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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Hirsute Hiram’s Game Updates Elvis He’s doing gamey stuff with his armor thingies. I can hear them put-putting to and fro over there. I’m waiting for him to bring his stuff over here. “I’m over here now!!” (done with Brooklyn accent) Since I’ve been practicing so much as the attacker, I’ve gotten worse as the defender. So, this should be a real sloppy scenario with splodey things and German dudes yelling things I don’t understand. JDMorse I continue to yell at my digital dudes that they need to be quiet when sitting in their foxholes but they make too much noise. I hid all of my soldiers in the woods and they are playing “pass the strudel with Hanz und Fritz” Just don’t tell that lawyer dude I’m hiding over here. Speedbump You’ll get a kick out of this one. It’s a Random Armor QB. He picks Reg and Vet US Army thingies and lots of troopies. My force is all conscript. What is a Hiram to do? Hehe I bought the gamiest of the gamey Flak shooty things and pointed them all his way. I actually sacrified a platoon of bedwetters for him to overun so he would get cocky and charge me. Oh, how the armor sploded and burned and puffed smoke. Will I win? Probably not, but I am having fun. Slapdragon This Cop-Grog sends me a setup of infantry only. It was computer picked so I couldn’t buy my Fusiliers and Sturm Platoon dudes. Okay, here is a glimpse into the strategery I’m going to unleash upon this corn fed constable: I’ll take the first thousand fodder, uh, I mean soldiers and run that way and then I’ll feint towards his MRL and then poke him in his Division Assets while rolling up his flank and then I’ll violently spank his overwatch force with a perfectly timed OPFOR attack. When he over reacts to my brilliant plan, then I know that he’s ready for my plunging neckline fire. Cool, huh? Croda Think garter belt, high stilleto heels and a wig. Think Moulon Rouge. That’s Croda. I’m not currently playing this fetid Dumpster dweller, but I am looking through two of his creations. They are creative creations. Am I redundant? More on Croda when he gets back from his night out with the he-she’s.
  2. Title by Pondscum Rules by Joe Shaw This MBT is brought to you by the Letter "M" and the number 9 ooOOOgah, ooOOOgah, ooOOOgah Be it Know to One and All Sundry that this is The One The True CessPool, The Mutha Beautiful Thread, the PENG CHALLENGE THREAD returned from it's ignominious tenure under the handle of a Squire and back under the control of a True Knight of the CessPool. Harken ye to the RULES: (ii) This is NOT your father's ladder, lad, it's the Peng Challenge Thread and you are NOT worthy and should, frankly, just SOD OFF and be done with it. (XIV) Are you brain dead? SOD OFF! (1.43) There are SIX (6) kinds of people in the world, Old Ones, Seniour Knights, Knights, Squires ... Serfs ... and Scum Sucking Newbies (SSNs). All but the last of these are relatively worthy, (the jury's still out on the Serfs but they ARE recognized) but the last, the SSNs are worthless and to be despised by all right thinking individuals. If you are an SSN ... SOD OFF. (ref. e) You may have come here thinking that you are special and unique among SSNs and that you have What It Takes to be one of us ... YOU ARE WRONG SO SOD OFF. ( If you MUST stick around, and we'd much prefer that you just SOD OFF, remember that this is the Peng CHALLENGE Thread, so perhaps you might consider actually CHALLENGING someone to a game of CM. IF you do, and don't overlook the advantages of simply SODDING OFF, remember the following: {34} Challenge someone of your own stature, which is non-existant, by choosing another SSN, a Serf or perhaps, PERHAPS a squire. How do you find these people you ask ... mostly because you're an idiot ... you find them here: Lorak's CessPool Page {Uiv} SOUND OFF LIKE YA GOT A PAIR! None of this mamby pamby, "Oh please good sir, might I have the honor of participating in a game of CM with you or yours at your earliest convenience?" BAH! This is the place for bile and venom, for taunts and insults and is NOT for children but only for MEN (and a few good WOMEN ... though in my experience BAD WOMEN are to be preferred) of substance, of STYLE, of WIT and HUMOR. {87/87) Do NOT sound off ABOUT your pair. We tolerate no racial, sexual, political or ethnic crusades ... only good old fashioned PERSONAL attacks. {Stick Around Damn It, we're tired of people who wander in and waste our time and then never show up again ... or you could just SOD OFF} 1. {vii} Have Half A Brain, this will be a stretch for most SSNs but give it a shot. {Don't} think that just because you're good at CM that you have a place HERE! We don't care ... we care about taunting, insulting and generally being Gamey, underhanded swine. That's right ... GAMEY ... we LIKE GAMEY because the Outerboards DON'T. [ April 19, 2002, 06:24 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  3. I can't sleep. I gave up trying a half hour ago. I guess I'll just go to work now. Where there's a whip, there's a way.
