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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Dont forget the inclusion of the patented Gefingerpoken technology.
  2. Update from the homefront: The tumor is 3 inches wide and has regrown into the spot where the first tumor was before surgery. Possible actions now include surgery followed up by radioactive wafers that are put into the hole created by the surgery. Also, radiation followed up by chemotherapy is almost mandatory. My sister’s radiologist says that the brain matter around the tumor may be dead because of the radiation treatments already done. A conversation with jdmorse was quite helpful in dealing with this situation. I can now speak to my sister about this situation without acting tough. That was just for those who asked for updates. For those who only care about CM…blah blah PBEM. [ April 03, 2002, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  3. As a part of striving for a sense of normalcy, I will now do some Game Updates: Croda I won, he didn’t. Nanner nanner boo boo Elvis I won, he didn’t. See above kindergarten taunt. We are starting a new game and he already tagged a panzer I had hanging out. I’ll be sure to zip up better in the future. JDMorse I’m playing the same scenario against him as I am vs Elvis. Thus far, Elvis is winning on points. I'm not really planning on winning either game, but it should be mildly interesting. Speedbump He’s attacking with armor thingies and I’m dying in droves. I won’t be starting any new games against other opponents because I’m trying to finish more games. I was 2-0 for the month of March!! My humor isn’t quite back yet, so make up your own taunts. I’m trying to let CM be a distraction from reality.
  4. This Monday truly sucks ass. I received a phone call from my sister with the results from her Spectroscophy. The MRI couldn’t show anything conclusive because the tumor in her head is bleeding profusely. So, she had to get a spectroscophy. The tumor has grown and is quite deep in her brain. Surgery is no longer an option. Her expert doctors say that they will give her radiation followed up with chemotherapy. She isn’t exhibiting any symptoms at the moment, but the findings are so devastating that hope is quickly gone. I wish this were one of my fake morose posts. I wish… [ April 01, 2002, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  5. I wait for turns and grow sad because I know that Monday is waiting for me. I will open my eyes and know the horror that is a Monday morning. I know that sometimes the anticipation of pain can be worse than the pain...but I do remember Monday's past and I wake in cold sweats. Let me mourn for the Monday that is to be and the Saturday that was. I don't fear for my sanity because I'll gladly lose it if it removed the sting of the Monday upon my bare soul. I won't trouble you any further. Go about your business and pretend that you don't fear the first day of the week. Laugh when Monday kicks me in the hindquarters and steals my cup of coffee. I do hope you enjoy yourselves out there in Peng land. Don't mind the sad and desparate weeping coming from New Jersey because of the imminant arrival of a Monday. I won't say "Selah" cause that's just gay.
  6. I never know what to do in these kind of situations. Do we throw rice, birdseed or hand grenades?</font>
  7. I don't send a fecking setup for a TCPIP game, bonehead. Yeesh! [ March 30, 2002, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]
  8. What calumny is this? Am I the only one who noticed that our usual abomination of a thread has also become an atrocity? I was aghast when I noticed that the home of all that is indecent and improper became a play-toy for the Bard. I was more disappointed than surprised. I’ve known the Bard to whore himself out time and again to recruit members into our brotherhood so he may squire and mount them. I, alone was able to squirm out of the requisite mounting. My dismay was amplified when I saw the Justicar posting as if nothing had happened. He can usually be counted upon to alert the other members (sit down Bauhaus) to unlawful actions. He must have been busy with his Doctrine and Covenants or perhaps The Pearl of Great Price. I was so perturbed, I couldn’t post for a couple of days. Don’t pretend you noticed. I know that the Bard is above responding to this post because he is busy looking for new “soon to be squires”. If you should happen to bump into him as he shops for man-sized lingerie, would you please remind him that we are about “Peng” and not grogs? We all know that grogs are fun to play with and throw things at. But, why has he suddenly gotten this fascination with this Canadian gentleman? Here is my theory. I think that when the Bard lost his job, his life partner, Enrique, packed up his bags and said “Adios”. This caused the Minnesota poet to seek another partner to warm his bed. Since he had become tired of “All night Chalupa dancing” he wanted someone a bit cooler. He thought this over carefully and knew that this one thread would bait his new paramour to our domain. I try to keep an open mind about such things and do hope the both of them are happy. Perhaps they can adopt later on. I would request just one thing. Even if the thread title is the embodiment of suckitude…don’t change it to attract a man. It makes my skin crawl. Oh, and for some of you who think that I’m all too homophobic, you can continue to give in to the nefarious machinations of the Old Ones. Let them decide for you what is just and proper. I’ll continue to think for myself. Okay…now that I got that off my chest…who’s up for some TCPIP?
