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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. I found that consistently playing those you trust lends to not worrying about such things like force selection etc. I trust my Peng brothers and know that they won't cheat. They beat me fair and square each and every time. Of course, in the off chance I might actually win, I'm being gamey.
  2. Always with the wordy stuff... why didn't you just tell the Uber Gecko that you would be processing his turn in a second or two?</font>
  3. Welcome back, Kitty! Still waiting for cat mod. Note to pool: New/Old opponent added to Hiram's list of opponents - Uber Gecko (Goanna) We were playing something. I'll send the turn tonight after I expend all my brain power on my game with Fionn. Games with JDMorse and Elvis consist of hitting Go after hearing my men die. [ June 18, 2002, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  4. Combat Mission springs to mind. It's kewl, dood!!
  5. Can I have a summary for the intellectually inept here? Are snipers really sharpshooters who aspired to become something more than they once were and then realized that just being a sharpshooter doesn't really attract the chicks? Or, is a sharpshooter really a closet sniper who works at a diner washing dishes during the day and killing people from 600+ Meters at night?
  6. Fionn, I guess I'll have to see and experience some of what you are saying in order to really understand it. If I had said the same thing, it would be false bravado (cut to ribbons etc) I'd like to trade passwords after the 3 turn PBEM game we have going. That way I will know how you emasculated, eviscerated, bludgeoned, and violated my troops. The odd thing is that I still won't be timid in our fracas. I've got to know. Make me a Billy BadAss CM player, Fionn. I want to beat JDMorse!! hehe
  7. ...some Snipers came along, no wait, they were sharpshooters...no Snipers...no wait...they must have been sharpshooters...they took potshots without a badge and were wont to....
  8. Would that IV line have Glucose or Saline? What is an "IV line" as it pertains to CM? I do have questions about your "recon in force ideas" as I like to call them. I'm wondering if the purpose of scouting and attriting the enemy with front soldiers will defeat the purpose of defending land. I know you say that you use infantry to "mop up" the remaining forces, but wouldn't you end up sacrifice your forces by sending them so far forward? I ask this because the nature of the game dictates that the Attacker has more points to spend, therefore has more forces to attack with. Fionn, I'm not trying to be pedantic, just inquisitive. So, here is a summary of my questions in a format you can easily reply to: 1. When you start, your troops are in foxholes (fighting positions). Do you waste the advantage of having them by shifting your forces so far forward? 2. You have X points to spend on your troops and the attacker has X points to spend on his troops. With your aggressive scouting, do you act as if you are playing the role of the attacker even though you don't have as many troops or armor? As a disclaimer, it's entirely possible (probable even) that I am still of the mindset of defending land and flags as opposed to attrition of the enemy so he is incapable of moving forward aggressively. Any replies are welcome.
  9. Friday is finally here. Since Monday was 3 days long, Tuesday was 4.25 days long, Wednesday was 3.5 days long, and Thursday was 1.75 days long, I’m grateful that Friday is here. Monday was weeping, Tuesday was gnashing of teeth, Wednesday was a hot steaming bowl of stress, and Thursday was indigestion coupled with violent and sudden bowl movements. I think I’ll process my turns tonight. (The turns that I can process) My most dependable opponents are still Elvis and JDMorse. I’ve started my game against Fionn Kelly and will be setting up my troops tonight. Since I’m anticipating that my Friday will be 27 hours long before I actually leave this building of suffering, it’s quite a ways off.
  10. I'm reminded of a time when I had a Hetzer and was chasing a gamey MG jeep around the map. I had him cornered but he zipped around me and drove away. It took me 9 turns to kill it.
  11. Well, at least for CMBO I would define it as that point where the defender creates the strongest of possibly several lines where life is being made hard for the attacker. It will not be identifyable by units sitting there, it is more a function of what weapons have effective range to that zone. Maybe this abstraction helps: if you think of the defender killzones of pink bubbles and draw them on the map, you will most often find that somewhere several killzones form a continuous line of pink bubbles. This usually happens because the defender has to use the terrain as it is and he cannot leave one approach route uncovered. If you break enough units who's weapons contribute to bubbles in this line you crack the defense. This explanation is not compatible with the usual use of the word, usually people name the positions of the units the MLR. But I find the thinking around their weapon effect (not their living place) more useful. It makes it easier to realize where it is and how to break it. And as a starting point to discover it you can usually take the antipersonal minefields </font>
  12. Could anyone explain, in terms a layman might understand, what a MRL looks like? Anyone? Please? My first guess is that it's the main body of your forces that you would use to repel invaders if defending. But, that is still a bit general. Edited to note that my disclaimer is that I never play games of more than a company of infantry and a few tanks. Therefore, many of the terms used get lost on me. I sincerely wouldn't know how to use more than one company. Oh well, some have brains and others have good looks. I have a plethora of moles and body hair. [ June 13, 2002, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  13. Some questions regarding recon: 1. How would I know when I found his "MRL"? What does it look like? Is it alot of troops milling about waiting to rumble? 2. Considering that each time I split squads, my overal morale lowers, is it worth it to do that? I mean, as opposed to using squads or even a platoon. 3. Do most defenders just plant themselves around the flags and wait? 4. Is it wise to withdrawl recon elements or hide them for a while and then try to push through or sweep around with them? I've had some sucess with two squads that moved behind an attacking element. I used them to create a ruckus behind his slow elements. 5. When do you decide to actually attack what you see? My problem has been that I attack known positions with local superiority in firepower and then I discover the layers behind that position. I know that this thread was made for opinions and stories but I have more questions than stories.
