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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. just checking back to see how close things are at this point....
  2. yep, i'm all for it i spent most of the summer writing reviews at SD for scenarios that had none needless to say i was very sorry to see it go down and want very much for something to rise back up from the ashes, in whatever form that might take
  3. maybe it's just me, but i'd of expected a bit more in the way of an uproar over this loss, both by the community and battlefront
  4. I hope Battlefront realizes how much value it brought with keeping players interested in the different CM games. I've used that site probably more than all the rest put together and I've been here since the Beta days. I'm really going to miss having a searchable data base. They certainly should consider putting a bit more thought into this. The longevity of the game is greatly enhanced by player made scenarios. I for one would of stopped playing CM a long time ago but for the depot.
  5. probably best to gauge this against ppl better at CM than I am, but for me at least this is also often a problem i get in a hurry at the end due to time and start doing dumb things - i guess i should just hurry up a bit at the beginning i've been running through scenarios at the depot recently and found, and this is of course once again just my opinion, that those battles that have been properly play tested are usually set closer to what i'd consider a correct time limit for the objectives - and those that gave me the impression on other grounds to of not been properly tested, also often fail the time limit sanity check as well
  6. yep, we're still here we just don't post a lot in the forum if BO had cover arcs and properly modelled MG suppression i would never of bought the next two
  7. i agree w/ Barkhorn1x of the three, the cmbo interface and command menu is far and away the easiest to visually look at and understand - imho it's not even a close contest the next two look like they suffered the same fate as this message board - an attack of muddy earth tones that are both ugly to look at and more difficult at a glance to understand and while it might be suggested this is subjective, actually it's not - interface and menu designs are routinely user tested - it'd be amusing to play test the three interfaces at a mall with users who do not play wargames and see which one they think is visually easiest to understand and interact with as you can tell, i have a rather strong opinion about which one i think would win walking away
  8. i write reviews to give back to the cm community, in particular, for the brave souls who take the time and trouble to create scenarios i feel like the least that can be done is to return the favor by writing reviews i'd probably of run across some of the HSG work if it weren't for the fact that i'm currently working only on cmbo scenarios with no reviews - a quick search at SD shows the HSG's are cmak work i'll get there eventually but it could take awhile, i'm only in the C's currently for cmbo, so that leaves hundreds or more just for cmbo, to say nothing of cmbb, before i even get to cmak patience though, i'm doing about 10 a month, so i'll get there eventually [ June 06, 2005, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  9. and perhaps if you had bothered to go look, you'd of seen he's written a dozen or so reviews in the last month
  10. I've been doing some reviews over at SD over the last couple of months and noticed that lately another reviewer going by the initials "jwb3" has been writing up some reviews as well on cmbo scenarios. Anyway, the one thing in particular I noticed that led me to post this in the hopes of getting your attention, is the fact that on numerous occasions you've written up reviews on scenarios that already have historical reviews. While it's of course possible to do this, and there's no rule per se against it, it is sort of a puzzle to me why you wouldn't consider first hitting the hundreds if not thousands that have no historical or current review first?! Like I said, just a suggestion...
  11. good to hear from you, and good to know you're listening the job hunt has to come first, so good luck on that, and here's hoping you land something soon!
  12. i'm at a loss to understand why scenario designers would be adversely affected by these features at SD on the other hand, for users, the place is next to impossible to navigate in a useful manner in its current configuration i hope you're right and the adm is listening
  13. i'd like to see a couple things, at least from a reviewers standpoint, i think need to be changed at SD the restriction to 500 characters makes no sense to me - it's not like there are many reviews happening there, so we might as well allow those like myself actually doing them to give a full accounting the over all score needs to come back - the place is currently awash in relativism - someone new to SD would wonder what are the best scenarios based on reviews and have no way to determine that and search wise, not being able to search by "best played as" requires the potential downloader to play hit or miss wandering through a huge database just some observations which will no doubt be ignored
  14. yep, back up! and now back to my slow but steady review quest i'm still in the A's :eek: got a long way to go...
  15. if anyone knows a quick reliable way to let the admiral know, please do so... i'd e-mail him myself, but my uplink to road runner mail is acting up - i can receive, but not send at the moment [ April 19, 2005, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  16. nice find ttomm46 i've been annoyed for months by being dropped to the desktop on my notebook because of this, but refused to pay for the codec to fix the problem since i could work around it glad to have that little annoyance removed
  17. i've got the 8300 version, works fine for CM, and I suspect will have no problem with CMX2 the ultra sharp 19in flat is very nice - i so don't miss my 21in CRT taking up my entire desk i'd got with the GTO graphics card if i was going to spend more on anything, but it's not necessary the RAID options aren't necessary either - unless you're paranoid about losing data, in which case RAID 1 would of course be useful, as for RAID 0, while it's faster, it's not 160 bucks faster, so I'd skip that one btw, if you set up a My Account, you'll get e-mails with the latest promotions, so if you're not in a particular hurry and want the best deal you can watch for the next promo on the 8400, or for a free flat 15in which then makes the 19in flat upgrade less expensive if you run into any snags, e-mail me or post back here, i have some familiar with dell
  18. yep, i've seen the historicals, and in fact i'm focusing my efforts on battles that don't have any reviews, historical or otherwise
  19. exactly [ March 21, 2005, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  20. i'm currently working to do my part in this regard goal of doing 1 every day or so personally i happen to still really like cmbo, so i'm mostly focused on doing battles against the AI for cmbo (altough I'll eventually no doubt hit on some cmbb and cmak battles as well) it's rather amazing how few are ever reviewed, especially when you look at how many times many of them have been downloaded
  21. i've just visited the site and was wondering about the same thing as the above post - i want to play and review cmbo battles best played against the AI
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