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About Ender1987

  • Birthday 07/21/1987

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  1. can anyone point me to a larger selection of MMOS compliant mods?
  2. That page has very few CMMOS mods.... Edit:can I use regular mods with CMMOS? [ November 09, 2003, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Ender1987 ]
  3. My point was that I was looking for CM:BB mods not CM:BO. Could someone point me to a place that has CM:BB mods?
  4. How do I know which 3rd party mods are for CM:BB? I don't want to accidentally download CMM:BO mods.....
  5. Whats this about numbers? I have to add a number to the .bmp name to get winter stuff to work? :confused: [ October 28, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Ender1987 ]
  6. I know how to install them. But do I need anything special for the winter mods? I just unzip them into the CMBB folder and that's it?
  7. Well, as of now I really don't want to change much. But how do I get winter camo skins in?
  8. Are the user made skins that much better than the default ones?
  9. Good point I have the special edition but the mods CD is limited in the amount and diversity of the MOD's. You guys sure there is not a total conversion pack of hi res textures online? [ October 28, 2003, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Ender1987 ]
  10. I was really hoping that out there there would be some kind of "total conversion" pack instead of going through thousands skins one by one. I have not found one yet. And I still would accept anyone's offer to help me by providing a copy of their texture folder. [ October 27, 2003, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Ender1987 ]
  11. Can anyone point me to a total hi-res texture conversion for my CM:BB? I really don't feel like sifting through all the mods. Or maybe one of you guys can send me your texture folder with the mods already installed that I can use? Thanks in advance, Ender
  12. I have another question. I got fustrated with having to set my desktop at 1024x768 everytime I played. So, I decided to do a little experiment. I had my desktop at my default 800x600 and started up CM:BB (this was after I had set my prefrence to 1024x768). I was hoping that since my prefrence was 1024x768 it would default to that even though my desktop had changed. Nope, I got that stupid selection pop up box again(having the box pop up when you had your election already chosen won't hurt the game in any way, right?). My question is, is there any way to play CM:BB at 1024x768 without changing my desktop resolution all the time? Also, can anyone point me to a total hi-res texture conversion for my CM:BB? I really don't feel like sifting through all the mods. Or maybe one of you guys can send me your texture folder with the mods already installed that I can use. Thanks in advance, Ender. ps-sorry for asking tech questions in general, but I don't want to make a new thread in technical that had all the additional posts missing.
  13. Setting my desktop to 1024x768 works, thanks! But, when I was cycling through the choices for a resolution earlier, I eventually got an error "could not initalize d3d" or something like that. Is this because I exausted my choices? And do I have to worry if that hurt my computer/video card in any way?
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