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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Hey geoZ, you're the dog with the human teeth over at Matrix. Welcome back to the cutting edge of Grand Strategy, not bad on the operational scope either, rivals TOAW. Yes you have the versions' updates correct, WaW includes some expansion on unit availability and other features as well, you'll need to look at the "read me" files with each update. If you're doing battles/campaigns like say PanzerArmee Africa, SPI's old boardgame, SC2 WaW is excellent for that, they're called mini-campaigns and a number of them are included in each expansion. The Map potential is huge, more than enough for most anything except maybe global. I believe in my present PzAA map it is like 160 by 70 tiles and that was about one fourth of what was available as I recollect. Someone here can probably give you the exact maximum dimensions. All the tools are here, scripts too, the difficulty level is like TOAW for scenario creation. Have at it!
  2. True A234, but I believe there is no convoy route set up after it has surrendered(my meaning was MPPS are not transfered by convoy event), the resource MPPs just become available, like you said, to the conquerors. The default rate is usually 80%, but it can be adjusted in the editor.
  3. Convoy scripts are set up to deliver MPPs from a cooperating country to a Major country. If that cooperating country surrenders to the other side, all MPP transfer terminates and the convoy script becomes null and void. I have not seen the ability with the editor to create a new convoy script when a country is conquered, sort of a reversal of the previous circumstances. Usually the conquered country's resources become available at a reduced rate to the invading country's MPP pool automatically as they are repaired and limited to some % of the maximum.
  4. Of course Nu, against a human there are many scripts choreographed to make it more difficult and variable for war prosecution. These aren't included in a H vs H game, only in games against the AI, specific for one side or the other. Come on...the AI can't think!
  5. Nevermind, I just wrote an annexation script and it worked. Not what I had in mind, but you figure out what works and move on. Thanks to all for the help.
  6. Dang it 2, wish it was that easy. I started this mod for H vs H, so all scripts are AI= 0. But thanks anyway.
  7. More a likeness to a spacegon, something a little closer to Heaven.:cool: You know a place where I can wield my lasers at those carbon units that act irresponsibly, sort of like lightning bolts...eh. So....Kuni....you feeling...Lucky!
  8. I'm trying to get Crete (originally Greece ID=20) to surrender within the time frame (late May 1941) of the German airborne assault. So I write a Surrender 2 script...right? Country ID is 20, the Transfer ID is Germany(5), I set the % trigger at 100 to test the script right off, later I'll make it a more variable like 60% and I put the date at the first turn of the campaign, also to test. I'll adjust later for a variable window of opportunity. Variable condition = 5(germany) [1]axis aligned, [100]%activated, [0] not surrendered....OK? I used a dummy condition position, 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] [0]....for the test. Flag is true = 1, Type = 1 multiple check until satisfied...the other crap doesn't matter I've tried Greece, ie Crete, neutral, Allied, activated, different ownership ...what am I missing here? Heraklion is the capital. Why won't they surrender? :confused: I need to check a unit deployment script (Fliegerkorps X to the Crete after the surrender) so I need that variable satisfied first. Help! I don't want to have to recreate "Merkur" also.
  9. AZ, your Dad and his Buddies were true American Heroes and their sacrifice will never be overlooked if I have anything to do with it. Everyone I come in contact with throughout my life gets a history lesson, specifically focused on WW2 and the sacrifice all made to continue our civilization of freedom or at least the principles of attaining liberty. Whenever I play SC PTO I'll remember your Dad and the 4th Marine Raider Battalion and say a subconscious "Thanks". WoW!! 4th MR btn, one of the founding organizations of the present day Marine Corps. Your Dad must have been very proud.
  10. Interesting, accommendations to David S, a great idea. Carriers are going to be really rough when confronted, or maybe not. So when you select the first strike mode, then you get to change it after that action is completed, before you end your turn? Meaning I can go initially with N/Tac strike and then CAP mode or pick another N/Tac strike leaving my CVs in that last mode if I think they're not in danger of being attacked. Say my CVs end my turn in a defensive CAP mode and I'm attacked by surface forces instead of air elements. Would I have done better at defense against surface forces if I'd have been in Naval/Tactical mode?
  11. OK "Pappy" as in Boyington, seems we're on the same side.....this time! My F4U is warming up....need a wingman?:cool: Which brings me to an HC question. Did you notice those Jap Flattops destroying our US BBs at Pearl. I saw hits that reduced their strength from 8 to 2, one strike.:eek: Hope there is a provision for an AA upgrade on our fleet assets, otherwise Davy Jone's locker is going to get quite full. So what about it HC, did those Jap CVs have some sort of surprise attack enhancement in that media clip....or ...what?
  12. Sounds reasonable, hard to argue with KISS, but remember, the way I see it, would've been very little for the player to consider. But a monster for the code writer. Could be worth an extra ten bucks per game.:cool: Going to be especially necessary when you go global.
  13. You going to be flying one of those Zekes with the meatball on it Rambonehead?:mad: If so....you'll know you're in my tincan's gunsights.
