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Everything posted by V

  1. available at http://www.cmmods.com/ and http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission//
  2. planes have ratings in CMBB. Not all German pilots were veterans going into Barbarossa. Quite a few were, but certainly not all. Friendly fire did happen tot he Germans on the Ostfront. I will have to dig through my books to find specific instances which I remember, but it did happen. And I would venture to guess that in CMBB, the rating of the pilot has a lot to do with instances of friendly fire. A green or reg pilot is much more likely to hit friendly troops than a vet or crack pilot, for instance.
  3. Steve, you will never satisy all of the people all of the time. Give it a rest. Your time is better spent working on this patch, the new game, and giving me member #36 because it is my number. Mine only.
  4. I believe we already went over this. BFC Steve and Lt. Hortlund had a thread about it and I think it was resolved. At least in my eyes, it was resolved.
  5. I have never seen a T-34/85 bog and I have had this game since release.
  6. Blasphemy... How can they move on to WW3 when there are WW2 theaters still to be covered? First we must have the West Front re-done. Then re-do the East Front. Then we can hit the Med. Then, MAYBE, the Cold War. But I would prefer Vietnam.
  7. This is not covered in the manual?
  8. ALL the demo scenarios can be transfered to CMBB </font>
  9. I just launched CMBB using the 1.01 exe. I was able to play the 'TEST gun' scenario offerred by a player in the 'Unhittable' thread. There was no incompatibility problem though, the TEST scenario was created to show a bug in 1.02. This time, the German platoon quickly dispatched the Russian AT gun. </font>
  10. As far as I know, Yelnia Stare can only be found on the demo. I don't think that the demo scenario can be transfered into CMBB.
  11. Thanks for the update, Steve. Best of luck on the next project. I already have the money waiting. Just let me know when you are accepting pre-orders.
  12. Unless I missed something I understood 1.02 to be the final patch and they would now be working on engine II. BFC are keen not to get suckd into perpetual patches as they did for CMBO which delayed CMBB. </font>
  13. please send it my way if you have a chance. vsp36@frontiernet.net
  14. Why not run to a safe place instead?? It is unrealistic to assume that panicking units would check the compass: "OK, it seems that south is there, so let's go to that direction!" I'm sure that panicking units run back to the place where they advanced from, rather than to the general direction of friendly lines, if there are enemies in between. </font>
  15. E) My sig. Brilliantly hosted by the Scenario Depot. P.S. The scenario might not be good, I don't know, it has not been reviewed! :eek:
  16. Has anyone heard rumors of a possible 1.03? I know there was one issue, with the being able to open 1.02 PBEM files with 1.01 and vice-versa. Has BFC's silence been an indication that they might have 1.03 in the pipeline?
  17. HA! Yea, I do that all the time now. My wife does not find it amusing. I always tell her where the commanding ground is. Just today I was watching Gettysburg before we drove to the in-laws house. I noticed a hill and turned to my wife and said "General, give me one regiment and I will take that hill."
  18. If you are speaking of the Italian Campaign, I think it would have many excellent tactical engagements and difficult situations to overcome. Personally, I think the next version of CM should cover The West Front from 40-45 and should include the African Campaign and the Italian campaign. [ February 28, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: V ]
  19. [ February 28, 2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: V ]
  20. That makes sense. But the KV is not invincible. And I refuse to agree that having a certain type of tank, one single tank, assures the Soviets of defeat. There are so many other variables. Also, the bigger the map gets, the less effective a lone tank can be. Aircraft is also one German weapon which can always take out a KV. One could always, as you have, just refuse to play QB's set in 1941. Or, even better, refuse to play them at all.
  21. You don't have to knock the tank out. Just get a gun hit. take out a track. keep the KV spinning in circles using smoke and flank moves. I would rather have 5 Pz 38's against 1 KV if given the right map conditions. Good tree cover and lots of hills. But, if the battle is on an open steppe, it will be hard to beat the KV with 5 Pz 38's. It is certainly not impossible. And you did not lose because your opponents purchased KV's. You probably lost because you failed to take out the KV's or find a way to win around them. In other words, you failed. To put it simply, learn how to take out the KV in early war situations. Design a scenario, have the computer make a random map and give yourself what you would normally buy in your QB of choice. Do the same for the soviet side, what you usually face at that point level. Then figure out different ways to kill the KV against the AI. It will be tough to bridge that to playing a human, but thats the challenge.
  22. I am of the more historical slant. If you want to get the most history out of your battles, then play designed scenarios and don't play QB's! Quick Battles are the spawn of the devil and should be avoided by the historical minded gentleman. There are plenty of small, balanced historical scenarios which can be played via TCP/IP. Hopefully, somed day soon, Der kessel will have their byte battle section going for CMBB. Also, go to the scenario depot and download some of the smaller "Gross Deutschland" (GD)scenarios, they are usually very well done with good history attached.
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