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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. I would like Emrys to attempt to mind-control a beetle though I suspect the beetle might win. Besides, what exactly would be the use of a mind-controlled Gnome?
  2. The pointy hat will, of course, amplify any internal conversation and produce several echo effects.
  3. Ah, the via regia to the unconscious... or whatever Autobahn equivalents something squat and plump might bob along...
  4. [meanwhile, something large and heavy is practicing thrusting large cabbages down a clothes dummy attired in a full, pink Spandex suit]
  5. ... and if one were to pack [shuffling uncontrollably] brussel sprouts underneath the Spandex...
  6. Well, lets not be hasty... in the right pose at full Spandex stretch and with carefully applied baked beans a Justicar might be.. alluring.
  7. I like to ping Gnomes up to a veranda A) Are light 2) Are bouncy III) Smell rubbery
  8. ... and I should think a ruddy-topped Gnome bobbing along at knee height across a lawn by the light of a pale moon wouldn't just glisten.. it'd sweat buckets profusely and leave sodden puddles in its footsteps. [waving a rhubarb stalk to goad any stray lightning bolts before continuing with the errection of a rather heavy Versification Bunker..] ... it'd be a toy Kraken
  9. Its at times like these that one fully appreciates the fun-packed content of Sylvia Plath...
  10. [... because it is infinitely more preferable to hear the creaking of forced rhubarb growing in the dark than that screech of forced poetry erupting in the daylight...]
  11. I'm not quite sure how 'self immolation' could not be applied to Emrys-self... it could hardly be 'self immolation' if the immolated object was something other than the Emrys-self.. in fact... well, he might need the odd bit of assistance like soaked rag in the mouth but I'd say 'self immolating' bit probably makes it quite sure that the object of immolation would be sufficiently crisped up without further reference of application to the same self? I mean, that's double baking. And what's the use in that?
  12. Oh, someone has installed a server into my Paddock shed... I've already slathered it up twice and I should say it will take quite a bit of slathering to get the Dell badge off.
  13. If only Gnomes came that way... [surveying the inside of the Paddock shack] ... with wood grain interior
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