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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. There are some interesting contemporary photos by the author of NA battle grounds. Just finished reading the book and these would have certainly helped in visualising the scenes. Here
  2. LOL:D CMAK sound effect2 [ November 08, 2003, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  3. CMAK sounds preview no. 1 (RealPlayer needed) [ November 08, 2003, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  4. Mystery solved (I think)... The operation you're playing 'Return to Borisov' as d/l from the Scenario Depot, has in it's OB for the Allies as follows: Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! : : : : : : : : : On map Mortar spotter 120mm (radio) x2 Mortar spotter 82mm (cable) Reinforcement 4 Arty spotter 76mm (radio) Reinforcement 5 Mortar spotter 82mm (cable) Reinforcement 6 Mortar spotter 120mm (cable) So unless ithe version you're playing has been modified at some stage, it appears there are no 82mm mortar spotters with radios within a 100 clicks of your operation. Unless you captured an Axis one as captured enemies won't load into trucks etc. Looks like a funpacked operation from all the hardware in it [ November 08, 2003, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  5. What 's the name (if applicable) and the date that the scenario is set in? I'm currently playing a PBEM of 'Diet Plan' set in May '42 and my Soviet 82 spotter (and all soviets spotters for that date are radioless). If you want to e-mail me the scenario I can double check it. P.S. In the info screen > What's the spotters speed class? Slow = Cable Medium = Radio Both types will have transport class 1 indicated in the info screen. [ November 08, 2003, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  6. pah! An 80 gig hard drive with a preinstalled fully modded CM is the way to go:D (and only for £29.99)
  7. MikeT has amassed and refurbished CMMOS for CMBO which includes a pacific conversion 'kit' with palm trees, jungles, kit & scenarios to match. He'll be post the entire caboodle on the CMMOD website when, to coin a phrase, it's ready
  8. No the kind modder has thoughtfully done that for you. Why don't you simply d/l a snowy t-34, grit your teeth, and plunge head first into the warm enveloping waters of Mod sluttery...
  9. Just for the temperature to be chilly Yup, unzip 'em and slap in the BMP folder rmembering to back up the files if you're replacing them. vehicle bmp list
  10. Thoroughly recommend gridded terrain mods, for better gauging the contours of the landscape. Previously asked "How do install mods?" thread
  11. Good point I have the special edition but the mods CD is limited in the amount and diversity of the MOD's. You guys sure there is not a total conversion pack of hi res textures online? </font>
  12. Can your e-mail handle a 936.2mb attachment?
  13. I thought the site was 'down' cos the demo was being put up
  14. An average gamma setting for Mac monitors is 1.8 gamma while that for an average PC is 2.5 gamma. Thus, graphics that look OK on a PC will look pale and insipid on a Mac monitor and what looks correct on a Mac will be visibly too dark on a PC monitor. You're seeing the darkside of the force - and the groggiest gamma monster link I could find: About gamma correction Try following this tutorial to see what you can achieve: Gamma Settings [ October 27, 2003, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  15. Doesn't say what games but doesn't look to promising, Microsoft Virtual PC discussion board ">I run VPC 6.1 on a 17² IMAC with the Super drive(756MB Ram 1G Mhz processor) and you would never be able to play any games on it.....it runs about the equivalent of a 60Mhz PC. It is only good to run a few apps that you cant use on your MAC.....but it VERY SLOW!!<" Can't see anything related to 3D peformance explicitly And to date it doesn't work on G5's edit: In contradiction to the above: "> Can I run Microsoft Flight Simulator with virtual PC ? As long as it doesn't require a PC graphics card beyond the emulated card in VPC, Flight Simulator should work- though it may not perform as speedily as you would desire. It's basically a game, and complex gaming software does perform well in VPC.<" This seems to confirm the false hope >"Again - we're back to the same old issue - people thinking that VPC can be used for more than running stuff that's not available on the Mac. Just to sort out the issue here - Virtual PC *DOESN'T* share your graphics card memory, the 'video Ram' you are refering to in VPC is actually your iMac's memory. So...say you're running Windows 2000 and you've set 128MB's of memory aside for VPC, perhaps a 4MB virtual graphics card, that's 132MB's of your iMac's RAM, add on the over head of VPC itself - which is about 6-10MB's (from my experience) that's about 150MB's of iMac RAM. Upping the Video RAM on VPC would only push up Cirtual PC's memory requirements. Also - you're thinking that VPC also emulates your iMac's graphics card - it doesn't, right click on the desktop in Windows go to properties, click Advanced, then click adapter. In here you'll see that actually the graphics card that VPC emulates is an S3 Trio 32/64, NOT a GeForce 5200."> [ October 27, 2003, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  16. Yup tried it with VPC 3.00 and CMBO - a complete no go for the lack of video card 3D reason stated above. Also:MacFixit - Monday, October 27 2003 Mac OS 9 booting apparently gone from new eMacs, iBooks "Until last week, the eMac and iBook lines were Apple's last actively updated systems to maintain Mac OS 9 booting. With the new models shipping, it now appears that only a $1,299-base Power Mac G4, available through the online Apple store, will retain Mac OS 9 startup capabilities."
  17. Installed them yummy skies on my Mac with ATI AGP Retail Radeon 32mb but they failed to work (went psychadelic). I remember installing a previous release of hi-res skies and the same thing occured. Is it just me or has anyone else on a Mac had similar problems? (Writing this I think I'll try a little experiment and convert the Hi-res skies to the default BMPs resolution and see what happens). edit: Yup knocking them back down to 1024x256 @72dpi from 2048x512 @ 96dpi gets them up and away - shame there's now some subtle banding [ October 27, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  18. Are you sure that the gun's location is positivly ID'd? If the guns are only sound contacts tanks don't/can't target . Get some cruchies up closer to get a more precise ID of location.
  19. 10.3 running on my G4 450 dual processor. Very snappy performance and no application problems since upgrading. 2-3 minutes to boot into 9 for CM and Quark. My legacy SCSI scanner and zip drive work fine via SCSI card. Keeping a few Gig free for CMAK and the inevitable mod gluttony - So I should be OK for the next couple of years until CMX.
  20. Stumbled on this strategic and operational history: Tunisia 17 November 1942-13 May 1943 U.S. Army Center of Military History by Charles R. Anderson [ October 22, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  21. Welcome to the forum, aka a vast encyclopedia of all things CM Check this thread from the FAQ: 3rd post down There is decribed everything you might need to know, presuming you know the basics (hunt, move, sneak, from your manual). Some of the the tactics might be relevant to CMBO as CMBB introduced new and/or improved features. But study them well as you can learn a lot from the distilled experience. I'd also recommend doing a seach on the forums for the name of a scenario from the disk you think you'd like to play, as you'll generally find discussion of relevant tactics and AARs. Be prepared to make plenty of mistakes with an occasional glimmer of good fortune sprinkled in for good luck. Avoid anyone who has a 'Peng' in his post Good hunting. PS. rereading your post I'm not sure you've even got the demo - If so d/l CMBO demo to get a grip with the basic moves & tactics of CM in some damn excellent scenarios. Bear with the 'basic' graphics as the gameplay is the best bit. Mods can and will improve the appearance of the full game. I've found its play, read, mod and learn - rinse and repeat for 3 years or so. Read any tactical primer/discussion written by JasonC. [ October 21, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
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