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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Good to hear that I will be able to once again dwell within the many adventures of our friend Israel Solomon. No doubt someday your gift will top the New York Times best seller list, JJ. Then, when Hollywood decides to turn them into an Academy Awards "Best Picture", I will be there with my manuscripts for your autograph, John, Marian at your side gracing the "red carpet". It is your mandate. Stay healthy, it may take awhile.
  2. Actually Berlin was the target, you're right A234, I guess if you want to call the complete destruction of your infrastructure without radiation as luck...well ..so be it. Seems like I remember the implications of that destroyed heavy water supply from Norway as being akin to divine intervention, makes you wonder at times. :cool:
  3. As far as WaW v.04, I'd say it comes down to tech advances for giving the winner the nod. There's still a lot of variables in the diplomacy model that can sure lead to some great theater diversions, Spain and Turkey being on the apex. I understand where the pre-WaW guys are coming from with the reduced strategic options, but for some reason the restrictions on operating parameters hasn't narrowed the operational scope for my games. Perhaps the strategic approach is a tad bit funneled, in a conservative scheme, but my playing group sees action all over the map. Owing to our MO of a bunch of "Wild and Crazy Guys". Constant experimentation, it just gets rather boring following that same ole cookie-cutter path awaiting your opponents mistakes, after all bragging rights don't eclipse fun.
  4. Are we starting another contest? If so...I'm going for three again...no way I can miss twice!
  5. Thats it A234, its not necessarily what you have but how you use it. In the beginning Hitler allowed innovation, experimentation and exhibited flexibility when creating new weapons and military doctrines. Thus the German armed forces developed a great efficiency applying the combined arms technique. It was new ideas, not all good, that were allowed to be sifted and screened by practical usage, eventually honed into military expertise. Later though, Hitler's meddling, rules and regulations, channeled military development into a more rigid environment, suffocating, to a certain extent, its evolution. This more than anything allowed the Allies to catch up and in many cases to exceed the Germans since they were lavished with resources and receptive to innovation. Remember this..for it still applies today, unharnessed capitalism is somewhat stifling at times, like trying to run through knee deep water. But compared to a deep pool of rules and regulations to swim in, well....I'd rather get my hair wet than drown. :cool:
  6. We also need a secondary road/track feature, although I'm thinking I can just use clear tiles for the tracks in the midst of the desert. They would then be subject to khamsins with additional movement penalty...correct? Also an adjustable supply/influence range for HQs. Anyway, thanks Bill, I'll be calling on your expertise in the future.... PanzerArmee Afrika...in the works.
  7. I was wondering, maybe you vet modders can help, is it possible to script units to leave a scenario due to some event? For instance, say the Greeks require additional forces from the UK Western desert deployment to help stem the Axis invasion and I want the 2nd UK Armored division to leave Egypt/Libya at the beginning of a turn. Also, is it possible to script an upgrade to certain units due to the arrival of better equipment, like the M4 Shermans showing up in Egypt in late 42 or a delivery of Spits to Malta? Just starting to get my modding feet wet.
  8. Yeah....?? Maybe, but if the USSR bides their time, accepts the loss of Moscow and Leningrad by diverting Axis forces into that arena, they can be stopped dead at the gates of Stalingrad. In 1942, just as it was historically. The trick is get them to go north.
  9. Ok ....now what is significant about 744? :confused: Is it a new airliner that has great kerosene, ie jet fuel economy? A new grade of extra special stainless steel? A designer drug that always keeps you flying high.
  10. I heard he was visited by some "Special Delegates" and has since mysteriously disappeared. Nothing to see here Son! :mad: Move on along! Next candidate! To tell you the truth Timskorn, rumor has it that all the contestants have "taken a hike". Except....obviously.....Moi! So I will humbley welcome your gift into my possession if someone doesn't show up soon. I have an acceptance speech ready to go! :cool:
  11. In hindsight, knowing the historical effect, won't that take some of the "intangible" unknowns out of the game? In the interest of simulating history, do you think the commanders were aware of how profound the effect could be and be poised to take advantage? My opinion is this should be as random as possible in the context of an historical simulation. But you're right, the sequence you suggest would maximize the effect for the Russians.
  12. Kind of like slugfests A234, and thanks for weighing in, like...I mean....this is a wargame???? Right! I too, like you, throw out a lot of possibilities always mindful of the balance repercussions. Good ideas, especially the "show of Force" suggestion. Seems rather a common sense conclusion that diplomacy could be enhanced with the proper armed force deployment. Put a couple of transports/amphibs off someones coast with the naval element and watch them change their tune. :eek:
  13. Hubert, how about in the event of UK capital move to Canada(UK never surrenders), UK should be able to access some % Lendlease from USA for rejuvenation? If this happened IRL, I believe that USA would help revive UK military, just as they did with the Free French, Free Poles, etc. This is why I ask, other than the historical context. If UK loses both homeland and Egypt, essentially the game is over for the Allies, even though the USSR is still a viable force. The early victory conditions are still in effect if Axis take Moscow, but there should be some sort of hope for the Western Allies to re-enter the eastern hemisphere. I have played a couple of games where the WA were almost able to turn the tide again, but usually time runs out, or the Allied position capitulates(USSR) beyond all hope. IMO, the turning tides and the long games are the most enjoyable and it may be this small additional feature inacted by choosing the "Canada UK Capital" script that adds that extra flavor(LL MPPs) of allowing the WA to balance their forces accordingly. But... don't do it for me, cause it may be I'm the only one, other than my playing buddies that use the Canada script. Not worth it unless the gaming community endorses as most of them may play with UK surrender. Just a thought. Hey...now that PDE has decision scripts, this maybe a perfect candidate for the FW campaign, let the player decide when Manchester falls.
