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SSgt Viljuri

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Everything posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. How about Stryker's differences to Patria AMV? Apart from having a weaker power plant, no amphibious capability and weaker protection (not to mention suspension)?
  2. Considering existing trademarks and such, inventing these things is a waste of time. However, few suggestions: Combat Mission: Freedom Brigade Combat Mission: Objective Force Combat Mission: Strike-Force Liberty Combat Mission: The Gnome Bunch vs The Elves EDIT: added another one [ October 17, 2005, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: SSgt Viljuri ]
  3. Madmatt wrote: Losing its relevance, and fast. Paradigm is starting to shift or somefink.
  4. Asch, my question on the "AWESOME" thread is answered here...
  5. Will there be Northern regions of the eastern front presented as well? You know, I have heard that there were some quite capable forces out there, not sure though...
  6. Off the top of my head I could not think of a more deplorable and horrifying idea for a computer game than this "Nazi Waffenhamster simulator" except perhaps a Swedish male erotica simulator. This upcoming game is so wrong! Wrong, I tell ya! :mad: Anyway, this is my last post on this awful game... I will never visit these boards again! What a sad day. Good luck with the germanophile and redneck dollar, you corporate wh*r*s you. Hope you are happy now... :mad: Achtung!: Note the absence of a wbs-style bolding...
  7. How about recording one or two Seanachai's jolly sing-songs?
  8. As the Syrians, we should not forget our prime directive: "Is.... m..t b. utt...y .es......!" Hm, well... it's a bit (or tad) too political on the second thought, and not funny at all. I apologize.
  9. Wicky wrote: Dunno. But don't go to Syria or Iraq, it would be too dangerous or something. Apart from lingvistic faculties (read: expensive), France has a sizeable Syrian minority (hardly surprising).
  10. Hm, why does everybody keeps answering to this loony neo-nazi? Both the neo-nazis and communists should receive the same treatment: Coventry.
  11. Well, some basic info (not OOBs) can be found from here: ERRF-wiki Basically, the future OOBs are either still on a planning board or state secrets. The cooperation with NATO is still undecided. The collapse of EU's constitution is affecting as well, but NOT directly. OOB of the German-Dutch-Finnish "regiment" is pretty much carved in stone, but the info seems not to be public. That unit will be ready in 2007, interestingly enough. EDIT: some typos [ October 10, 2005, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: SSgt Viljuri ]
  12. Iskander wrote: I don't think the UN route or forces should be explored at all. Considering the setting (Syria 2007), modelling one of the ERRF (joint European Rapid Reaction Force) units would be much more wiser and interesting bet. Especially marketing wise. However, ERRF's initial mission description does not include full scale wars, rather military interventions. But the UN "peace-keeping" or other missions have been traditionally much more limited than the projected use of these units (exception being Korea), so it's not that far-fetched to think one or two of such units would particapate the US led invasion to Syria or other countries near european mainland, IMHO. If not for anything else than to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe or somefink... Of course these things are in a state of "work in progress" politically.
  13. Will snow temperature variations be modelled as well? And how about field toilets? It takes a true hero to have a leak at - 50 degrees of centigrade, not to mention other bodily functions. Or reindeer salami, probably the only foodstuff, which isn't frozen solid at those temperatures?
  14. AlmightyTH wrote: Nah, its like that Space Lobsters thing. How about modelling the future battles of Harmagedon? The joint forces of the west against everybody else... Doesn't sound good either...
  15. Sergei wrote: Novelty things like water closets can be very intimidating at times. Seriously, the opponent in question (Syria 2007) is not raising expectations to me, at least. Maybe if there would be credible opponents with some modern equipment, the setting would be more interesting one. Like the FFL paratroop half-brigade joining the Syrian cause or something. Or modelling any joint EU rapid action military force unit to take part of the action (for marketing perspective the one with the German, the Dutch and the Finnish forces would surely be the best). ! These new European units are limited in scope, so it shouldn't be too hard or time consuming to research and model them. And as a matter fact, the abovementioned unit (consisting of the German, the Dutch and the Finnish contingents) has a responsibility in 2007!
  16. jacobs_ladder wrote: Interestingly enough, Poland's fate along with other smaller nations in Europe, was sealed when the Czechs didn't have the balls to defend Sudetenland in 1938. Not forgetting the allied appeasement, but after this voluntary surrender, it was a done deal for the Nazis (and for the Soviets) to grab what ever they wanted, which they couldn't have done so easily otherwise. The Czechs could have caused serious blows to the German war machinery, notwithstanding the fact that they would have had to fight alone. Basically they possessed enough equipment and fortifications to hold off the initial German attack. And then there could have well been a German military coup (Wehrmacht generals or so) to overthrow Hitler and his henchmen... But they hesitated, especially since both the British and the French would have been hostile to the Czechs after the Münich agreement in September 1938. Not to mention their neighbouring countries... But as we showed, determination can sometimes move mountains, and both Chechoslovakia and Poland were better armed than we were.
  17. Wasn't this among the top priority fixes the BFC promised? Or are they going to call it a day and say it's just a feature? Surely they should have fixed it by now... Grrr. I'm not buing if this thing remains in CMX2.
  18. Sergei wrote: The point being? The Finnish high command didn't want the city and C.G Mannerheim personally opposed any initiatives to participate to such criminal operations. That was clearly evident in A.F Airo's plans (versions I-III, IV being the only plan to push our borders forward in the Isthmus region in a case of total Russian defeat). Mannerheim even stated that even if the Germans would burn the city down, the Russians would build it back before long. This happened in 1941, when the situation still looked pretty grim for the Russians.
  19. I have to admire Prinz Eugen_2's attempts to insult all living Canadians and Seanachai, who isn't a canadian, but a well respected being and a world-famous Gnome, whereas "Samwise Gamgee", aka Sergei, is just a gnome-looking entity and not very well known beyond hist native forest. Do we really have a first Finn ever with an attitude or somefink? It just can't be. Surely he's a Swede or even ...gasp... mostly evil Norwegian? Just my bread and butter
  20. Prinz Eugen_2 wrote: I'm afraid that I can't entertain your request at the moment. And I would advise you to avoid challenging your superiors in a such open manner, especially since rank and file are nearby. You are hereby relieved, corporal. Over and out. (end of the transmission).
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