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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Hmmm, looks more like a toy shop than a wargame to me, Erwin.
  2. Look carefully at the impact on your hit vehicle. Try to determine the direction the projectile came from. Not as easy as it sounds, but it helps. In reality AT guns were very hard to spot, which made them harder to kill than a tank. Another not entirely waterproof tip: try to determine where YOU would have placed your AT guns.
  3. Take your time. I'm working on my first scenario for a couple of months now (with great help and inspiration of Kohlenklau). It's fun, but time consuming and sometimes it is necessary to change direction. My map is also done, setup is complete and now it's time for the AI, triggers, objectives and such (that's where Phil comes in ). I've spend a lot of time on it, but like you say learning all the way and enjoying it.
  4. Looks great. I guess we are all getting in the mood for the Ardennes now the temperature starts to drop.
  5. You've got my attention, Rocketman. Can you tell me a bit more about this scenario? Playable as the Germans, I hope?
  6. I sure do. And I think the argument that people 'will torch everything' is not very convincing. Smoke and fog are sadly lacking in CM.
  7. Deserteurs will be shot, Phil. Please take a rest then, but don't leave us. People like you are worth their weight in gold for this community.
  8. You are the master of mods, Phil. Thank you for all your work.
  9. Again with thanks to the superb Axis History Forum: How things are described in the war diary of 2 GMRBr: The brigade with 1496 Self-Propelled Regiment and 266 Mortar Regiment crossed the Miniia river at 17.00 9 October. At 18.00 an attack on Yakubovo began with 1 Battalion right of Raguviskiai-Yakubovo road and 2 Battalion left of the road. The enemy was holding up the attack with strong armor supported by infantry and heavy artillery. With onset of darkness own infantry bypassed German tanks, 2 Tigers were destroyed. Simultaneously 3 and 18 GTBr operated against German flanks. The enemy retreated and the brigade took Jakubovo at 21.00. During the night tanks stayed at Yakubovo, the brigade with 1496 SP Regiment continued to pursue to Memel, the German border was crossed at 5.00 10 October.
  10. Ah yes, of course, the PDF in the install folder! How stupid of me to forget that. I knew that.
  11. Fair enough. You know, I know that the eastern front isn't everybody's cup of tea, but as soon as the winter module is out, for me the world will be perfect. Although I must say that Kohlenklau's winter mod really makes a difference and makes the waiting a lot more bearable.
  12. I'm not sure that's entirely fair. How long ago is it that CMFB came out?
  13. The link indeed seems to be broken in the first post. I also get the same screen.
  14. It's certainly the best looking theatre, even in the game.
  15. Some time ago, in another thread, Steve said that it wasn't decided yet whether the new CMRT module would have the Waffen SS included, or just concentrate more closely on Heer units and more atmosphere (buildings and such). I can't find that thread anymore, but would appreciate to know whether that decision has been made by now. O, and while you're at it, also please an update on the status of the module. I know Italy is first in line, but some more info should be available by now perhaps.
  16. 1815. And I must confess that portrait was made last year. But seriously, that portrait is of my hero: Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Fürst von Wahlstatt, the hero of Waterloo and the man that probably played the most important role in beating Napoleon, not only at Waterloo, but also in the fighting in Germany before 1815. Just kidding about the horses of course.
  17. We didn't have it during my time in the army either (we still used horses back then ), but I still have friends there who love it as much as they love their wife and children. Sort of. It's included in CMSF and in my favorite dutch mission, The Ambush. I must have played that mission a hundred times, just for the CV 90.
  18. The dutch army uses the CV90. Cool vehicle. Personally I'm much more interested in the smaller countries, than in France, Australia, UK or US. But yes, there is sales to consider of course.
  19. Ahum....the dutch will save themselves, thank you very much.
  20. Well, if it ever comes, than I would gladly be willing to pay 200 to 300 USD a year if that would speed up the number of upgrades and modules. If hundreds of gamers here would be prepared to do the same it could make a difference perhaps.
  21. Excellent, thank you very much, Rocketman! This is very helpful indeed.
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