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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Wow! This is so cool, I'm completely unplugged on highway 37, travelling and keeping up with this thread, WiFi is awesome, I can even trade stocks and make money...I love technology! OK back to David's questions.....hope I don't lose the connection...I'm out in the middle of nowhere!!! 1. FDR decisions on Oil embargo are great, really like the perspective, feels historical. 2. The Op Herkules was alright, I got two notifications of the event and on the second the Germans actually took the place and immediately set up shop. 3. I said no to Argentinian diplomacy, seemed iffy at the time and with the USA at 0 MPPs, all I had was UK to fight with, needed every MPP. OK let's try to post this.....I'll address the other questions later.
  2. I'm playing as the Allies on intermediate +1 to the Axis AI. What a battle going on in the Desert as the Germans are not invading USSR and have the bulk of their air assets in the region. TAC is deadly in the desert, I've lost numerous tanks and the entire WDF, Indians and Sudanians are helping. German FJs have taken Crete and now bombers and fighters are hammering the Suez ports....its nip and tuck, but the Yanks are on the way as a convoy has been organized under Omar Bradley with a couple of Carrier TFs escorting. Its a long way to Egypt!
  3. For those of you that tire of the basic 39 WW2 campaign you'll need to examine this very unique custom that David has created. I admit it was kind of tough at first trying to rationalize some of the features, but slowly, surely as I continued into the scenario I started to warm up to the task. Now, into 1942 and with the Amis coming on line, first turn of war they get a whopping 651 MPPs after 0 for like a dozen turns it seems, things are really getting interesting. Like I was able to spot the Kido Butai maneuvering for their PH strike and got most of the USN into open waters thereby saving the fleet. Now there are some weird things too, like the Italians DoWing the USSR and attacking through German occupied Poland(or maybe it was through Romania) and Germany and USSR are not at war....go figure! There is real diplomacy potential here too, albeit at a large cost of MPPs, but you could get all the diplomatic players together on one side and probably get at least a 60% chance, or greater, of a diplo hit per turn. There's light(single strike) and fleet size carriers and the cost of making a major upgrade to an existing(obsolete) warship is unbelievably expensive, so much as to really make a player ponder thoughtfully before proceeding. Isn't that how it should be? Of course David made a major jump with double strike fighters and TAC also.... depending on the nationality of origin, the minors only get the traditional single strikes as well as some of the majors' pre-existing(obsolete) plane types. So now...in 1942 there is a natural parity of the two opposing forces and the USSR is still not in it(although 100% mobilized and could DoW Germany), but is building a formidable armed force. Japan is running rampant(except in China), UK is holding in the Western Desert where there has been a massive fight going on as the RN was able to deliver a "Tiger Convoy" to Egypt. Like I said, there is some strangeness, but the feel of WW2 comes through, its very different, and I've been taking notes, so hopefully David will be receptive to some criticism...the constructive kind later on. But overall....good job.....and thanks David, a very refreshing twist. I urge others of you with an imagination to give it a try.:cool:
  4. Hubert, whatever happen to the feature that allowed subs to pass through capital ships, other than Destroyers, when they were in "silent" mode. Now if a sub ended its movement next to an enemy naval asset then it was revealed. Did I just dream this or was it once a game mechanic? Seems like it was not working in one of the other versions, perhaps WaW, and you fixed it, and I tested it and it worked from then on. Was it dropped for the later versions?:confused:
  5. Isn't this what we kind of have presently? As I see it, you want to be able to arrange a convoy, varying in MPP transport level, set by the AI and either protect it or attack it as it moves to its destination, correct? Are you assigning DD/CVL escorts or are the players moving the current SC units along with the convoy? So instead of the subs knowing where the convoy routes are and sitting on them they actually have to search for them and the player physically attack the convoy icon with his sub/surface unit? The AI sets the path of the convoy and it can be variable by the subroutine? Do the escorts, if not assigned, know the path or just hopefully fan out in front(pro-active ramming) or move behind awaiting a sub attack to initiate their counter?
