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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. GhostRider3/3, Moon is right (naturally), happens to me sometimes with my antivirus software. Just make sure you disable your antivirus software while installing the game and setting it up. Once you are up and running you can turn your AV back on. I've done a scan and it removed my EXE's and I also have to disable my AV whenever I DL anything new from Battlefront. It's just the nature of the beast. It's weird but some antivirus stuff see the battlefront exe's as potential hazards and remove them, I'm sure due to the nature of licensing. Try it, I bet it will work fine if you disable your AV and go through it again or let Moon walk you through it as he suggested.
  2. TylerF, I also have a Mosin 91/30 that I totally love too! Ok, my Chinese may be 56 or 57 then, don't remember offhand and will check again when I get home. It is a type 56. I ran the serial numbers and just remember it was mid/late 50's. I got it SUPER cheap years ago. I'll check the build on my WASR too. I know lots of people have had complaints about them but I'm totally happy with mine and it's been flawless since I've had, which also has been for some years. Commie guns are fun!! Speaking of, I have a Czech CZ-82 from the mid 80s which is one of the finest pistols for it's price I've ever owned. I also have a Polish P-64 dated 1967 which I also enjoy immensely. Both are super accurate and have really boosted my apreciation of the 9x18 Makarov cartridge.
  3. LOL! I own both a Chinese SKS and a Romanian WASR-10 (civillian AK clone in semi-auto of course). In all honesty, I love the AK, love what it is and what it does and it's ridiculous reliability etc. But man I really do love the SKS more. It's a much nicer shooting and much more accurate rifle. My buddy has a Russian SKS dated 1950 I think, my Chinese was made in 55 and they are both just sweet. The Russian SKS is really beautiful with the dark deep rich finish to the wood, knife blade bayonet and the star on the receiver with CCCP engraved on the side just sets it apart.
  4. It worked for me. Don't know if it's a graphic card issue or it crashes some people and not others due to certain hardware or configurations. I'm just not sure. I did it both ways just to check. Had a save just before Night Stalkers, loaded it and surrendered moving on the next, which was Dagger Fight if you surrender, then I went back and played the mission just to see what happened (it's actually a fun mission and I completed it with 0 casualties) and the next mission loaded up fine so far and doesn't crash for me. It's a different mission from Dagger Fight and don't remember which one it is offhand. The one where you come in on the highway and have to secure positions on both side of the elevated road. Guess I'm just lucky? I'm still using XP though and an Nvidia card on an older alienware btw.
  5. I'm one of the old schooler WWII aficianados that, back at the time, didn't feel interested or that I would care for the modern era at all. When it was released and all the complaints, bugs, etc. came out in the wash I simply sat on the sidelines and continued to PBEM CMBB to my hearts content. Actually glad I did! I drifted off into that world for some time, years in fact, and got involved in other Civil War gaming goodness while CM:SF was patched, fixed and brought up to it's current state. I'm really glad I waited and jumped in to the version we have now. Now, I totally love CM:SF, Marines, Brits, to the detriment of the earlier games even though I'm still playing CMBB, and am soo looking forward to NATO too. Have to also say I'm completely surprised by how much I was anticipating Afghanistan and how much I'm enjoying that theater and combatants and how much it has sucked me in. I think it speaks volumes on what Steve said in that it doesn't really matter the module or era, a great game or system will stand out for itself and draw those who would be interested to it. I would even say that I too think I enjoy the modern era more now than WWII (Blasphemy I know but it's true!!). In all honesty, as others have pointed out, it's just a great system and such a niche for us wargamers where nothing else even compares. If you are into wargaming at all I don't see how anyone could complain by what we get here even if it's not EXACTLY what we desire, expect and want. For me, just having the CM games really satisfies my wargamer obsession in a way that no other games ever have. Coming back to the forum and the games really felt like coming back home. No other games have EVER gotten the time, the life and love out of me like these games and I'm just happy to have them. That said I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to the return to WWII with this engine. I can only imagine how both east and west fronts are going to be as time goes by and the games are released. Even so, I'm really really looking forward to the next modern era installment with just as much anticipation.
  6. Thanks for your service Ghost Rider 3/3!! Semper Fi!! Enjoy the games, you will love the new series. Play Shock Force first for awhile before starting the Marines and Brits. Once you get used to the Stryker combat team's firepower and toys it's quite fun to step up to all the Marine fireworks! British forces are a whole new world after that but equally as fun.
