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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I might not understand correctly here but I believe the bug was that both Germany and Italy received MPP from capturing Norway... now the only change for v1.05 is that if Italy captures Norway it would still only be Germany that would be the benefactor as they are the only Axis major with the convoy relationship. Essentially it is not that the Axis do not gain or lose MPP, rather that the MPP relationship via convoy is maintained as was originally intended, i.e. regardless of who forced the surrender of Norway.
  2. Yes, this is still on my list of things to fix and even Blashy and Terif (just to name a few) have sent me emails on this issue... if you still have the save file please forward that to me as it will help me fix the problem quickly. Hubert
  3. TommyT, just an FYI that this has been fixed for the next patch. John DiFool the 2nd, while it could be seen that if Italy converted Iraq that they should then be under Italian control but this is just how the current system works, i.e. the Axis parent remains the same regardless of whose diplomatic activity brought them over the top. I guess it could be considered that Italy just helped push Iraq over the top to join the Axis cause but their main allegiance is still with Germany.
  4. What's the Battlefront version? Is the version we can download in this site : here? Correct and yes, while a native French version would of course be preferable... it is the best I can do for now Hubert
  5. Iron Ranger, after thinking about this some more I am almost inclined to leave this as is since in general the DoW on Spain by the Allies is not really advantageous, i.e. could lose Gibraltar plus extra units and resources for the Axis etc., unless of course the Allies are prepared to conquer Spain with the DoW. In the latter case then the transfer of US naval assets fromt the Pacific could be viewed as part of a paradigm shift in US combat focus. What do you think?
  6. Hi Deadangel, I believe there is a French version in the works but this all depends on the status of the game with the French distributor. In the meantime and if your english is not too bad you might get away with playing the Battlefront version. Hubert
  7. DAK_21PzDivision, this was unfortunately an error I introduced with v1.04. In order to work around this error simply remove all older and incompatible campaigns from your 'Campaigns' folder, i.e. those that are incompatible with v1.04. This should resolve the issue for you. Hubert
  8. Ok, found this... consider it fixed for the next patch
  9. Okay thanks for the further details guys... I'll take a look. Hubert
  10. It is not really going anywhere and is quite pointless Good point and since this thread doesn't really have much to do with SC2 I'm going to lock it up. Hubert
  11. Scipio666, your custom campaign sounds interesting... if you export all the data and then upgrade SC2 to v1.04, you will, by following the instructions on upgrading custom mods, be able to bring this custom mod up to the latest patched version. At this point others will be able to play as I am unsure of how many players are still playing v1.00 of the game.
  12. Liam, I'm not 100% sure I understood correctly but the only turns that can be converted, with your password, are the ones that have been sent to you. For example, you have just received a turn via E-mail and would like to convert it to Hotseat, then by placing it in the Hotseat directory it should work as expected. Is this not the case?
  13. Hellraiser, I believe Grozny was added as a USSR industrial center so this is probably why the Caucases remained in full supply. Btw, thanks for the file... looking into to it but still no luck
  14. Hi Hellraiser, I'll look into both of these, thanks!
  15. I'm very glad to hear you guys have been enjoying SC2 Next patch promises some more enhancements including full support of ALT-TAB. Here are the relevant notes for current work in progress: - fixed a previous ALT-TAB issue that did not allow you to switch out of the game during AI, Network and E-Mail replays without causing a crash - Note a change for Network (TCP/IP) games is that now turns will progress even if SC2 is minimized. Also, if your opponent completes their turn while SC2 is minimized you will be notified via the chat 'squak' sound effect played 3 times in quick succession, otherwise it is just your opponent sending you a text message - added an SC2 taskbar icon to the system tray (bottom right hand corner on most systems) - Note, the SC2 icon will flash whenever there is a playable turn. For example, if you minimize SC2 during an AI or Network game this can be handy to let you know that either the AI has finished its turn or that it is your turn to play during TCP/IP, especially if playing with a timer so that lost time is minimal - network games now also allow the inactive player to scroll around the map while waiting for the turn to start, v1.04 introduced scrolling for the inactive player but it did not include the period between synchronizations - added a few new network game indicators such as a message when your opponent has completed their turn and that game data is currently being transferred Hubert
  16. Bluuman, can you try applying the latest sound drivers as well just to confirm that the sound card is not an issue?
  17. Right now the defender losses formula for Rockets takes into account experience but not entrenchment and any defence bonuses... I could add these factors in if there is a majority in favour of that.
  18. Iron Ranger, 2,3) Previously if chits were not countered by an enemy then multiple hits per turn were possible. For example if Germany and Italy both had 1 chit and the UK had nothing then in v1.02 it was possible to have 2 hits, i.e. one for both Germany and Italy. Now with the cumulative calculation it is only possible to have 1 hit per turn albeit at a higher % chance but only marginally so since Italy is at a lower % relative to Germany. The general idea with the change in v1.03 was to maintain the power of the major players, i.e. the UK and Germany, with supportive pressure applied if needed from the smaller major powers. Granted it is now possible with v1.03-04 to have diplomatic actions achieve a breakthrough, i.e. complete blocking is no longer possible, but only marginally so depending on how the chits have been applied. For example if the UK and Germany both have 5 chits applied against Spain and Italy has 1 chit then there is only a 3% chance for a hit. Now, I am not saying that the new system is perfect, but I think that a few more adjustments to the effect % range as well as an adjustment to the costs for purchasing chits and we might just get there... well, get there in the sense of still working within the current system and without needing to do a complete overhaul of the code. 4) As far as I know this is not possible as there is only a minor % bonus... are you sure this was not from some other action like DoWs etc.? Increase the number of scripts where unit locations = changes in %. USSR needs to garison its border. More troops in Norway = good/bad relations with Finland and Sweden. Ect..... Some good ideas here Hubert
  19. Edwin, difficulty affects income as well as plunder. Retributar, TaoJah, off hand I would say that the AI does not have a spotting bonus in the typical combat sense... although depending on the scripts planning may be affected by unit positions whether under FoW or not. There might be a bug and if you can be more specific I can try and track it down... for example TaoJah you mention that the AI sees units more than 2 hexes away... does this mean it attacks these units without encountering a surprise contact? If so that is probably a bug and if you have this happen again in another game don't hesitate to send me a turn where I can repeat this error so I can take a look.
  20. There is no spotting bonus... that was a myth started by one of the beta testers I belive
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