  14. You know if I was doing a campaign for the Pacific I believe something on the order of the "Uncommom Valor" scale would be appropriate. The Solomons, inclusive of Truk, Admiralties, to the North, down to say New Caledonia and the Coral Sea would encompass a very favorable area of action for a balanced campaign. This was a period in history when both the USA and Japan were equals and with the exclusion of what happened at Midway, was a very balanced theater of forces, air, naval and ground. Yep, one of my favorite time periods and locations. Perhaps with a gentle nudge from Hubert, the campaign designer could be swayed to enlarge his creation. I'll volunteer a name....."The Slot".
  15. And I'm assuming that since artillery can fire defensively at amphibs....they can can't they?.....Then do we have amphibs, or SNLF that can attack from sea tiles?
  16. Silly Kuni...Rockets are for Russia!
  17. I believe this might delay USA entry........and that's bad!
  18. I know Hubert you have created many layers for SC, I've used them in the editor and I know that the game engine has slowly but surely gotten a little more inefficient by having to run and evaluate those routines. But....you knew it was coming....... with this Pacific edition there will need to be someway to interrupt the supply aspects to the different island bases. In this manner the "island hopping" strategy that was historical can be pursued and the isolated garrisons left to wither without supply. It is somewhat akin to your convoy system but from the perspective of supply on land now adapted to the water. I would think that subs in "hunt" mode could interdict the supply/communication net, but there also needs to be a provision for surface fleets.....say "patrol" mode...or raid...or whatever. It really doesn't need to be a physical line(like convoy routes) just some code to detect that an unbroken path of tiles exists between the supply hub and the outer defense bases. Players knowing this will have to make plans to keep "the net" open and so will serve to initiate air/naval battles through the needed force projection to maintain the Empire. Is there a plan?
  19. Never to be disappointed! Only to be challenged! First to arrive! Still feel the same about tiles?
  20. Hey Retri you know Hubert, he has designed in all kinds of potential with this editor. There is a ton of AI scripts and really the script writing is not that hard, plenty of examples. But it is time grabbing, and now the most time consuming aspect of it all begins, playtesting. Well at least that part is fun, just like the olden days when I couldn't find an opponent for my AH and SPI boardgames, I play myself.
  21. Finally was able to get through a number of initial turns, after starting over at least a half a dozen in the midst of fixing things. Its slowly coming together and I have to say, after feeling uninspired initially, its getting to be a lot of fun. There's still a lot of room for improvement, visually, but the mechanics seem to working the way I had hoped. This game is about "force projection" like the other SC2 campaigns, but in PanzerArmee Afrika you can project force a long long way with the APs. I'm not talking about feeble operates with no teeth in them till the next turn when they can attack, I'm talking putting a lot of hurt out there this turn. One drawback though, it might be tempting to strike out, remember your opponent can do the same and supplies(ie.HQs) are slow to catch up, so you're easily surrounded unless you plan your operations carefully. There's lots of naval and air assets so you'll need to be adept at coordinating them into the overall plan and Malta is a big pain in the Axis a$$. Now this is not a design for AI play.....yet...... Its head to head, fast and furious, and the first race is to Tobruk, just like historical. And JLH the Commonwealth(Aussies) can arrive first, but its close and if the Axis choose, they'll be in for a fight when they get there. In fact the Axis can be to the Egyptian border in their third turn, reconquering all the Cyrenaica by the middle of April 1941, jlh, using elements of the 5th Light and the Italians. Course....the Axis were looking over their shoulder to Tripoli, awaiting the unloading of the 15th Panzer division as the 8th Army's dust was on the horizon. And so....the next race begins, "Battleaxe" looms, as the Eastern Mediterranean waters run red.
  22. Finally I get to working model of PzAA and I'm wondering, will it be compatable in 1.05, I modded some of it in 1.05. I tested the Vista speed up variation of 1.05, but then all of a sudden while putting a few tweaks into PzAA today I went back to 1.04 version on my opening screen, what a surprise. Got a directX failure message. Hubert....do I have a problem .....if I DL the 1.05 patch and reapply?
  23. Thanks for the warning, I'm always on watch, just like a Cape Buffalo on the Serengeti waiting for the Lions to show.:cool:
  24. Xwood, not that I'm in the league of any "aces", but did the thought ever cross your mind, that some did not wish to ahere to the structure of the DC? I've given my ideas freely over many years here, never the thought of any reward other than a more enjoyable gaming experience. I prefer the casual atmosphere of the forum interaction, I detest more rules and regulations, my spirit resides without them. To put it mildly I'm fed up to the degree of cynicism with all the rules and regulations of today's civilization, they serve to mostly subdue any entrepreneural, innovative spirit still left in us humans. We need to be "controlled"....of course...for the good of the others....for the children, we need to be licensed and certified. Long story short...the anarchy of the forums is my little escape...don't want to subject myself to any more "structure", especially here. Oh yeah...and ditto Blashy's post!
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