yourself, anger in forums is a waste of energy, but you are of course free to rage on as you like, attack me too for calling you out on it if it makes you feel better.
  12. Stop trolling the guy and instead make suggestions how he improves his game play so he'll enjoy it.
  13. As this one slowly slips off the first page into oblivion anyone care to hazard a guess how long the average delay is between each new thread that brings it up?
  14. Hmmm, I still don't see storage as an impediment, I have 2 TB in my system currently, and 1 TB external. I could easily double or triple that w/o giving it a 2nd thought, I just currently have any no reason to. So, when you say orders of magnitude, my response to that would be, so... Or is the problem here then the game engine can't handle it? In which case a separate program would have to be devised to connect them all together for play back?
  15. Well, that's what forums are for, expressing opinions. And this particular topic has been brought up countless times over the last decade for a reason, because it's an idea that naturally flows out of the very core design of the series itself.
  16. It was a good question. That's what makes these forums so useful.
  17. Here's what the manual says about it: "Some Commands are “modal”, such as Deploy Weapon for Heavy Weapons. These Commands remain lit up to show that the unit is already performing that particular Command. Issuing the Command again has the effect of telling the unit to cease that action."
  18. Ok, whatever, basic training it is. Not like I'm in a position to make this call. All I'm saying is, why have other elements of the game relaxed on lower difficulty levels and not this one, given how much obvious confusion it causes. Threads like this one pop up regularly for a reason.
  19. C2 integrity doesn't relax the same way other parts of the game do on lower difficulty levels. Perhaps it should, and allow what we're talking about here to work, at least half the time.
  20. Ok, but what's the answer to his question: Isn't it a little strange that mortars can use radio from a vehicle regardless of their c2 link but can't use radio of their Company HQ?
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