  14. Gdtrfb, I believe there is some reference information in the game's pdf instruction manual starting on page 94 about how to use the editor. This is in the SC2 game file and would be a good place to start, orient yourself. There have been many additions since then and I'm sure the mod gang here will help you work them out. By the way, Norm Koger's first edition TOAW had an excellent Korean war scenario if you have access to that game. Again, an excellent place to start. Good luck
  15. Just to report back....Success!!!! Actually Hubert all I had to do was turn off the UAC in the control panel...a snap! Reboot.. and voila'. :cool: Turned on the video acceleration...OMG...now we're talking, better than it has ever been and I'm referring all the way back to the initial SC1 days, Summer of 2002. :eek: I was trying to navigate through Explorer like you directed but after I got to my user name there was no "AppData" file to access, so I couldn't go any further. Never could access the installation directory for "Compatibility Files", couldn't find it. Oh well, I'm up and running. Thanks HC and Matt, always appreciate the help. I can safely say that the services rendered here are unprecendented in my PC gaming experiences.
  16. I don't know Robert, but have you ever read "Citizen Soldiers". I don't think it was so much war weariness as it may have been quality dilution, a similar effect may ensue. Reviewing USA's experience in WW2 through the Historians' chronicles, I get the feeling that in the beginning moral and motivation was high. Leadership, common sense, and combat experience were sorely lacking, ala "An Army at Dawn". Eventually a fine, sharp edged assault force was formed and leadership became very competent, but through attrition of the core veteran group and with a loss of motivation due to the lack of rotation there were some issues. No doubt, I'm sure with a little foresight and planning for a longer conflict the institutions would have evolved to overcome the shortcomings. So in conclusion, I would promote the idea that there would have been a reduction in fighting efficiency for the Allies until the attitude shift had been accomplished, perhaps 3 to 6 months.....again refer to 'An A @ D".
  17. OK so which method do you recommend, MSCONFIG or Regedit, or altering the Group Policy or how about using the Control Panel. 4 Methods to choose from....pick one? I'm not afraid of anything on CPUs...been through it all.
  18. Thanks guys, but Matt I had already tried that, in fact, for some reason I always have to run every damn program as Administrator and like Hubert says I have to "authorize" windows to continue to get even mundane tasks accomplished. Now mind you...I like be prompted as an important decision maker but this Vista crap is annoying. So let's do away with this UAC and make my life simple again, or at least simplier
  19. Hubert, what are the implications of disabling Vista's UAC and how do you do it? I guess I could research it...Google is such a wonderful thing....but Come to think of it, that's what I'm doing, researching....Hubert just picture yourself as an Encyclopedia.
  20. Hubert I loaded this patch from the same CD I made at work from the Mirror sites. I installed it on both my machines at home, from the same CD, one on a W2000pro OS and the other a Vista OS. Both machines have the same base SC2 and WaW installation, both working fine before the patch, both at 1.03. No ...actually I updated the W2000 OS from 1.02 to 1.04, the Vista had the 1.03 update since I did your TEST. Both installations went fine(no change of file path), I noted the change in the Icon on both desktops and confirmed the #VIDEO_ACCELERATION=0 is in the proper directory, wouldn't it be the same for both machines? I noted the W2000 OS running 1.04 properly. It also had the choice of video acceleration in the SC2WaW settings screen. Only the Vista OS machine is not running the game. When I get home tonight, I'll do the full uninstall of WaW, them reinstall and update with the 1.04 patch. Perhaps I should DL the patch again at work on a new CD?
  21. I tried every possible launch sequence available, tray, explorer, programs, same ole same ole. I tried that test version you sent me also Hubert and it gives me the same notation. Do you want an uninstall of SC2 or just the WaW expansion and if I do will I need the verification code to activate from on-line again cause right now my Vista PC is offline? I have no network capability at home, only dialup, one PC at a time. Wireless is haphazard.
  22. Yep...its back to the drawing board guys. Two DLs I get the same message Retri did trying to launch, but only on my Vista(home version) machine. Seems to be an OS conflict. My W2000pro launched perfectly and ran without a problem. I got both machines up....here to help.
  23. I believe in 1.03 WaW it is 1 tile strike range at 0 tech level advancing two with each additional level. They are, like Bombers, very helpful in isolating the battlefield and unlike Bombers not subject to weather, interceptions and anti-air. [ May 30, 2008, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
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