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Everything posted by RockinHarry

  1. Think that hits the point well. Making para uniforms and helmets s/b more "work" than editing OOB/data charts, to reflect "by the book" values of few selected units. No special tactics or equipment (unless you really need the rare FG42, lG40 ect.) that necessiates additional coding efforts IMO.
  2. I´d really like to see that explained in detail. In 1944/45 the majority german paras were little more than Wehrmacht grunts in different uniforms. Oftentimes not even that. Special weapons, special equipment, special tactics...What?? :confused:
  3. That´s good news re patch release. If at least the OOM problems is resolved, I might purchase CW very soon. Is there already a detailed list of fixes/changes available?
  4. ...and what about a uboat type XXI, sent on a "secret" mission? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Type_XXI_submarine Off course it would have been a suicide mission. The crew would be unaware of their secret mission and the attached NSFO (Nazi version of russian commissar) would push the trigger once the target is reached.
  5. Proof that western front combat wasn´t that violent after all? Looks like they settled for some Schnaps and discuss who has taken who into captivity...
  6. With Hitlers "V" (vengeance) weapon "strategy" and the new Type XXI U-Boat available at that time.... A handful of movies already picked up such a scenario, but it was of course "terrorists" delivering a bomb, stolen or smuggled from the former USSR, via ship to the USA. Most likely targets for a U boat full of Nazis and an atomic bomb? ...
  7. Quick note: Fences are very very scarcely used to line farmfields in NWE. Fences usually do "fence in" (cattle, private property, gardens...) and less oftenly "fence out". So any likely farmfield invaders could be better dealt with by scarecrows.
  8. Just IMHO, but if I´d mod the CMBN mud tile I´d rather make it a wet grass tile, with few mud patches and bits of water. CMBN sort of mud graphics would be rarely seen in RL unless a muddy road or track.
  9. ..or on Atari 800XL then switched to C-64 for Panzer Strike and Typhoon of Steel.:cool:
  10. To me it looks just like a partial penetration, but who knows...
  11. Likely with a large frame magnetic field detector. These devices detect large iron metal masses several meters deep and the russian team probably knew what they were looking for when walking on that frozen swamp. Once they pinpointed it, they came back in summer and recovered the Stug. Might be it was a simple accident, when the Stug got lost there. A simple underestimation of ice thickness might do it. Probably winter of 1943/44.
  12. I´d assume the game can´t handle large volumes of fire per "actions thread", a presumably fixed time segment within the game code, that can handle only so many "actions", to allow the game running smoothly and with high FPS. I see more of an issue with RT play, but any such limitations should be removed for WEGO. A "typical" situation for a "typical" german HMG unit: A platoon (or section of 2) of 4 x HMG42 = "typical" tactical fire unit. Platoon commander: Assign target, range, depth and width dispersion (tripod setting), number of ammo for the units "fire task" = measured in BELTS (of 50 to 100 rounds or more). Gunner does tripod, optics setting. Loader prepares ammo belt(s). Leader "Feuer Frei" (free fire). The whole HMG unit now does a fire concentration ("Feueruberfall") on designated target. If tactical ammo unit was...say...a belt of 50 rounds on target, then the whole HMG42 platoon (4 guns) would expend 200 rounds in 2 1/2 seconds. If it was a good "mass target" (advancing russian infantry waves), the "ammo unit" could well be 100 round belts and width/depth dispersion tripod setting somewhat altered, the 4 x HMG42 would blaze away with 400 rounds in about 5 seconds and so on. If the fire task (destroy, suppress) wasn´t successfull, it would likely be repeated, or target switched. A unit that does not expect an immediate fire task, would either keep watching, OR dive to full cover. That´s what you have to derive any other tactical situation from.
  13. Do you mean THAT training film, that compares a bipod MG42 vs. 30cal tripod?
  14. Can´t make tests myself ATM, but does it make a difference between using move or hunt? The reorging near the waypoint center spot causes trouble most of the time with single soldiers wandering off, so it´s likely better to use less waypoints. I´d like to see the reorging function entirely skipped, for subsequent (equal order type, non paused) waypoints.
