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Jack Carr

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Everything posted by Jack Carr

  1. On a similar note, I recently upgraded my motherboard. I had an ASUS A7V8X with the KT400 chipset and went to a Chaintech Apogee 7NJL1 with an Nvidia NForce2 chipset. My machine's specs are quite good. Won't get into the component details but very powerful. I noticed since I upgraded the motherbiard that when I start up CMAK and CMBB it takes longer for the main screen to display and the music to start. The screen goes black and there is a "pregnant pause" if you will. Anyone have any input on this one? Figured it was just the way the new motherboard handled it. With the older ASUS board the screen and sound fired up immediately. I'm not unhappy with the upgrade and once the game is up it actually runs a bit better but what's with the delay? Probably should be on the tech forum.
  2. I looked at the forum that you posted. Thank you. In the thread that you mentioned, one of the posters asks a similar question that I had asked the Chaintech support, "Can I use all three modules and still maintain the dual channel mode?" Chaintech support told me, "No". You can only use two of the three and those two had to be in slots one and three accordingly. One of the posters in the thread that you pointed me to says that you can use all three slots and still have dual channel active. Who's right?
  3. I just recently upgraded my motherboard. The new motherboard, Chaintech Apogee 7NJL1, is dual-channel memory capable. Via the internet, I contacted the technical support folks and asked some pertinent questions regarding activating this feature. They told me I had to only use my RAM in two of the three slots, slots one and three, and the modules had to be the same brand/capacity/speed in order for the dual-channel to be enabled. I don't have a problem with this scenario as all of my RAM is Kingston PC2700 512MB modules. The problem is that I have three of these DDR modules and in essence, I am losing 512MB of memory in order to enable this dual-channel DDR thing. I had to pull the module from slot two in order to activate this functionality. I'm throwing this one out to the wonderful technical folks on the forum. Is this dual-channel thing worth going from 1.5GB down to 1GB of memory? Thanks all.
  4. This looks really neat. I may never want to leave.
  5. I'll have to see if I can find the "Crack of Doom".
  6. The KV's had no infantry support? Great play-by-play! Makes me want to leave work early and fire up CMBB.
  7. This looks really good! I hope I can use this one in CMBB as well. Thanks.
  8. Mike, Good idea. Thanks. I'm glad someone thought of this. I owe you one buddy. Jack
  9. Thanks for the explaination. I'll wait until CMX2 comes around before getting one of those great big FX cards. Thanks again.
  10. I was looking at an older tech support thread concerning video cards. Someone had posted a link to Tom's Hardware which showed an extensive list of some of the latest video cards and their attributes. One of the columns in the list was DirectX compatibility. The newer FX Nvidia cards were DirectX 9 compatible while the older Ti cards were only DirectX 8 compatible. I have a Chaintech GeForce Ti4600 4X AGP card. Nice card and plenty quick. I have no problems whatsoever with graphics or speed with my current setup. I am running DirectX 9.0b. What am I missing by having a video card that is only DirectX 8 compatible while running DirectX 9? Thanks to any of you in the know on this one.
  11. Any of you ever read the book by Willi Heinrich? It's far better than the Peckinpah movie. I'm re-reading it now and am surprised at just how entertaining a book it is. I did some internet research on Willi Heinrich and found that he has written several books. Have any of you read any of his other books? [ May 07, 2004, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Jack Carr ]
  12. Do Dell machines still have proprietary video cards, ram, sound cards, etc? If they do, I would stay away from Dell.
  13. I was speaking with a GD veteran recently. He is a tall fella, approximately 6'2" tall. He was in the infantry. He mentioned that he was in a lineup during training and the taller men were assigned to infantry while the shorter men were assigned to the panzer corps. What the height cutoff was I don't know, I didn't ask him. He didn't really say if this was common practice. Anyway, this from memory recall of a veteran.
  14. I took CMBO off of my hard drive after experiencing CMAK. I'm happy that CMBB, in my opinion, measured up to CMAK. Not as many graphical "bells and whistles" but still great. I much prefer to play CMBB. Must be the Eastern Front. As far as CMX2 goes, all I can say is that I hope my current PC can handle it. From the replies that Battlefront has sent out, they say it's too early to release that kind of info.
  15. I took CMBO off of my hard drive after experiencing CMAK. I'm happy that CMBB, in my opinion, measured up to CMAK. Not as many graphical "bells and whistles" but still great. I much prefer to play CMBB. Must be the Eastern Front. As far as CMX2 goes, all I can say is that I hope my current PC can handle it. From the replies that Battlefront has sent out, they say it's too early to release that kind of info.
  16. I have a 56K dial-up connection at home so you can imagine what it was like to get all of the Windows Updates for a clean install of XP Pro including DirectX9.0b onto the machine. It took me all night and into the morning to get the operating system up to Microsoft's snuff. I have two more cards to install and I decided to install the hard drive from the original motherboard which is an identical make and model, Western Digital 80GB 8MB cache. Does anyone know if this will slow the machine down with a second hard drive set up as a slave? Runs great. Really like this Chaintech board. Everything came up like a dream. Thinking of overclocking it. I'll have to get the courage up to even make an attempt. I went through two DFI boards that were DOA. ZIPZOOMFLY's technical department confirmed that both RMA'd DFI motherboards were the fanciest drink coasters they'd ever seen. It's a real shame. It's no fun going through an install like that twice only to find the brand new board is dead.
  17. I'll be installing the Audigy sound card tonight. To be honest, I haven't even loaded the unified Nvidia drivers that the board comes with. I have a Chaintech GeForce Ti4600, which I loaded last night with the 56.55 drivers and an Audigy Gamer card that I'll be loading tonight. The one thing I noticed immediately is that the boot-up time has been cut in half compared to the older ASUS board I had. I have yet to add some cards and drivers which will add some boot-up time but I'm not sure if it will double the boot-up time. It seems to boot in about half the time as my ASUS A7V8X did. I'll be running the heck out of it for the remainder of this week to ensure that there are no stability problems. Tonight I'll be adding all the cards and getting it on-line to download all of the wonderfiul Microsft Windows XP Updates including DirectX 9b or whatever the latest and greatest DirectX is. I also turned off all of the unnecessary services and went to the Windows Classic look without all that pretty look-and-feel Windows XP graphics to slow it down. The processors gonna all be for the bare-bones OS and Combat Mission. So far, so good. [ April 28, 2004, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Jack Carr ]
  18. Herr Hauptmann, Thanks for the information. Unfortunately the DFI board did not work out. I RMA'd the second one back to the vendor. I went with a Chaintech Apogee board that had the Nvidia Nforce2 chipset but with MCP only and not MCP-T. Not sure what the difference is but according to some things that have already been posted in this thread, the MCP-T is the one to have. I'll probably end up using my Creative Labs Audigy Gamer 5.1 card once I get the Chaintech board installed. Thanks again!
  19. This is good. I really started to dislike the tan helmets for Italian scenarios and like you said, if you're using CMAK to remake some West Front scenarios this is fantastic. Thanks so much.
  20. What the poster doesn't show is the ever popular "Banana in the tailpipe" method. From what I understand the Soviets had a hard time getting their hands on bunches of the dangerous fruit. Uhhh...uhhh...just kidding. Neat illustration.
  21. Sounds great! The screenshots you've provided to date are really quite good.
  22. Pardon my ignorance, but I have surfed out to the Eichenbaum site several times and think that the screen shots are really great. What exactly is all this about? Will these be downloadable mods to make the terrain more "Sevastopol Looking"? Will there be downloadable mods and scenarios? Again, please forgive my lack of what's been going on with this. Thanks.
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