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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Well yolo, you got me here and I agree with you somewhat, how would you feel about a couple of CVs taking out a level 3 USSR, experienced "Guard Tank Corps"?:mad: I know exactly how you feel but I would be a bit more composed if it had been stukas instead of Carrier Air Groups with double strikes. Now don't get me wrong, air units should be fully capable of being the strongest unit in the game, I mean after all they got the high ground, line of sight, just think of them as flying artillery. The problem is there is not much of an antidote other than our single strike fighters or another CV which is kind of hard to deploy on land. I'm telling you Betas...and Hubert too, we need anti-air(especially against ground attacks), you're all missing the boat here. Anti-air upgrades and deployment was a big part of any conflict with airframes in the skies, the technology has been well documented and furthered through scientific focus. Why do you think that was so? I find it very contradictory that SC naval vessels are able to increase their anti-air capabilities with naval tech but there's nothing for ground formations.:confused:
  2. And how many great mods did you get with the dysfunctional ToW engine? :confused:ToW was a "great" game? How much did you spend on it? Compare the value you got with ToW and with the current features you got with SC and this Global edition is brand new, there's still a long way to go. You don't have to do anything with the editor, you can reap the rewards from the people that know how to use it.:cool: This chicken could lay a lot of eggs that blossom into a flock of laying hens, more than enough eggs for you to consume, just examine the current repository of SC scenarios.
  3. Did someone say something about the lack of maneuver in this GC campaign? Just because the APs aren't as liberal and the map is smaller doesn't mean there isn't still operational maneuvering going on, reference Gypsy's above post. It may not be perceived as, but there is just as much finesse required in this version as the others and Hubert did remove the ZoC cost. You definitely need to plan and use the appropriate force mix and sometimes an approach that is a bit atypical of past versions, kind of refreshing actually.
  4. I'm fine with the GC map, believe me, you get a few mirrors going with Al's or Nupe's mods and you'll likely be spending 4 hours a day playing SC. I love SC, but 4 hours, sorry, that's going to seem like labor after awhile, just ask Rambo. The current official GC campaigns work real good on PBEM and yes I know you AI players feel its lacking, but I like a quick turnaround and I mostly play against humans. Its starting to get warm again, Summer's in the air, time for outdoor activities, when the sun goes down, then we do a couple of SC turns and prepare for the next day which starts real early, usually its dark still, 6AM. The editor itself is worth the money, for the hours of fun SC provides, the cost is not worth mentioning its so insignificant. Remember Hubert's editor was the catalyst for Al and Nupremal,.. and Bill's ATR, plus many, many others. You guys need to thoroughly examine your value system.
  5. Well John we're starting the "Open War" Block. Give us the forces of the era, the technology, the diplomatic events with the chits and the decision scripts, let the tree branch and we'll pick the fruits where they ripen. I detest restrictions, they stifle innovation and improvisation, but that is what "they" want, for all of us to be good, equal little sheople, nobody has to deal with the anxiety of failure, remove the motivation to excel and the consequences of bad decision making, they want "Stepford" humans, the kind that are easy to control, so we won't hurt one another's feelings. The trouble with being an "Eloi" is there's always Morlocks about.:eek:
  6. So...Hitler was deluded, he advocated purity of race also.....we see how far he carried that.
  7. Cause I'm the Emperor and they'll do damn well what I tell them to do or else!:mad: Else what??? I'll ship Mao to Siberia and Stalin to Tibet.
  8. Got the "Paris" BB parked in the Crete Harbor in the Alliance of Evil campaign and I didn't allow Vichy as the Axis. I took Greece and the Game Engine says Crete is Axis occupied but the BB is a French naval vessel that I had attacked earlier in the Med, its strength is 1. I can't move(friendly) or attack(enemy) that BB in the Cretian Harbor, what gives? I have the save.
