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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Thanks for doing that Gremlin. Currently, I win .0001% of my games vs humans and approx .025% of my games vs the AI. Those tips should come in handy.
  2. I buy about thirty of them and put them into jeeps. Then I do a gamey scouting wave with them. I then follow them up with submachine squads and my running machine gun guys. I make sure to hug the edges at all times and then rush the flag on the final turn. Is that wrong?
  3. I see you've crawled out from under your rock to flatulate. It's somewhat amusing to see how predictable you are. It's like watching a toddler try to reach that doorknob with little success. Gather both of your brain cells and attempt a better taunt. Run away, little boy or I might become peeved. When the moment arrives in your life that you fathom what a Phillies fan truly is, then you are something other than subhuman. That moment has not arrived just yet.
  4. Uh, Ma'am? Just an oh so humble question. Why is the Bard wearing a Phillies hat? Just curious, Ma'am. No need to put my unseemly visage in yet another creation.
  5. "But I got nowhere else to go!! I got nowhere else to go!!"
  6. please send it to hiramsedai@earthlink.net I still love the one with the racing vehicles around the big rectangle. hehe good stuff
  7. I know better. If I lose, it's because I'm supposed to. If I win, it's because you let me. If I somehow acheived a Draw, it's because you were suffering from the combination of dropsy and leprousy. can't fool me
  8. I'd like to echo the sentiments of Sir Berlichtingen regarding the matter of electing the fetid personage of Croda as a Psuedo-Joe. We all know that Berlichtingen said it best and we can add nothing of value after the display of his awe inspiring profundity of prose. In fact, any more words on this matter would just be silly and should be ignored. So, I question why my fingers continue to type when there should be nothing further said upon this matter. I can add nothing of import regarding this weighty matter. If there was a county filled with people who could add nothing more meaningful to this subject, you'd find my hovel there.
  9. Morning. How I hate it. Monday Morning. It is evil squared. I tire of working 6 days a week. My only joy is the time spent sitting in front my computer processing PBEM turns. I see how well I am losing and then click “Go”. I’ve gotten better at losing over the last two years. I used to lose prematurely and would leave my opponent disappointed and left wanting. Now, I lose so thoroughly that the opponent feels as if he did something worthwhile. To simulate this vs the AI, I’m playing as conscript all the time. That way, my troops panic when the enemy breaks wind. I still mutter “damn you, Croda under my breath as I lose, but this time…its vs the AI. We all know that the AI is gamey and not historical. Not that I would have a clue what historical is. Maybe two of you haven’t read “Panzerleader” by Guderian. I would strongly recommend this one for both of you. I have a tough time putting it down. I’m going to request “Achtung Panzer” from the library after reading this one. Oh, CM? I’m playing Croda (may his teeth fall out and may older gentlemen request special services from him for a small fee), Elvis (may his Japanese car company be bought out by God fearing Merkins), and Speedbump (may his dog gnaw on his victuals as he frantically denies his heartfelt Adoration for all things N-Sync)
  10. Hi Kitty! How is life in the litterbox? I meant cat condo. hrmm....
  11. I'm also currently reading "When Titans Clashed" from my library. I read the first two chapters thus far and have enjoyed it immensely. I think I read too many Ambrose books and really missed out on the facts. As a side note, I finnally found "Panzer Leader" by Heinz Guderian and that looks to be a good read. So glad I got my library card.
  12. Immediately press Alt-U in our game. That will take you right to the 'Import Customized Gameyness' screen, from where you can scan whole matchbox AFVs into the game. Jerk.</font>
  13. scribbling furiously Hiram taking notes on Speedbump Be sure to splatter him lots
  14. It is so touching to see such a closeness between a Knight and his Squire. Persephone</font>
  15. Hirsute Hiram’s Game Updates Get yer fresh Game Updates!! Just picked today. A small note to those of you who I’ve battled before. I’m actually completing the games I’ve been playing. No wimpy excuses for life happening etc. Lets just hope that nothing else happens and I can continue blissfully playing CM. Elvis Who the hell is winning anyway? I don’t have a clue. I have a flag and he has two flags. It’s a dark and foreboding QB with my tanks and troops attacking. Thus far, my troops have done some silly things like die and get captured. For them, the war is over. I’ve been reading too many POW stories as of late. If you ask Elvis, he’ll say he is winning as a salve to his monstrous ego. Every tenth turn, I’m required to state that “I’m scared” in the accompanying email. He usually replies that Peng is less than gentle in his “Oz-like” love sessions. Croda He sits in his wimpy little foxholes waiting for my brave lads to wander by. What a wussy!! He has an uber tank thingy hiding behind a church that has made some noise. I’m sure that when I capture 90% of his uber dudes, they will claim that they never were Hitler youth and that they are really Polish. No, I won’t offer them cigarettes. ******************************************************* Now for the big surprise for both of you who actually read this far One of you bellicose, bra wearing, bellybutton lint collectors actually sent me a setup. This Mister Speed Bump sent me a 1500 PT setup with random everything. He wants an Armor battle and I am Axis. Should I choose Stugs-a-plenty like our Father Confessor? (forgive me father for I have sinned. I have committed the sin of carnal thoughts while standing in the lunch line. She had this luscious pair of knock…) I wonder if I can buy a really really big tank for that many points. I do hope it comes with instructions like “point gun that way towards the enemy” He’s attacking and I’m defending. He’s a wienie and I’m cool. He sniffs glue and prances around like a fairy and I’m ruggedly handsome. “Blah blah blah, I’m Mister Burns”
  16. You just can't help yourself. You are like a walking billboard for Croda snakky cakes.
  17. Looks at watch When were you welcome here? I must have been napping.
  18. I've always considered Spring to be early summer. Really early summer.
  19. Your question be "should I feel guilty because of my unit choice?" I say no. IMHO AFAIK FWIW Everything that can be purchased in this game can be matched with something else or by a tactic. For instance, your opponent can easily buy truckloads of arty to dispense with your infantry.
  20. I'm sure each of you are anticipating the voicing of my opinion on the banishment of Tin Cook dude. I'm wholeheartedly on the side of Croda on this issue. I think he did all of us a favor. There are certain issues that are out of bounds when taunting. You may have noticed that I have refrained from mentioning certain relatives when I get my taunt on. In the case of Croda his person alone is reason for a good taunt. Stay tuned for game updates with a big suprise.
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