  6. Here's the way I play the Brest situation. Its not so much the two, UK/Canadian, bombers that decimate the port efficiency as you have a counter, you can research anti-air and apply it, but it only enhances bomber defense, its the CV defense value, or lack of, that is the problem. See, I can spot the Brest entry or any other port for that matter, by parking a sub in proximity then I'm able to take out anything at the docks with my Carrier Air Groups which are double strike with a high naval attack CTV. That's OK too, but there is no counter other than using intercepting fighters that only have one intercept so you need two fighters to counter one CV group attack. How many CVs does the UK have at there disposal? How many fighters do the Axis have to counter with? See the imbalance? Now you see why I'm an advocate of anti-air that can be applied to CV defense? Good combat mechanics dictate that for any attack feature there is an effective counter potential, this is where GC falls short.
  7. We've discussed this in depth before and although there are some good ideas it needs to be approached with a great deal of scrutiny as it very easily leads into micromanagement. Basically I would start with a completely automated system, as we have now and only add a touch of player control initially, try it out and then make additional features. Something like X,Y tile to W,Z tile, sending, pull down menu, "MPPs(# of turns), supply(level of supply that costs MPPs / turn), designated unit(amphib or transport), etc., attach escorts, organize taskforce" If the final tile is a sea tile then the designated unit drops off when it gets there to amphib mode and the player takes control from there. In this manner we could diminish the players interaction with the actual moving of the assets and if everything goes smoothly they arrive at the destination. If intercepted then we see an option for players to accept the AI calculated results or play it out on a battlescreen, perhaps in two distinct levels of engagement. First level would be surface action assets like Cas, DDs, BBs, and subs and the secondary deployment level would include our carriers, their air assets along with the transport contingent. Surface assets would have to penetrate the first level to get to the secondary level of assets but carrier airgroups and stealthy subs perhaps could make the secondary level without fully being exposed to the first combat level. Admittedly a rough draft.
  8. God love you Nup, I feel your pain, damn frustrating, but as you gather your "mo-jo" back for another attempt, know that you'll be even better for it. That's saying a lot because that world mod you made for PT was the best I ever played, you truly have a talent at this. Take your time and regather your energy level, there is no hurry. GC features are only going to get better and better tools for talented modders make better mods for us players....thanks.
  9. I'm with you Colin, doesn't seem like it would be that tough and would be a welcome addition to the diplomatic possibilities.....hmmmm. Maybe a script activation based on a diplomacy hit that takes the supply level to 0 in an entire area thereby representing a formal "cease fire"? While diplomatic negotiations are going on the supply values start to return like recovery from strategic bombing and the belligerents then can initiate cease fire violations that eventually ramp up to full scale. The point being that the combatants can have a sort of "time out" while pursuing other interests, all the while keeping an eye on the escalating situation of that cease-fire theater.
  10. Bill, I can lay this out in detail if you wish, but I'm trying one more perspective to see if I can find any significance in this script. I'm waiting for someone else as well, my viewpoint is not enough. There is one thing that can immediately remedy the problem.......anti-air upgrades that are effective against carriers as well as bombers.
  11. I'm thinking more time is needed for further evaluations. We don't want Hubert to prematurely make adjustments with more and more observations being added and we know how rigorous testing is. heatrr, just read through the threads and make your comments in the appropriate areas, Hubert is always open to spirited discussions of the gameplay features, better that everyone presents their opinions..... Yeah.....and even Les gets forum attention.:cool:
  12. Come on Hubert ...move on....obviously these glaringly naive comments reflect an uncompromising opinion akin to "sour grapes" directed by tunnel vision. A narrow mind that is trying to breakout but just can't because of the conditioned behaviour based upon boardgaming prejudice and a predication of historical symmetry.:confused: Shape relationship and applications are obviously not this mind's forte' either, its simply, "not worth it", but you tried!:cool:
  13. I've been running some test scenarios and this thing works, the sub model, that is! Come on, you guys need to work on your ASW tactics, cause if anything subs need some more help. I'm wiping up the Atlantic Ocean with the RN, both the WW2,39 campaign and David's WiF. You guys ever thought about using subs to hunt subs? You know they don't take damage when you ram them into other enemy subs and the RN gets three of them. They make a good "point". Ohhh yeah....and this Brest script, the so-called subpen improvements, don't fall for it, it's total crap, I can make mincemeat out of the place anytime I wish with the UK forces....uhhh...except when its raining or snowing!