  15. Indirect HMG shooting, though anchored in german training and doctrine was considered more of a "black art". Surely has been used much by germans on the eastern front, where appropiate terrain and frontline conditions did support. There´s a minimum range for indirect shooting (2500m IIRC), as well as a safety zone before friendly troops. Nice to have modelled in a wargame, but I see numerous problems. Ballistic modelling, map sizes and AI usage. Beside that one has to consider that tactical "fire units" for german support arms is platoon size (4 HMG) minimum, as well is tactical ammo units, measured in "belts" (50-100 rounds). With the current "weakness" of HMGs in CMBN (no continuous fire, inaccuarcy), adding indirect fire capabilities wouldn´t add or improve anything.
  16. Any chance to get rid of the "incoming" sounds for mortars (as well as the soldiers anouncement calls)? It has been stated that too many sounds playing in the game would be a burden, so here is a chance to get rid of a redundant one.
  17. Panzerschreck and Faust effect is very much dependent from where projectiles impact. The rounds themselve might be good for suppression effects but it´s not meant to be a poor mans artillery! Useful examples: Urban combat, vs, fortifications (bunkers) and sometimes in forests. I remeber a hurtgen forest account, where it was reported about germans firing Fausts into the trees for the wooden splinters effects. Beside that, it´s a matter of ammo abundance...or not, to use these in non intended or little effect roles.
  18. Here´s a bit of Sherman smoke poppin action from a video I made some time ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5pAZqCs_wA Can´t tell if that truely resembles real world capabilities, but the Shermans do pester the area with smoke quite successfully. :eek:
  19. I did start and had to stop when figuring the map editor does not allow translating real world battlefield map data with reasonable amount of time and efforts. Also desired map sizes (9 to 16 square km) sooner or later lead to OOM issues. So unless AT LEAST the OOM issues got resolved, I rather spend my limited time on games (and its editors), that support me better. No reason to plug further modules into a game I can´t really work with.
  20. Might try ARMA2 and it´s i44 western front mod. Then there´s Liberation 44 on the horizon, which is also based on ARMA2 game engine. Beside that there not much to recommend if you´re coming from Panzer Elite school and more into (tank) simulators. So far, CMBN is the best combined arms simulation game around and surely will improve much more over time.
  21. Re lighting: At least on my computer there´s some odd ambient lighting effects, particularly in the hours before 9 AM (game time ). It indicates that ambient lighting amount remains constant during night and day hours, leading to the effect shown in the screenies. Watch shadows and lit areas: Do anybody else than me ever noticed this? :confused: There´s no full moon involved btw.
  22. This is a propaganda pic, easily recogniced by the pig stabber attached to this Tommies Enfield rifle. Bayonet combat was a rare occurance in WW2, but attached pig stabbers surely frigthened the hell out of those wimpy germans.
  23. +1 Could be dealt with like road ditches, which are present as true micro terrain mesh alterations already. Place these in the middle of AS, somewhat deeper and unlike water tiles, allow to place on any reasonable base terrain tile (grass, mud, ..or any non pavement/road types). Limitation could possibly be to place them on just one base height, in accordance with any water tile if present on map.
  24. Think there´s bit of a middle ground missing. We have those very lightly wounded (yellow) who keep with the fighting troops and those incapacitated who can´t care for themselves anymore. What´s missing is those who aren´t healthy enough to stay at the frontline, yet are capable to walk alone (or in groups) back to the first aid stations. So far, the lightly wounded are equally death candidates as are the incapacitated who need buddy aid. The "middle" ground could see the walking capable wounded disappear from the squad info panel with giving notice (after short delay maybe).
  25. I haven´t worked through all of APOS features yet, so can´t really compare with CMBN. I particularly like physics, true 3D foxholes and trenches, setting of formations down to squad level, dynamic lighting...stuff that I remember right now. Support for non russian users is a bit lacking and the "operational" layer is hardly any, with moving platoon sized units in 1km squares. At least it never responded with any OOM issues, which makes CMBN just 50% functional for me.
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