  9. ...involving that jar of peanut butter and viagra, his glands just weren't the same. they would...</font>
  10. Fortunately for us, your inner Croda rules the roost, and your inner Hiram is tethered to a post in the basement.</font>
  11. RE: Whining and simpering from the Law Offices of John David Jingleheimer Morse Mister Lowercase Lawyer Dude, It has come to my attention that you have been inquiring about the upcoming PBEM. Please know that I did, in fact, send you a setup evening last. It is a delightful scenario from Derkessel called Black Shear or somefink like that. All of us over here in Jerseyland encourage you to stop your preening and/or primping. Also, know that I shall lay a smitey smack-down upon your buttocks most flabby. I’m fresh from a victory against someone in Philadelphia (where the women smell like cheese steaks and the men sell cars) I sent this gentleman the same exact setup because I am being economical these days. I shall try two different tactics with both you and the Wanker Extroidinaire in Phil Uh Delphia. Until such time as you may receive a turn from me, you may sit by your computer and wait in abject trepidation. Tremble now, lose later lawyer dude. Respectfully yours, Hiram "Boom Boom" Sedai **************************************** Since I know that the King of South Philly scans these posts and only reads a total of 5 or so words, I shall try my best to help him with his reading problem. Elvis, I send setup…okay?
  12. I think it's Andy's house where perfection coupled with omniscience started upon his birth into this uneducated world. The rest of us can only stare in awe.
  13. I still haven't seen the movie. But, I have seen General Forum and it's scarey.
  14. You can have mine when you pry it from my cold, dead CD ROM Drive.
  15. Hiram’s Gamey Updates Disclaimer: All of us who have been around for awhile know that I’ve had some difficulty in the past finishing games. I used to challenge everyone and then bow out of the game a month or so later. So, this is an accomplishment for me to be still playing. It’s helpful that I’m not playing too many people. Croda It’s an interesting scenario that he created and we are taking turns encircling each other. He is a clever lad. Since his troops consist of SS people, I’ll show very little mercy. After capturing them, I’ll just hand them over to the Russians. That will teach them. I’m fresh from reading a book by Guderian, so I know that Himmler was a real wanker. Speaking of wankers…. Elvis Somehow, we are playing the same scenario. I just found his gun and he’s shooting at me. He can be so rude sometimes. I’m thrusting repeatedly at his flank with my pulsating armor thingies. Since he is defending, he’s waiting for me to take each and every flag. I’m happy to comply. Speedbump My german soldiers woke to the sound of tank fire and after rubbing their eyes, they saw some Shermans firing at a building. It would appear that this guy has a dislike for architecture. Odd duck. Use up all your ammo, tough guy. I have yet to send anything to jdmorse. I keep meaning to but get distracted
  16. The card worked fine but I could not play Myth III which needed a new version of OpenGL. Myth III doesn't support my version of Banshee. The problems started after I installed some third party drivers I found with the hope that the openGL upgrade would help. No such luck.
  17. Thanks for the reply. One more question. Can I use Voodoo Banshee drivers with my 3D Blaster Banshee without any errors? I'm looking for the absolute latest drivers I might be able to find. The drivers for 1998 and 1999 seem a bit old. Sorry about all the questions.
  18. Each day I suffer withdrawal will be visited upon you each and every Monday of your miserable life. I will put every ounce of my suffering into your Mondays</font>
  19. The struggle continues and I still need some help because CM locks up completely and I have to reboot the computer now. I have a 3D Blaster Banshee. (according to the manual that came with the card) Voodoo drivers won't work because that's not the kind of card I have. I now have DirectX 8.1 installed and my Video drivers are as of 03/2001. Someone please post a like to where I can find 3D Blaster Banshee latest video drivers. I'm tired of CM locking up. Any and all help is still very appreciated.
  20. It’s Monday morning again. I sat and thought about this day on Saturday while trying to figure out a way to stop the madness that will be this day. Many beers later I realized that I am powerless to stop the abomination that is visited upon me once a week. I’ve been looking at Sunday as “almost Monday” and that is the day that I start the obligatory weeping and gnashing of the teeth. Emails and voicemails bludgeon my sense of normalcy. I know that I am being punished for having a weekend. I should have known better. People calling out sick with false maladies. I scramble to complete tasks with the small hope that Tuesday will arrive sooner or later. I do hope that his Monday won’t be 48 hours long like the last one I experienced. I still bear the emotional scars from that one. So, I greet this morning with bloodshot eyes and an overpowering need for huge amounts of coffee and cigarettes. I won’t utter the name of the personage who has visited such abject misery upon me. I do hope that every day he experiences when he quits smoking is like one of my Mondays. Reap the carnage of smoker’s withdrawal, buddy.
  21. Ah, isn't that special. Little Grog-boy is gracing us with his presence. We already have a grog, so get lost. You can ask yourself "what is this aboot" on the way out.
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