  4. Perhaps you're confusing Carrot Top with Yahoo Serious? Easily done, I understand. But before we begin trashing and thrashing all things from Upside Down Land, we need to give special amnesty to AC DC.</font>
  5. What you have failed to take into account is that some of us may have voted more than once thus making up for those who are a bit reticent in voting. So, your assumptions are a bit unlikely.
  6. You each know the pretend hatred we show around here for each other. Let’s speak about the real hatred that I have. It’s not for a person. It’s for a condition. I truly abhor migraines. I’ve had them for as long as I can remember. Mine are often triggered by either hunger or stress. They rob me of the ability to hate any of you, and I find that quite disturbing. As I notice that Joe still takes himself too seriously, I want to encourage him to get over himself, but I don’t have the energy to do so at the moment. It’s the migraine that impedes my onboard ire. While I’m sharing about anger and hatred for conditions, let me also mention that I truly hate cancer. It is so fecking unfair and devious by nature. I would gladly volunteer to have migraines from now on until I retire from this mortal coil if serendipity would smile upon a loved one and the cancer would be cleansed from her brain. I know about “if’s” I’m reminded of the silly little saying “If grandma had wheels, she’d be a wagon." So, I feel like a real wussy boy complaining about a measly little migraine while my sister is having dizzy spells, intense and mind mind blowing headaches and a dependancy upon steriods. I don’t mention my migraines to her. Let me end this on a positive note: My 3 month old neice, Anabella is now 7 lbs 11 oz and doing quite well. The moments I share with her, although punctuated by projectile vomiting, are quite special. She is a little heartbreaker. I just truly hope that her mother will be around 5 years from now. [ April 18, 2002, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  7. Hey Mister Slappy Pants. The bard was my sponsor but not my master. He taught me nothing as is evidenced by my lack of wins. I do hope you can "fugure" out a way to send a setup, if that is what you want to do. I have a special place in my heart for bumpkins. I got pulled over by the Alabama state police once and he was a fine fellow. Granted, I wasn't doing any crack, so you can't really relate to this story. Tell your brother/cousin/uncle I said "Hey, ya'all"
  8. Someday, when the lynch mob has lost my scent (running through the Peng thread covers it up, and they loose track of me, since the majority cannot deal with the environment) I will discourse on the truth of grogginess. I presented the thesis of this simple idea to Seanachi last night, and he actually seemed to understand every-other word I said (about an 800% increase for him). But TRUE grogginess, of the Michael Dorosh / Andreas Biermann variety, is the belief that the free challenging of ideals and ideas using mutually understandable zero points, no matter how down and dirty, and even if friends disagree, is part of the process that leads to greater understanding of subjects. A subject untested, which is incapable of weathering the slings and arrows of peer review, such as the Bren Tripod debate, is a subject worth little thought. Only by tempering in intellectual fire can an idea grow, prosper, and spawn new ideas. So your comments, although idiotic and uneducated ( just to make Peng happy ) were valid, interesting, and groggy. Had the hijack not occurred I would have had many replies for you, some to bow to your wisdom, some to point out points you did not consider, and some to utterly thrash you in your blinding stupidity. And you too would have done exactly the same to me. Alas, it must wait for the mob. By the way, sorry Marlow. Next time I will not inform the general public that I can be bought to throw my bet.</font>
  9. First, I must point out that I came up with the "Snipped for brevity" thingy. Once again, I see the newbies stealing my stuff. Second, I had the extreme displeasure of living in Ohio for two years. I was married then. We lived in Cleveland, Ohio. Huge amounts of pollution, crime and people with canuck accents really left a sour taste in my mouth. I can say with much veracity and not a small amount of pride that Ohio is not fit to launder the jockstrap of Pennsyltucky.