  7. My grandfather said it was miserable what they had to march and fight through, jungle, swamps and then mountains all the way through Burma. I do remember him talking about the mules too. He didn't talk about it too much but in his late life he did talk a bunch more to my Dad and I because he knew I was interested and wanted to know! He wound up sharing quite a bit with me but was still very guarded on what he talked about. He was one of the original Marauders and fought and marched his way through the entire campaign. He went into the army at 190 pounds and came out at like a ridiculous 130 or something due to dysentary and malaria. He was awarded two Bronze stars, one was for the entire unit and one he earned seperately, and a Purple Heart. Also all Marauders were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation. He originally fought on Guadalcanal and then when the call came out for volunteers for a secret mission he volunteered. They told him he would get a 30 day furlough back in the states and that's why he volunteered. He wanted to go home to see his wife, my grandmother. He didn't get to go back to the states though of course. I have his unit patch and a pin that he gave me which I always wear on my coat. My uncle keeps his medals and other unit memorabilia. I also have one of the shell cartridges from his funeral. We gave him a military funeral with a 21 gun salute and all the children and grandchildren were given the casings.
  8. Wow really? It's actually not that small and Marauders and their descendants are pretty far between. There were only 2500 of them from the States. Do you know what company, batallion or combat team he was in?
  9. I about had a heart attack, saw the new stuff on the homepage and instantly thought it was released. I started panicking about how I would have to wait to get home from work and get it downloaded. Didn't think I was gonna make it.
  10. I'm playing the CMSF campaign and am on the Dagger fight mission. I didn't even try to play Night Stalkers but just surrendered and went straight to the Dagger one. Actually I should try to play through NS and see if I get the crash. Anyway, as I was going in to a building I ordered my Scout teams to Target Light into the building they were entering and they started throwing grenades etc. Is this something that only happens with scout teams or is it a bug? Target Light is only supposed to be small arms while conserving grenades I thought? I do have a save game on that turn. This also got me thinking that maybe my campaign saves are not correct or are playing in an earlier version if that's possible? When I patched up I didn't save the game as mentioned for patching and continuing campaigns, as I read it after the fact, and my saved campaign kept working right through the patches. Is any of this relevant?
  11. Wow, looks fantastic!! I love the new multicam. I actually bought some for myself. It's a really great pattern. I'm gonna have a very difficult time deciding if I want to use the ACU or the multicam now. Great!!
  12. Very true and I'm not using the close in human wave. No need to get into knife fights when I can sit back at range and lob all matter of projectile into my targets. Have to say though those Lee Enfields can reach out and do their damage. I too prefer to keep my men covered and use the BMPs in an overwatch role. I'm on the early campaign so I'm trying to find the balance and range of when to dismount my troops and get them moving. Had good luck so far dismounting and using the vehicles to suppress while my infantry does what it does. I've just been hammering away though with my arty and vehicle weapons before pitching the infantry in.
  13. I haven't noticed the firing through walls, so far, either but definitely have noticed my soldiers entering a mosque where different sections adjoin where there is clearly no door. I wasn't using engineers either and didn't blast in. Here's my 4th impressions. I'm seriously loving Afghanistan and using Soviet era troops. There is something really dark and foreboding about the time period and setting. I'm a bit amazed at how much I was looking forward to this and how much it has grabbed me. The mood and feel of the environs is spot on in my opinion. Really something to say about this engine and what CM can do. Amazing that a game can really transport you to different theaters, times and enviroments and really grab that feel. I waited a long time before getting in CMSF until it was patched up correctly and I was ready to jump into the modern era. Completely hooked me after the fact. I love how this game bridges the time between WWII and our modern era. It's so NOT CMSF and NOT CMBB or AK but feels just like home. I'm having a really hard time splitting my free time between the two. I'm completely enjoying using and learning the Soviet army. What a great change of pace. I can't wait to see what kind of scenarios the community comes up with. I'm already learning the difference between using US Army surgical precision and using the Soviets like a sledge hammer. It's funny too that losses for my Russian troops don't affect me like losing 1 or 2 Army, Marine or Brit soldiers. With the Russians, losses are more expected and acceptable for that matter. ) Saving towns and villages is not near as high on my priority list. I find I'm going in guns blazing and simply laying waste to all in my path like the Soviets would have done. I'm not here to win hearts and minds, I'm here to defeat my enemy and crush him under my boot heel. Mosques, villagers, et al be damned.
