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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. No love for Bakersfield California today. *sighs* [ September 23, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  2. Crap. Wrong route. Two postal routes intersect in my area. That was the other one. My carrier isn't here yet!!
  3. My neighborhood postal carrier has parked and is making her rounds from house to house with a package riding under one arm!! :eek:
  4. Yuck! I used to work for those guys. They are the Kmart of freight delivery services. I loved working 11.5 hour days, 6 days a week for near minimum wage.
  5. I've always wondered where to go to get my pics hosted as well. :confused:
  6. That's awesome news Tom. Glad you are back. After going to a Kings game and watching them pound the Ducks last night, the only thing missing now is my copy of CM!
  7. Hey the IS3 could'ah looked like a VW Beetle as far as I cared since yer gonna fix it up later anyway. Thanks for the extra AFVs!!!!!! Look forward to seeing them in all their finished glory. Fanbay VJ, out!
  8. Guys, you cannot convince this guy, He always belives he is correct, and he will never take another person's POV into account. He is very closed minded. I know, I've had it out with him before. It is a waist of time. BTS, please lock up or somefink.
  9. I agree Apache. The thread is no longer productive. We know BFC is on the case. Please lock this garbage up.
  10. Lieutenat, the situation looks to be stablizing. Reduce alert to defcon 2. I wasn't attcking yo Apache, as I know you were not as well. No harm.
  11. Everyone has a choice Apache, even you. BF.C is not holding a gun to your head and saying: "By this now, and do it through CDV or we'll kill you!" I do understand your guys' upset though. I would feel the same way, I just think everyone handels their emotions on this game a little to intensely. I understand, I love it too. But it's just a game, just a lousey $45. Relax, the sun will still be there in the morning, your heart will still be pumping, and the earth will still be spinning. That's what I am trying to say.
  12. Yeah, but Apache, these people at BF.C aren't anybodys parents here. No one is related to them through blood, and has to see them at family functions. No one here owns 33% of BTS or BF.C. and so is worried about an investment. "Long time supporters" (me included, bought CM in the first 2 months of release) owe no more to them than they us. The only thing owed is $45 bucks in exchange for a game. If BF.C tomorrow said they were gonna produce low quailty twich games insted of CM, I'd just move on to something else, not whine how I was screwed. I got what I wanted out of the deal and so did they. They got their money, I got my game. People upset about how they are getting the shaft is laughable. I looked forward too, and then hated the film Pearl Harbor. I didn't walk out of the theater going: "Bruckheimer SCREWED me!!" I just noted to myself that I would not watch much of what he offered in the future. It's the same here, except Bruckheimer isn't doing anything to change his movie to what I thought I desirved to see.
  13. It's simple: 1) If you don't like what is offered, don't buy the game. 2) If you still want the game, but do not like what is offered in your area, get and American chum to buy it direct from battlefront and ship it to you. I understand peoples upset over the CDV version of the game. That is why I ordered for three fellow CMers in Europe. But crying about it dosen't change much. BF.C said they will work on resoving the manual issue. If you don't like German law, write to the German government and chew them out for not being able to have swasticas and SS runes in your CM. Gawd, I think some people just like to bitch no matter what they have! I admit, I would be upset if roles were reversed, but then I wouldn't complain. I would get someone to order direct for me, and be happy BF.C is willing to try and work out the manual issue for those that can't/won't order through someone in the US. The grass is always greener eh? Sheesh.
  14. The naval officer looks like he is straight out of the American Civil War!
  15. Yeah, even the IL-2 creators are sorry about that poor excuse for a manual. We can only hope that the Forgotten Battles expansion has a more robust one. *crosses fingers*
  16. Do you guys have any idea how long it takes to read a brail monitor!!! I don't have time to read everything!!
  17. Some CMBO bmps can be used with CMBB. Example: I used the swastica flags I use in CMBO in the CMBB demo. Be careful when you do these types of transfers though. Some of the bmps are named diffrently, and some don't work with CMBB at all! Always back up what you are doing!
  18. What, what, what?! A newbie got CMBB before me?! Die newbie, die!!
  19. My 4 year old daughter likes to watch the tanks and buildings "blow up. . .That was cool Dad! Do it again!" "But baby, they blew up my tank!"
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