  10. That was come out of the fog, NOT come out of the closet you Cretin Been taking your cues from the seedier side of the forum eh? Betcha know all the lyrics to the Village People too! Why Disco when you can Rock and Roll!! Edited because the post looked like it was hacked by a blind woodsman. Twice even.</font>
  11. Why would a person who has been gifted with an extremely big brain use smiley faces? Is this The Fionn who made grogs poop themselves when he spoke? Wasn’t it his thunderous replies that got himself banned not once, but twice from the message board we all hold so dear? I am beside myself with confusion and a wee bit of consternation. This Fionn seems a bit friendly and dare I say it, a bit chummy. Methinks something foul is afoot. I think that this faker is making us think that he is The Fionn but I won’t be taken in by his duplicity. Since I am a resourceful fellow and the hit of every party, I’ve come up with an inventive idea to expose this charlatan!! I think that this fellow who pretends to be The Fionn would really and truly convince me of his “Fionness” if he were to play me in a Combat Mission Battle Thingy. The history so far, for those of you who have not paid attention: I’ve lost 97.5% of my PBEM games. I lost one game 100-0. If this is the one and true Fionn Kelly who virgins weep after and med students cringe from, then only HE would be able to have a better score against me than the 100-0. As an aside, I already know that HE wouldn’t stoop to playing one such as myself. He would say something like…”oh you are a cute little puppy but I’m too busy” So, I toss the feces encrusted gauntlet at the artist formerly known as Fionn and say if you are indeed the The Fionn then prove it. Dismantle me. Show me the Kelly. Demonstrate how Pillar was wrong in his assumptions. I dare ya. PS Irish people smell like Hamster droppings.
  12. U_R_A_Leech, since you mentioned photo touching...I believe you owe me a photo of yourself...for me to 'touch...send it now you pillock! Persephone</font>
  13. Friday is here. I can breathe a sigh of relief that somehow I got through the week without internal bleeding and little teeth gnashing. Nobody called out sick today and we had no accidents. We almost at full strength in my workplace. I can actually sit down and type something. It’s nice. I like nice Friday’s. Tonight I will put on some Mozart to drown out my neighbor’s rap music and play some CM. Any suggestions on a QB or scenario with Croda? I’m going to stay away from the Random everything approach again. It’s biting me in the butt with Speedbump. I’m looking for something creative and spunky so I can beat him again. Even if the god of the trolls look with favor upon their scion, and he wins, I’ll still have fun. Just an update with my same game vs both Elvis and JDMorse: The enlightened lawyer is winning on points. Thus far he has murderized a Green Panzer IVH and two regular SS Motorized squads. I was scouting with them and he caught them going through his cookie jar. I guess that Elvis is still trying to sell his Armor or somefink. He can get you a good deal, don’tcha know!! [ April 12, 2002, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  14. So much stress so little time to savor it. A little advice to the unwashed masses: Don’t ever let a maniacal female move in with you. It is quite difficult to get her corpulent frame out of your apartment. We all know that I’ve made some bad decisions in the past, but next time I do find love, please remind me that it should be a new computer or perhaps some tasty software. Yeah, I’m playing CM against a few of you invertebrates, but work is Monday over and over again. I’ve had Monday’s every day these past two weeks. I would kindly as the Berli fix his Monday machine cause this just isn’t funny any more. Great tufts of hair and tears cover my keyboard as I type this. I will now find a precipice to hurl my hirsute frame into or perhaps some bitter beer to make me speak Croda's name over and over again. It would seem that the light at the end of the tunnel was nothing more than a glow in the dark can of pain and misery that reality has opened up on me. Edited because I had an additional 30 seconds to myself. My ex girlfriends know how I can creatively utilize 30 seconds. [ April 11, 2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  15. Only someone with the personality of a drunken door-to-door spats salesman, who, even though it's the 21st century, still believes that there's a market out there somewhere if he only perseveres, quotes unsubstantiated facts. I surmise.</font>
  16. Much to my chagrin, I found that tanks that are buttoned up seem much more susceptible to piats et al sneaking up behind them and popping them. They also seem to take longer to target both armor and infantry while buttoned. I know this because I've buttoned a few with a sharpshooter and then destroyed them with this technique. When my tanks are buttoned, I make sure that I have my own infantry around as "eyes" for my armor. Oh, forgot...IMHO IIRC AFAIK
  17. Only punks start out a sentence with "actually" It's a fact.
  18. Just a disclaimer here: I was once Phillies Phan on this forum and am not now now have I ever been in a PBEM contest with Mister Dorosh. It would seem that this opponent is giving Phan's everywhere a bad name.
  19. I agree with Holien. Name him and let him defend himself. I'm playing through a nasty bit of a QB with conscript troopies and having the time of my life. My opponent (Speedbump) has Reg/Vet soldiers and is still dying by the truckload. Mooo hahahah ha *snort*
  20. Hiram likes the pretty trees. Release please?
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