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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Hey, how come in Parabellum's preview pics that the SUs no longer sport the 3D MGs that you can see in the battlefront banner? Is this part of that saved model stuff KwazyDog was talking about? That, and that the IS3 looks like an IS2?
  2. The IS3 looks like an IS2. The IS3's turret looked like a dome (like the the modern russian T series of tanks do) Maybe it's one of those "saved model" thingies KwazyDog told us of. Something to be changed in the update? :confused: BTW, thanks guys for spending you play time giving us these pics! [ September 20, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  3. Guys, Juju let me playtest this set (what I could add to the demo anyway), and I have to say, it's not just as good as his CMBO modslut special, it's much, much better!! Juju's modding skills have increased two-fold since the last modslut pack. This mod is a must for anyone that plays CMBB and breaths air!! :eek: Yes, I am one of Juju's personal groupies.
  4. Sarge, I never quit a game. If things look bad for me, I offer a cease-fire (secret of course). If things look horrable, I surrender, and tell my opponent: "Hey, I surrendered this turn. You're kicking my tail! Don't bother to plot moves, just hit "GO" and send the last turn back." If you ever need someone to beat up on (that'll finish), gimmie a ring.
  5. My tcp opponent, unaware of the need to give a Hummel a lot of breathing space to fire, tries to kill my last AFV while his Hummel sits three meters from a buliding directly to it's left side. Before the Hummel's gun even shows it's muzzel flash, there is a HUGE airburst from the 155mm gun to the front, and just above the crew compartment. KO'ed and all crew dead. Mt opponent responds with "WTF?!" I laughed my ass off.
  6. I got a wife that still has lots'ah miles left on her. Does that count? Where is my dang CMBB?!!! :mad:
  7. I knew this would happen. I resign my post as official "It Rocks" thread bearer.
  8. Hey, your member number is 10025! When the hack did we pass 10000?!
  9. Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader photos to appease the ignorant masses from the Nited Statesf Merica? </font>
  10. Seeing as hundreds of "It ROCKS" threads are bound to clog up the forum in the first two weeks, I decided to start this thread. This is where you can jump in after a thrity second break from your first few hours with CMBB to post your quick IT F&*%^*# ROCKS!!! statements, and then return to your CMBB doings. :cool: The idea is to have a place to vent initial excitement, so if you want to have an in depth discussion on why you think the Nimrod is an awesome AA vechicle, go sodd off and start a thread on it! But in here, it is just a place where everyone can release their initial orgasm and then move on. [ September 18, 2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  11. Something we shall learn ourselves within days. [ September 18, 2002, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  12. Just upgrade to XP like I did. And you don't have to wait to play. But whlie you're still with ME, just don't touch any button except for "done" after you hit "go." You can play through turns like this. The only bummer is if you want to see something happen in the turn again, you have to rewind the whole thing insted of ten seconds or you fall into that bug again. :cool: I loved watching tanks drive off the map (one rotated in place), and the troops' heads twich like they were on something. I don't miss it tho. [ September 18, 2002, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  13. Just upgrade to XP like I did. And you don't have to wait to play. But whlie you're still with ME, just don't touch any button except for "done" after you hit "go." You can play through turns like this. The only bummer is if you want to see something happen in the turn again, you have to rewind the whole thing insted of ten seconds or you fall into that bug again. :cool: I loved watching tanks drive off the map (one rotated in place), and the troops' heads twich like they were on something. I don't miss it tho. [ September 18, 2002, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  14. My dear LD, From the way you address Senachai, I would venture to guess that you hang out in the cesspool from time to time? I dare not enter a thread of such rabble for the few sharks with wit within it would tear me to pieces. :cool:
  15. Yeah, VJ is right busboy. When Vader's Jester wants his CMBB, he gets real cranky. Just ignore him.
  16. I fixed it busboy! Are you happy?! :mad: I suppose you are in the little game to keep me from getting CMBB too? :mad:
  17. Don't mess with him busboy. I know he can't quote a two word fortune cookie, but when he gets like this, there's not much you can do.
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