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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. I understand what you mean but I never really thought of it as a bug. I always thought of it as the tank orienting itself so that the cannon is facing forward...like a default position. It it had stayed with the cannon facing where the first target was and another target pops up approx 180 degrees from the first, the tank will take longer to acquire that target. It won't be able to defend itself quickly. There's my oh so very humble and not very groglike opinion.
  2. I was playing a cute little QB and had an M8 Motor Carriage thingy and a half track. When I saw the opposition, I thought that I was toast. The AI had a Marder III and a 251/2 halftrack. Somehow, my M8 killed the Marder and got a good gun hit on the 251/2 halftrack. This is my first success story with this vehicle. Is the M8 a tank or not? I thought it had a mortar and couldn’t really penetrate anything armor. Please educate me and elucidate upon the intricacies of these underrated heroes of CM.
  3. got a good chuckle out of the latest. once again...glad i'm not in this batch.
  4. I'm replying to render a "Hi, Mom" Hi, Mom. It's me again. I do hope that rash cleared up and your gout isn't paining you too much. The cats and the little Mrs. are just fine.
  5. The Paleontologists gathered around the now desiccated remains of the creature. All that was left was an abnormally large skull and wide hips. The skull showed signs of trauma from bludgeoning. The lead scientist thoughtfully scratched his head and declared that this was the Homo Crodus . “It’s quite obvious that this one liked the night life and to boogie. Notice the abnormally large hips he/she had. Since the average Homo Crodus aka Croda was known to carry a purse and to sashay here and there, the hips were more pronounced than found in a normal human. If we had the shin bone, then you would see evidence of enhanced musculature due to high heel usage.” Since none of the other observers cared about this freak of nature, they automatically deferred to the observation of the lead scientist. Some had read about the freak of nature who had created the monstrosity known as Crodaburg. They had only learned enough to pass their respective exams. The average question on one of the tests looked like this: Circa 2002 AD, Homo Crodus was known to plague society by doing the following: A. Creating unreasonably large scenarios B. Whining and crying like a “Stank Ho” C. Attending Closet Queens parties D. All of the Above Even a freshman knows that “All of the Above” is always the best answer regarding the Homo Crodus. But what they did not know about this freak of nature would be their downfall. This sad excuse for a proto hominid had the ability to breed and it was quite possible that there were others of its kind frolicking around the hills of Pennsltucky. A word to the wise: When you decide to drive through the Keystone state, don’t stop for anyone who might have a sloping forehead, one eyebrow and a salivary problem. It might be a Homo Crodus. Keep your windows up and continue driving. If one blocks your way, disrobes, and does the Croda Dance with sparklers and an “I’m with Stupid hat” on it’s head, you should run it over, back up, and run it over again. You can then drive home satisfied with the knowledge that you did your part to rid this world of that nasty bit of DNA gone awry known as Croda.
  6. <font size=”-1”>So very many things to do. I barely have the time to read the verbal diarrhea I see so commonplace these days. It does sadden and sicken me to see Croda complain about getting too many turns from me when it was him who was whining that he wasn’t getting enough before. He is such a fickle Bee-otch. He probably complains that the pretty ribbons in his hair aren’t quite pretty enough compared to the Bard’s. I wonder how loudly he would complain if I only pounded the front of his head with my all purpose baseball bat. Think of all the squeaking and yelping noises he would make as I took swing after hearty swing at his over sized melon with my Loisville slugger. He would be all googly eyed and his scrawny chicken legs would give way to leave him in an ever growing pile of Croda droppings. You can almost hear the squishing noises as he twitches on the ground in the steaming pile of offal. Hmm…think of the satisfying thumping noise as my foot makes contact with his inert form. Kicking him would be so much fun. I would offer to drop the obligatory elbow from the top rope, except that he is covered in brown stinky matter because of the incontinence brought forth from major skull trauma. I would then cover him with hay and sell him by the bushel as manure. Oh, where was I? I just wanted to stop by and say that I really don’t have time to type anything. Way too busy. </font> Edited to note that when little baby Hiram was born his parents looked on with disappointment with the knowledge that the tyke would never be like Andreas because of the American Education system. He would never be bright or even good looking. His one small redeeming value would be that later on in life, he would learn how to dance like the Phillie Phanatic and thus entertain people waiting for a bus. They tried to switch Hiram with a German baby who looked like he was Japanese, but couldn’t find one in the hospital. They were simply in the wrong country. Edited once more to add some punctuation here and there. It would appear that the heart wrenching profundity of being so fallible has left me with little to look forward to except for the constant striving for mediocrity. [ March 20, 2002, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  7. ...local Denny's. They knew of Mister Sprinkler's odd choice of clothing and his stench that came from...