  14. Look guys, I'll be the first to admit that there are obvious improvements to the sub model, but as far as the mechanics operating as designed, I think the game engine is performing properly. To tell you the truth I think David's suggestion could be quite helpful,(post#20)
  15. That'll be my pleasure Bluestew, but I've travelled far and wide for the best margarita on the planet, and other than the island, I finally had to make my own as there just never was one quite right. I even grow my own limes, key limes that is! So when you come to South Texas, I'll make sure I pay my electric bill cause we'll need to crank up the ole smoothy machine and share the best, that's right...."the best" :)margarita on the planet, right here in little ole Corpus Christi. And of course our setting will have to be Gulf beachside.:cool: Cheers!...........and make mine Summertime.
  16. Just one problem, BF won't like this, it'll put Empires of Steel "out of business"!
  17. WTH arado!:eek: Reformat the HD, stick it with more RAM, surely this can't be good for your quality of life, damn PCs are so cheap now......you really don't have an excuse.:confused:
  18. Kuni is just saving his dimes for GGs new WitE game:rolleyes:, and as far as us "old farts" are concerned????(Hubert...what has happened to your humility?:eek:), doesn't matter about our perspective, you listened, you adapted and most of all you persevered through a storm of criticism and that gets you to the 80 percentile by itself. You found good assistance, you managed resources and stayed flexible, and allowing for a 5 plus or minus error, how could SC be anything but an "A" wargame grade.:cool: Ohhhhh...and how's the back?
  19. Les, this is a nonissue, don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. There's already too many humans doing that now, use you energy in a more productive goal, the freedom of information issue is one case worthy of the effort.....but games??....sorry...i just can't get serious about games.
  20. Nup, any chance that you could import or apply the framework that was your PTO world map? I mean really, there are so many parts of the globe that are impractical for combat operations that they might as well be deleted. That being said, I've had visions....dreams..of a new world war format where the Korean conflict escalates into WW3, communism vs democracies. This GC edition just begs for a more contemporary campaign. Remember the Cuban Missile crises and the Cubans in Angola, something with that scope before the proliferation of nuclear weapons. A few nukes would be OK, but I believe there just wasn't much practicability in their widespread usage.
  21. Well if longevity makes me a commentor with credibility then let me say it depends mostly on that unit's position and the degree of threat that it could be lost. Many times units with 3 experience take no casualties when soaking off entrenchment levels, leave them at 5 or 6 but be wary of their deployment. Units with low strength are great for partisan control if you are MPP short, its just like most everything else in SC, it depends on the circumstances, at least as far as this parameter, there is no "rule of thumb".
  22. Once again people will fabricate and push something into a category way out of proportion to the consequence. It's a fricken game and I wonder about these people that "make their voice heard" just how adamant they are about standing up for the real important things in life, the hypocrisy permeates their threads as I roll my eyes and think how big a deal it would be to lose 40 dollars, 50 dollars, a hundred. Excuse me if I present an air of triviality when I'm constantly fleeced for hundreds of thousands of dollars by righteous seeking governments.....but they'll let that pass...heck they're probably a recipient of government entitlements..but a DRM...whoa baby, I'm going to make some noise!:eek: Make up whatever excuse you want, obviously if BF continues with their policies, "they ain't hurtin" because of the loss of your business, take your violins somewhere else and we'll enjoy the fruits of Hubert's endeavors for mere tiddly winks. It's your loss, not ours. You're free to choose! Look how long I've been a patron here...does that tell you anything, I've never had a problem one with getting what I pay for and I've got all these SC editions, more than once, and I give them away, yeah .... DRMs are real important.
  23. a234, of course all these upgrades are separate tech categories....that isn't clear?:confused: Remember arado, these SC units represent a group, a wing, a massing of different types of aircraft. All you're doing is customizing the allocations. Why wouldn't the FBs be escorted by advanced fighters if both categories have been upgraded, the unit is not all of one type aircraft and they can perform various missions, mixing or being specific to certain mission sorties defined by the player. Why should carriers have the only ability to mix missions? Actually if you want to get right down to it you could have only one SC land based aircraft unit. By selecting the upgrades, adv-air for air superiority role, TAC for ground support, or strategic bombers for the SAC role you could customize specifically or mix the wing for the mission(s) you wish. Of course we'd need that 4th category for the LR feature, but that's for another game.
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