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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. sanderz, you've got a good handle on the game, your assumptions are correct, now go out there and discover, practice, big tourney coming up (see Amadeus), SC shines in p vs p competition, it'll cement your loyalty to the series.
  2. Interesting, but Summers are way too busy down here, maybe in the Winter.
  3. What! No evasion for AoD naval units? :eek:Shame .......shame.... on the development team!:mad:
  4. 1. No, the % of reduction is a random number, you only have a 5%(per chit) chance every turn that the reduction will occur. You're right don't waste your MPPs, just tak'em out, DoW. By the way, Yugo is a good place to station units you wish to "train"(gain experience) on partisan "duty". 2. Spain, Turkey, and DEI. 3. Take your time, use prepared attack bonus, use your Panzers and TAC with HQ support, be methodical, it'll happen. Oh yeah, stay away from the coast. 4. Hit the "P" key and check out where the Partisans will interrupt your occupation, garrison those areas. Keep an eye on UK ports for amphibs(escorted recon), be ready with a "fast reaction" group to deploy if imminent peril is detected. 5. You've got enough to start, NW tech is sufficient. 6. French territories will go "Free" and join the Allies with the appropriate unit deployments, especially Med naval ones.
  5. Should we address pre-combat(sept1, 39) orientations and if so, how far back, 1931 or? This would be the "Days of Decisions" module.
  6. It would be advantageous to promote a ZoC AP cost associated with unit size, Armies having the greatest penalty on enemy units moving through or into their ZoC. Of course for SC3, coupled with the unit build up - breakdown feature.
  7. Ha! Tell it to the choir Martin, you ....you....you diabolical administrator you!:eek: We know you've been monitoring our emails and posts, no telling what Battlefront is up to, what a gross violation of our constitutional rights, after all we're entitiled! As far as Battlefront's intent, well that is for BF and it's maker to decide when that "Day of Reckoning" arrives, as it will for All! Now get out there and make some more games.:cool:
  8. I remember some scenarios that both represent the Nationalist and the Communists separately, so it has occurred in the past.
  9. Whenever i play a novice I always try some outlandish strategies that i would never try against veterans, always keeping the game close. Even playing a veteran against which i have established the upperhand, i seem to slip, somehow without better judgement and make mistakes and the game becomes a very close affair. Can't put my finger on it, why this type of thing occurs, but it always makes for a good experience, win or lose, doesn't seem to matter, maxed out fun factor, time and time again.
  10. Everyone has put forth valid considerations, but in the interest of simulating the unintended consequences which the participants of WW2 faced, I would stand with a randomized(unpredictable to a degree) effect for each action taken, especially the diplomatic persuasions.
  11. This is a very good synopsis for SC3 consideration. Not only does a breakdown/combination feature work for enhanced combined arms characteristics but it also facilitates movements of units and helps with the tedium of scenarios with large unit deployments. I would also to like SC3 development to consider this combination/breakdown feature for naval units as there is a great deal of monotony selecting and moving hords of naval units across vast stretches of ocean. Air units don't see as much movement, so I'm OK with their present attributes.
  12. Well now, if we're wishing, then with the current unit mix from AoD we could see a recreation of a couple of my favs from SPI, "Atlantic Wall" and of course "Wacht am Rhein".
  13. Don't forget about "entrenchment" levels, coupled with terrain bonuses some defensive positions will need to be reduced before the defender begins to take losses.
  14. If we could revisit that 3 X TAC + medium bomber airstrike that took out the UK cruiser TF, what were the air unit losses taken to complete the mission?
  15. Too good, but I'm never satisfied(the quest for the unattainable, perfection), how about the tech categories for upgrades.........please!
  16. So... how about some CTVs for the new units, like CVLs and medium bombers?
  17. While I can understand an attack on the Italian navy by RN CVs, I'm wondering if the Axis have a counter? For the RN CVs to hangout in the Adriatic for a couple of weeks without a land based air response seems a little ridiculous. I would expect IRL if something like this occurred the RN CVs would be at the bottom of the Med or seriously damaged and turning tail for UK ports after a couple of attacks. I'm not concerned with political ramifications, just let the weapon platforms respond with the players making the decision to use the capability or not.
  18. Medium bombers at low level? Just a play on words, or does there exist a real choice of capability?
  19. Thanks Abukede for the informative CTV displays. You'd think that with the size of an Army and the additional asset attachments, like heavy artillery, that they might have a strategic attack capability, able to interdict the supply capability of a resource. Just a thought.
  20. Interesting that CDGs have a 2 spotting range for sea tiles. I understand that artillery pieces in a dug in condition would be "soft" targets, but if simulating the type of gun emplacements along the Atlantic Wall, I would think they'd qualify as "hard". Also do they have an "all around" defense capability or are they more like entrenchments and have facing aspects? Just curious about the decision making.
  21. Really? SC1? You guys surprise me, you don't "get it" or is the nostalgia BS getting in the way of rational thinking? SC1 was what it was, it'll never be the same, it was a breakthrough investment of simplicity with dynamic gameplay, we've moved on. The youthful enthusiasm, the passion of the "first time" cannot be recaptured, as much as you try, you know I'm right. Realize it, you old coggers and get on down the road, it's time for SC3, your lame brains can handle it, don't worry, more fun it to be had, don't look back except to remember how good it was. It can be better, just not the same.
  22. Amen to that, unless you've ever created a scenario, you cannot fathom the time necessary to test the various parameters to assure the campaign is balanced. I toast the betas for there contribution as time is the most valuable commodity.
  23. Also agree Al. There are essentially "dead zones" where the Oceans are so vast that travel through them was uneventful in WW2. In today's combat environment I would sit in your house xwood, but the isolated incident that you refer to so rarely happened that it's not worth the attention of the SC scale.
  24. I'm definitely playing on your court, xwood, exactly right, the diplomacy model with decision events is way under utilized. It's really where a lot of the abstraction of the conflict could be modeled. Of course, on the other hand, the beauty of SC is that it also excels in the operational theater aspects of WW2 and that will appeal to the desires of players like bob that want to role play. I've got to say that I appreciate both and I hope that when SC3 is laid before us it retains much of the brilliance that SC has garnished with the past releases.
  25. Take it easy DL, go back and have another drink, make it a "double";), even though we are "playing" customers, feel lucky that we even have a chance to play a game the quality of SC. The good things in this life are worth waiting for and stress is a killer.
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