  8. Double post bad bad Hiram [ March 19, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  9. Where shall I rudely interupt? What inane conversation should I thrust my unwelcome presence into? Nothing of note to be read today in the Mutha Beautiful thread. So, I shall reminisce about the Good Ol Days. I miss being ignored by the Old Firm and being verbally castigated by Germanboy for being such a “newbie”. I do miss the chiding of jdmorse and the exhortations of PeterNZer. I miss the barking of Hamsters, the clever insults of Mark IV, and the inane bleating of Chupacabra. Those were the days when Moriarty would have these clever comebacks that always made me chuckle. I truly enjoyed the little verbal battle between Kitty and MrHappy. I agreed with MrHappy by the way. (he’s so kewl) So many memories to be savored. We’ve created something larger than the sum of our number. I left for a while and came back to leave and then come back. Each time I came back, I was kicked and spat upon as a reward for my idiocy. (thanks, guys!! I get so choked up sometimes) I changed usernames as often as the Bard changes his frilly bloomers. Those were the days. Oh, don’t get me wrong. Not complaining over here, boss. I’m still loving the Mutha Beautiful Thread thanks to Mrs. Berliand a few other people. It’s just that sometimes, when I’m drinking my beer and sitting in my bubble bath, listening to my Mozart and clipping my tremendous toenails…I think of the Good Ol Days.
  10. I'm still using Direct X 8.0A. The next option after the 640X480 is "Direct 3D" and then it crashes to the desktop. The driver version for the video card is as of Feb 2001.
  11. Something like a "Lyonel Challenge Thread"? Gyrene</font>
  12. Why don't one of you snapperheads create a thread with the new guy's name on it to help him feel more at home? hehe
  13. It has to have rules now. We can never, ever let another Crodaburg happen. Never again.
  14. Me and my 3DFX Banshee are still together. I updated the drivers on this card and now CM runs in 640X480 even though the desktop is 800X600. Win 98 SR2 I deleted the prefs for CM, trying to get it to play in 800X600 but no luck. After the choice of 640X480, it goes back to the desktop. The game is playable in the 640X480 resolution, but I'd prefer to play in the other one. Sugestions? thanks
  15. For those who remember…my niece, Anabella is now a robust 6.1 lbs. She is at home and recovering from a cold. Since her white blood cell count is still a bit screwy, it was kind of scary. She is quite adorable and has impressive projectile vomiting. Her range is considerable. My sister now has to undergo something called a Spectroscopy. I think that’s how you spell it. It seems that there was too much blood still in her skull, so the MRI wasn’t conclusive. The saga continues. I’ve been a bit distracted, so turns will go out when they go out. Complain if you want. [ March 18, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  16. So you must be the target audience for the American sit-com.</font>
  17. This is my post and this is my bump. This is for talking out of my rump.
  18. I now know that I wasn't the first to do a gamey peep rush. hehe Thanks for posting that, Croda. It was a very good read.
  19. Thank you, Schrullenhaft! That was yet another print worthy reply.
  20. OUT OF CHARACTER FOR HIRAM: I'd like to echo the sentiments of Mister Shaw. Seanachai, I remember when I was out of work and you sent some scraps of encouragement my way via email. Your words did help me out. I thank you, sir for the kindness. I know that you will find a job worthy of your character and abilities. I do wish you well.
  21. I'm going to replace my first generation Voodoo Banshee video card tonight. I'm thinking about a Geforce card, but want to make sure it's compatible with two games: 1. Combat Mission 2. Myth III I'm going to "Best Buy" and will buy a PCI card with a decent price. Any suggestions for one that is a balance between price and quality? I'm also curious about Driver availability on the web and how often then are updated.
  22. Croda, you are a sorely abused kegil muscle. Try to grasp this notion. I'm at work. I'm not working at moment, but I'm "at work". I already wrote before that my home computer is in a bad way because of a video card. You even replied to that post. Your memory retention is pitiful and I know of one way that could help you. I have a baseball bat that could help you remember. Whenever you say something stupid (and you will) I can help you out by thumping you with it. This helps out all involved. You get your skull bludgeoned and I get to hear the satisfying crack of my baseball bat on your oversized cranium. You would just hear the echo of the thud and perhaps you could remember something of note. Everything I type is "of note" and should be memorized. Since your eyes glaze over every time you read my words and your fridge is covered with my words, you should start a three ring binder of my replies to your idiotic comments. I elect you to be my biographer. Edited because of my hand twitching with the anticipation of thumping Croda with my baseball bat. [ March 14, 2002, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
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