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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jack Carr

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Everything posted by Jack Carr

  1. I was playing the other day and came across a patch of swamp. After taking a good long look at it, I decided that this was a bit of real estate that could definitely use some sprucing up to make it look more "swampier". Any of the modders up to the task? I just felt there weren't enough cat-tails, weeds, etc. actually in the BMP's. I guess what I'm saying is less horizontal surface graphics should be showing and more vertical graphics. I remember someone taking a crack at a sunflower field that was pretty interesting. The problem with the mod was in the fact that it replaced an existing terrain type in favor of the new sunflower terrain type. Also, while I'm on a "please modders, please" roll, Is it possible to make the wheat fields taller. Or perhaps a brave modding soul could try something similar to the sunflower idea with say...corn? You know, cornstalks. High ones. Anyway, I've modded the heck out of my CMBB world but just thought that someone might want to give this a try. I neither have the software nor the talent to do it myself but fancy myself an "idea man".
  2. I have not downloaded the demo but I have pre-ordered the game. Just wondering for those of you who have downloaded it, "How is your machine running the game?" Thanks all. *** - Expecting the answer -"Just fine." - ***
  3. Already pre-ordered it. Unless this game is head and shoulders above CMBB I won't be leaving the Ost front any time soon.
  4. Interesting use of mines. I'll have to try this. I think adding an MG or two within range of the minefields to rake the pinned infantry. You may have done this already.
  5. Page 158 of "Blood Red Snow" describes the action of the "Ferdinands"... "the new 75 ton tank destroyer with an 88mm gun". Plate #22 is supposed to be a picture of a Ferdinand, but it's such a close-up shot from the front quarter that I can't see the over-all body of the tank. Good (first person account) book. Tell Santa you've been good this year. Ken </font>
  6. I would make an attempt to find the time for this book. It's quite good in my opinion. My Christmas list has "Black Edelweiss" on it. Currently reading, "Hell's Gate".
  7. They were real Shermans? I gotta watch that one again. I've got it on tape. Great movie. It looked like they were mock-ups to me. It appeared as though there was an extra set of roadwheels underneath the tank and inside the fake treads and running gear.
  8. Andreas, I'll make a point to grab the book when I get home and take a read through to find the spot. I will type in the text from the book when I reply to this thread.
  9. I read a very good book entitled, "Blood Red Snow" in which the author, a German soldier, describes one of these tank destroyers being brought up to deal with enemy armor that had been giving them a hard time. The author basically said, don't have the book with me, that the tank destroyer did a great job taking out the Russian tanks and the Russians did everything they could to try and find out what was making mince meat out of their armor.
  10. I have read that a major weakness of the Ferdinand tank destroyer was a lack of an MG. I'm wondering just how much of a weakness this was? There weren't very many of these monsters made. How many were lost to Russian infantry crawling all over them and lighting them on fire? The main gun's best use was to engage enemy targets at a long distance. I would think that the Germans always made an attempt to use the vehicle in that capacity. Are there any statistics on how many of these were lost to Soviet infantry?
  11. Seriously, I think the "stay buttoned until I tell you to get out" option has some merit. In a sense you are taking away control from your tank commanders AI but I can see where they might think they are safe while you as the player know that there is a good chance there might be some enemy lurking around the immediate vicinity.
  12. Ron, Did you get the scenario? I e-mailed it last night.
  13. I would like to add the following unbuttoned conditions along with what has already been suggested here in this post: 1) Commander completely out of cupola with legs dangling off side of turret (for tanks) or off side of chassis (for tank destroyers). Probably drinking a bottle of schnapps or vodka or apple juice or something like that. Command = Leisurely Unbuttoned 2) Entire crew outside of tank relieving themselves. (No pun intended here as the entire crew would literally be un-buttoned. No zipper flys back then just buttons.) Command = Can't Wait Unbuttoned 3) Tank commander looking around completely lost and badly in need of directions. Probably looking for nearest local inhabitant to get his bearings. Command = Lost Unbuttoned 4) Piss drunk crew singing patriotic songs and rolling about on the ground vomiting. Command = Helplessly Unbuttoned 5) Entire crew locked securely inside tank and sleeping #4 option off. Command = Don't disturb Buttoned Hey listen....I'm obviously just kidding.
  14. Nice! I hate to leave the Ost Front but this is looking really good!
  15. Good point. Interesting concept. I'm going to give this a try in a QB and see how it runs. Thanks.
  16. Take into account some of the ridiculous orders given by Hitler and Stalin. The "Not one step back" and "Such and such a town/city must be taken/held" and "Advance regardless of the cost". These types of orders caused unbelievable numbers of unnecessary casualties on both sides. I'm stating the obvious when I say that World War II wasn't the Gulf War. To take and hold objectives cost lives, alot of them. The battle technology of the day dictated the type of warfare that was fought. In a given scenario, you are given objectives. You never are given a "Pull back to preserve lives if it gets too bad" objective. You are only given flags on a map to defend or take. That's what CM is. I have made several attempts at scenarios with no flags but with exit points. Attempting to keep it in some sort of historical context/realism they dealt with breakout type situations. Mixed results. I even made one based on the moie "Cross of Iron" where you had to get Steiner and his men out of the factory complex and off the map while the T-34's laden with Soviet infantry attacked the mostly abandoned German positions. Again, mixed results. Steiner usually snuffed it when I played my own scenario knowing in advance what the Russians had.
  17. Very nice. I believe I downloaded this one when it was not so dirty. Looks better dirty! Thanks.
  18. If I'm not mistaken, there were some other, more detailed parameters which may make the file usable or not to the software. I'll do some testing. Sorry to bother you. Thanks again for the mods.
  19. Downloaded this mod last night. One other question in reference to the converter program: What settings should be used to decode the mp3 files to wav files? Thanks again.
  20. Andrew, As usual, great job. The Waffen SS grenadiers look even better now. I really liked the detail on the early pattern camo smocks. These Russian camo patterns you show in this thread look very interesing. Does anyone out there know how widely used these camo patterns were for the Soviets during the war?
  21. Thanks for the converter! Very thoughtful of you. I'll be downloading this mod tonight. I downloaded a slew of great visual mods this weekend and CMBB just keeps getting better!
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