  9. And.....crap...how am I supposed to bring a sub in and repair and upgrade? I mean with a couple of RN CV task forces off the French coast it will take 4 fighters to intercept their double attacks. Throw in a UK bomber and now I need six...count them.... six, the whole Luftwaffe potential build Q to intercept strikes at Brest. What were those MPPs for that I allocated to upgrading Brest for a sub harbor......some safe F...ing harbor that is.:mad: Don't go to Brest, Blackbeard, the Limeys will have you sodomized and hung up in the Harbor to starve to death, your galley will become firewood for the wenches to warm their buns on. :eek: I want double strike air components, that means fighters and TAC, or I want an anti-air upgrade...WTF!!!.... OK...maybe this is for SC3.......KUNI!!!!
  10. Crap xwood, you can't be basing your opinion of SC on the AI, of course its frustrating, its the damn AI with every conceivable advantage the designer can give to it, it cheats, expotentially, otherwise you wouldn't have an opponent. You know if you play another person he will have to deal with the same restrictions you do. Hell, I'm constantly getting ground units blown away by CV strikes, why, because I gave the AI +2, you would never encounter a CV controlled by a human with that much experience and capability in the first three years of an SC campaign, likely never, seeing as how much damage the air component takes conducting attacks. So far, I've really not seen anything a major drawback to the current design, just some minor things, and as I've said before, I'm sure there are adjustments coming our way
  11. Got to agree with you John, if the correct force dispositions are enumerated for each power then it is up to the player to allocate them to the theaters of his choice and the consequences be damned. Everytime I fire up a game as the Axis, you better bet I'm planning for Sealion and Barbarossa from the initial turn, scouring the map with my bombers spotting for any weakness in my opponent's deployments. One thing about WW2, which I find a lot of people don't appreciate, is the very fine precipice the USA was perched upon about going to war and the Americans were very concerned about the use of their military to further the British Empire's territorial posessions. Since in SC I'm considered as the supreme commander, I should have to walk a very delicate tightrope to make sure the USA eventually enters on my side, cause if they don't enter the war in a timely manner I think we all can see what a nasty opponent the Axis will present, they were bad enough as it was. In retrospect, again me being the dictator of the country, if I was to make a few concessions in China as the Japanese, I probably could have continued receiving my oil and steel contracts from the USA for a time to really build a better military complex. Who knows, since I'm the cooperative commander, it could be a very viable strategy to double team USSR as the Axis and share in some of the German's technological advancements and concepts. Sure its not the WW2 in the history books, but this is SC, it ain't history, its me, I'm the boss, I make the decisions and I'll live and die with the consequences....the way it should be in real life....except...for........
  12. You know Fascism and Communism are not that far apart, both are socialistic concepts, the one big difference is instead of the government directly running all the corporations(the government is The Corporation), unions, business and banks(communism), the fascists allow the private businesses to operate(and make profit, but not too much) under the supervision of the government. Sound familiar?
  13. What....you think a damaged port will recover in a couple of weeks, think Cherbourg, or Antwerp for that matter(remember the Allied post D-Day supply problems). That's the game kirk, takes awhile to return the facilities to efficiency, plan accordingly, and remember what I said about HQs.
  14. It doesn't really hurt China, what it does, once you've taken Foochow, is set up a communication line(think logistics) to the south into French IndoChina and further. You know logistics are the key to any conflict, for without good supply you cannot "power project" efficiently, its the same with SC and HQs are the key.:cool:
  15. I tell you what, I have the greatest respect for you scenario makers, I've done one in SC2 and it is not an easy task. Its enjoyable and the mechanics are not hard to grasp but it can be tedious and then the real work starts.....playtesting....and adjusting........and playtesting........and adjusting.......and...well I think we get the idea!
  16. kirk, the one most important combination in SC when in the most difficult attacking circumstances, find your best HQ(highest rating, most experience, at 10 strength, in highest supply = 10) and make sure it is commanding(attachment) your best unit(s), the ones with the highest attack rating for that target(look at properties, combat target values), with the greatest amount of accumulated experience, highest morale and readiness, hopefully overstrengthed, and in the highest supply. Use that unit(s) in the first assault, it is simply your "elite" formation. And observe the potential combat results at the top of the screen, it will be + or - 1 from that possibility.