  14. Played "A Counter Ambush" last night and barely started the first campaign. Have to say I'm loving it, what a great addition to the series and totally agree that it feels completely different from CMSF. My biggest impression was how little I know about Soviet organization and equipment. The squads are small, HQs are sometimes like a squad, sometimes like an HQ. RPGs are organic to the Soviet squads. Interesting, weird, and different but I love it!! Another big impression is CC which is so much more like CM1 than what I'm used to playing modern US troops. Have to keep those HQs close again! So cool going up against and enemy where I'm armed with AKs and RPGs when they are carrying a mix of M16s, PPsh, and Lee Enfields!! The change of time, scene, equipment and terrain is soooo cool. Haven't seen or used a Shilka yet!!
  15. Thanks!! Gave you a 5 star rating on the repository too. Have to agree the bushes and trees were too bright and this makes a huge difference.
  16. YES!! Dl'ing now! Didn't even bother with the demo, went straight for the whole game.
  17. Yeah thanks for the translations! Love the look on the youtube video regardless of what the guy was saying. Sooooo can't wait for this and the NATO module. :cool:
  18. I wasn't trying to disparage RT by any means! If you enjoy it that way, more power to you! I just find I'm more comfortable with the pace of WEGO and the turn replay as it's what I'm so used to. Matter of fact I actually did enjoy some of the older RT strategy games when they first came out and could have fun with them (power ups and crystals and bases and tank farms, etc, etc, etc) for what they were. That was many many moons ago though. I just never got super involved in them. All this talk has got me thinking about trying RT for a small engagement. But I know it will never replace WEGO for me.
  19. I'm gonna have to cast my vote in for WEGO as well. The earlier WW2 CMs conditioned me to it. Playing almost all CMBB or AK or even BO as PBEM refined it. Now I can pretty much only play CMSF in WEGO. I have no problems at all having a battle take a week and really enjoy it that way. I find myself contemplating and thinking about my tactics and next moves between time in front of the computer. It's just naturally how CM works for me. I tried to play RT when I first got the game but it just didn't do anything for me, felt like too much of an overstressful click fest and too much out of my control. Then again I, like some other old fogies here, cut my teeth on table top wargaming and was never a huge fan of RT strategy games in the first place. CM always felt "like home" to me.
  20. Ok, ok, rain on my parade why don't ya?? Yes there is a difference I'm just getting too excited. My 8 year PBEM partner lives in Sweden and I know he's going to be big on playing the Russians. We've been playing CMBB for 8 years running now, the forever war, with no end in sight! I do know this one may very well take over for awhile. I'm gonna blaspheme a bit here, but I think CM:SF has turned me into more a modern war junkie than WWII. Shhhhh!! I can't believe it myself sometimes.
  21. Russian version released today! I'm sure ours is coming very quickly! Wow, can't wait for this!!!
  22. Well you are in luck nick_lee_5, I just so happen to have two copies of the strategy guide. Yes, the original printed book. I bought two years ago with the intent to give one to a friend but never wound up parting with it. It's a good read with lots of good info. What do you want to give for it? I don't even remember what the original cost was. I'm completely willing to part with one of my two copies.
  23. Oh no! I didn't take it as a "do it this way" command either. I just wanted to try your method for myself! And yes, I did issue a Fast order and spaced the trucks out by 15 second pauses. Definitely did not get the results you had!! [*** SPOILER ALERT***] Dismounting and patrolling up on the left and right I got through with 2 WIA. I was way out to the edges too. Coming through the orchard on the right my squad emerged behind the technicals and RPG team and took them out right quick like. My other squad hit the trench way over on the edge on the left and cleaned it out pretty easily. They then suppressed and killed the MGs and sniper etc. in the buildings. Worked well. Haven't finished the whole campaign yet and am currently on the one with the fortress. I'm pondering how I want to go about this. It says to pick an entry point and blast through but it seems to me the best approach is through the woods and right through the front gate. It's definitely more covered than any other route. My MGs can suppress the towers on the approach and once I have troops in both of those I should be good to cover myself inside. We'll see.
  24. I agree, the dismounted movement is much easier and effective. After reading Dietrich's post I went back to give it a try by just running the gauntlet. Promptly lost the entire platoon which was RPG'd to death as they passed the ambush point. Maybe I put too much space between the trucks instead of bunching them up close but within two minutes all trucks were hit and pretty much all my marines were KIA.
  25. Definitely use foot patrols first. That's how I did that one. Immediately get some men out of the vehicles and flank up the left and right side of the road before pushing your trucks forward. You know they are out there so don't give them the advantage. Get your men out and uncover the ambushes before they get a chance to hit you.
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