  14. I feel cheated. Today is Thursday but it feels like 4.5 consecutive Mondays piled upon me. Yesterday was like 1.25 Monday's. For reference, my Monday's are like an inferno of stress and malcontent.
  15. Thanks for the help, SlowMotion. It appears that I broke one of the rules when purchasing against the Uber Grog. Good thing posts like this are beneath his notice. (one hopes)
  16. This is truly the first time I've cared about rules regarding PBEM's. Here is my question: When the Panther 76 rule is in effect, does it also include artillery caliber? I'm scheduled for a pummelling by Fionn Kelly and don't want to be inadvertantly gamey. Thus far, I've been purposely gamey. *ahem*
  17. Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update JDMorse He is a vile creature who should be emasculated, vivisected, and then banished to do community service in a geriatric home collecting fecal specimens. Well, he is a lawyer you know and that bad karma has to come around some time. Oh, our PBEM is still the same one I’m also playing against Elvis. I’m defending and holding the moral highground while he is attacking and is doing gamey things that I cannot describe because I would feel so very unclean. Yes, he will win…but will he be able to explain why at the Bema seat? One wonders. Elvis Think of bad things to do with your infantry and that is Elvis He is doing some naughty things with his infantry like taking out my honorable 88’s from the side and the rear. He feels most comfortable coming from the rear. Sit down Bauhas, you syphilitic sod! Still, he is the consummate host if you are in his neighborhood, so that sort of makes up for the untenable position he has put me in regarding our PBEM. I do despise him though. I hope his computer suddenly reboots if he reads this. Hehe Croda We already know that he is a mangy mongrel that should be put down. But that has nothing to do with our game. I’m ready when he is. Speedbump A timid field mouse if there ever was one. After my conscript swarm smacked him around in the first 5 turns, he slowly creeped towards the flags hoping that I wouldn’t hurt him any more. I hear whimpering from his side of the map. I’m thinking about having the other thousand of my conscripts say “Boo” and watch him scurry away. Slapdragon Still waiting for a turn. I know that real life happens, so I don’t mind. It’s an infantry only battle and he is defending. I’m Axis and sort of attacking. If you could call it “attacking”. It’s more like the Special Olympics shuffle towards the finish line. Even if you win, you’re still retarded. Fionn Kelly We haven’t started yet. I still need to provide three forms of ID, a blood test, and a valid CM certificate of authenticity. I will probably need to have the PBEM notarized. I kid you, Fionn. Please don’t call me a “bloody, bloomin’ buggerin’ git” This should be interesting as I am participant #10,039 in the Tournament of People who suck vs Fionn.
  18. When I TCPIP, I have the adreniline rush going and get frustrated when my opponent takes a huge amount of time plotting his turn. I found out that some actually get up and do some things while I'm at my end waiting and sweating. I have to drink twice as much to deal with the adrenaline, so my judgement is sorely impaired. Not that I play that much better sober.
  19. Fionn, I was struggling to be altruistic insofar as so many want to suckle on the teat of the “Uber Grog” and glean a bit of wisdom. I didn’t want to be one of the thousands. But, you saw through me and recognized that my childhood dream was to play you in a PBEM. Other children wanted to be doctors, lawyers, and gigolos. My only aspiration in this joke of a life was to display my paltry skill in this game for a moment and perhaps earn a hearty “you suck, Hiram” from the one and only “Fionn”. Lord knows, I hear it quite often from my current opponents. There doesn’t need to be a summation of my tactical ineptitude or even pointers on aggressively defending. You need only say “you suck, Hiram” and I’ll understand and be grateful that you glanced my way as I trumpeted with a bottom burp that is the embodiment of my verbosity. I confess that I was surprised you insisted on playing me seeing that I am nothing more than a freckle on the left butt cheek of humanity. You may have to type slowly when sending me text that accompany turns though because I am bit dimwitted in the CM field and may get lost easily. I’ll try not to go into synaptic overload by playing a 2000 pt QB/scenario. My computer can handle it. That much I am sure of. Whether or not you can beat me in 3 turns or less has yet to be seen. I’ll email you later on the particulars that will be replete with simpering and whining.
  20. Now that everyone and their brother is clamoring for a game with Mister Kelly, I don't feel as ardent in my request. Fionn, you may now scratch me off your list. I give up my place for MRPeng. I wish the both of you well in your endevours.
  21. "It is well with my soul..." Sorry, had a hymnal moment there. Can I buy 2000 points worth of boats and snipers? I still like the Washington crossing the Delaware idea.
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