  17. I'm not sure about what the manual says but if you select your HQ and it is in auto-assist or manual mode, observe the units with either a green(HQ attached) or a blue(potential attachment) highlight. Move your cursor to the units that you want to either dettach or attach and right click, you'll get the menu and make your selection. So...summary...left click HQ(should have an A or M subset), observe units in range with highlights, move cursor to those units, right click.
  18. Now let us contemplate some of the issues, Singapore, PH, and the Japanese dramatic expansion early and how do we recreate it when playing with the component of hindsight. It ain't easy, but the initial surprise was just that, catching your opponent off guard, a first strike bonus...does that replicate history? You need intelligence for that, you need to know the dispositions of your opponents forces, you need to plan according to his reactive military level of competency or so you conclude, perhaps erroneously, and still there are intangibles. Going to pretty tough for a game platform to capture all this. So...as I've said before...open it up, I love freedom......but loving and dealing with the consequences of the decisions you make....for some people are a little hard to accept....they like to deflect fault, can't fathom their inadequacies, and they exist as imperfect animals, what a paradox. So if you open GC up, it will not play historically, it will enter another dimension, 5th, 6th, or maybe seventh, can you handle that? Be careful what you wish for!
  19. Look X I understand your frustration and in a manner I agree with you that the SC2 engine is getting a little long in the tooth, remember I've already been chastised about suggesting that this is the culmination of this program, but its hard to deny "the writing on the wall". I was here when SC1 came out and it was beautifully simple and we clamored for more and we got more. Hubert has been more than accomodating but obviously, as with anything, you can always fine fault with imperfection. Don't forget how this forum was ripe with impatience for GC, you just can't have it all, let us take the engine a bit further, this is the public beta...you know that...surely, I know you've been here long enough have faith, it will get better. As with anything again, you add dimensions, you complicate issues....my God Xwood look at our World, can you believe the complications and the effort that is required to get anything done competently and in an expeditious manner, its almost impossible with all the rules and regulations. Its the same with the scripts, they have to be thought out thoroughly, examined from lot's of perspective and still someone will be dissatified. You just can't please everyone, exactly that axiom drove Hubert to make a highly flexible editor and I was one that shouted very adamantly for that editor. Because of that editor this game can be sculpted into a scenario that will please a majority of the patrons, again I know you know that, patience my dear xwormwood, it will come to pass. Guard against a level of frustration that precludes your involvement, know it will take some time, some experimentation, we've only scratched the surface.:cool: Don't forget, when the Palace is built, its nice to enjoy its amenities, but the real fun was in building it!
  20. Don't fret X, I'm sure Big Al and Nupremal will get these things right and rest assured that eventually we'll get someone doing a "Days of Decision" campaign where we write our own WW2 history with the hindsight we enjoy. In the meantime just keep posting your aspirations for improvement, I mean heck, that's how we got this far in the first place, I'm sure it will still work, just make notes and present your case in detail. I've never been disappointed at the receptive nature of HC and / or the betas, just remember some folks like a more historical unfolding when they play and that's OK but like you, I want to make my own history. Maybe you should try the AoE scenario for a contrasting experience.
  21. I've got a little problem trying to move my EVIL Red forces into Saudi Arabia. There's no country to DoW, is SA off limits, forbidden territory?????:confused: I thought I could conquer the world?
  22. This is just too good to be true, two mega scenarios by betas! Gotta luv it!
  23. We know we can count on you to get it right Nupe. Take your time, we're just trying to get a handle on the new features, sure do like that new Amphib mechanics. Oh yeah ... now that I remember it...I had a couple of Russian amphibs parked in the Black Sea for multiple turns and didn't observe their morale or readiness degrade at all. They just stormed ashore in Turkey like they had been staying at the Marriot getting room service for a few months.
  24. Yolo....you remind me of Rommel....always complaining about supplies when in actuality your just not very good at managing logistics.
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