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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Zimmerit Zimmerit He ain't got a Glim-o-wit Its Michael Its Emry's And basically Wiki is his Friendliness
  2. Oh, the truth is out! The Justicar of the MBT is a Muppets Grog.. are you Statler or Waldorf!? .. or some dark Muppet hybrid of both?
  3. In Ohio each new born gets a potato. This potato is a potato for life. It is tended, stroked, planted and quite often taken to bed. If a Ohio person loses their life time potato they are shunned and cast out and given a short, odd name like Goo, Poo or Hoo so that they are easily identified as a potatoless Ohio outcast.
  4. Can't get more UberGoober than a banker from Salt Lake City with Mormon wives.. I mean that's Gooberism taken to several tiers beyond yer normal terra firma immigration control... such a staggering, unabashed and full-on Gooberphile life (who can say whether it is nature or nuture, where it is a gene or something caught down the local Tabernacle?) makes one stand back and watch with wonder at Nature getting a bit wonky... And that just about explains the banker bit...
  5. Wiki is Michael's best friend. He can't be found there, BTW, but he might be shoved up the duck.
  6. Oh, for gawds sake.. Merkins... flashlight... FLASHLIGHT... Jeeeezus Christ on a Zimmer Frame
  7. Of course, they could just have been induced into an alcohol fumes induced stupor or.. more likely, just rigid with incomprehension (I assume they watch when the Gnome bathes, attends to the toilette and dresses) until one of the more spunky little gray buggers finds speech again to squeak. "OI!, I think I'd prefer the wet and cold, where's the door?"
  8. That something near mouse size with a red pointy hat is on the computer? Mice are very observant about these sort of things. I expect they want some cheese from the just-a-bit-larger red pointed-hat Mouse God?
  9. [.. and sticking a snout underneath the surface for sub-aqua anti-frog bubble snorting, several of which quickly decide life on land for amphibians is the preferred mode of existence... much like a Justicar]
  10. [... and tonight is poetry night in the Paddock... Romantic poetry night and just as Wordsworth had his daffodils something gray and heavy and his little rubber buddy have their rampant growth of wild water cress] Well, Mr G, the creative juices are flowing tonight, ain't that the truth? [..picking up the special Poet's Crayon] .. and you shall be my muse... [.. as little rubber eyes and bulging equine eyes survey and examine the clump of growth with intense interest...] ...so, me little one, lets have the first lines "Goodness gracious Wot we have here?" ... oh superlative start, my little rubber one, it don't get better than this "Thick n bushy" ..aha, yes, keep it simple, as Nature intended "Water cress vag.." OI!!! NO!!! *BOOOOOOT* NAUGHTY MUSE, OFFF TO THE POND YOU GO!!!
  11. [.. and after a night when the pumpkins creak and the asparagus spears rustle and the wild water cress reach to a full, thick glossy bloom its time for an inspection with a small rubber Gnome propped up to ensure a good view of the miracles of nature] Well, Mr G, Nitrates do have an effect, what a wonderful clump of thick, luscious water cress we have here... [consulting various open books..] .. now for the matter in hoof... [tapping a hoof on one particularly thick tome "Topiary for Donkeys..] I've always fancied a Mohawk, what say you Mr G?... [...turning a page...] Oh.. that is interesting.. a water cress pubic mullet! We must try that!
  12. Nitrates! One can't spread enough nitrates if yer vegetative matter needs to grow... [And with a little farming song, something grey and heavy sets to a new activity with some relish] Donkey dung, Donkey dung, Everything grows, When the day is done
  13. ...buried head first up to the little begger's red wellie boots.. OI! GET OUT OF THERE! [... and the offending article is summarily disinterred and flung some distance towards some startled chickens] Well, I shall now tend and fertilize me patch of wild straggly water cress so it gets real thick 'n' bushy.
  14. Yes, that is all very interesting... [...combing the wild water cress mound into interesting shapes] .. terribly interesting... [.. shoving a snout in to get a good whiff..] .. terribly interesting...Oh! What is this! No, this won't do at all.. there is a foreign something amongst the water cress pubes.. OI, NO! This won't do at all...
  15. [looking at a patch of wild, straggly water cress and summoning up enough enthusiasm to lift a hoof to distribute a strand here and there] *snort* well, that was fun
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