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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Oh sweet, Dan is posting, this must be a good sign. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this does constitute as a very minor bone since we now know the sIG 33 150mm HE chucker is in-game. So how about posting a unit list for us Dan-the-man?
  2. "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United Corporations of America, and to Wall Street for which it stands, one nation under a fake God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for the wealthy."
  3. Although I can't officially confirm it, but I do definitely recall Moon or Steve saying there will certainly be a patch with NATO. Whether you buy NATO or not, all CMSF customers get the update.
  4. Obviously not, since you just spoke about it being "unspeakably disgusting". Ahh, yes, more grumblings from the natives, but I like this one: All this wouldn't be happening if we got more updates or what I like to call a "mini-bone". I can take a few shots of CMSF and post them here in less than 5 mins. Why not for CMN? I recall Steve saying it would get a reaction for a ton of questions, but I say so what, let them go. I see lots of questions go unanswered already.
  5. That's a classic for sure, but I like this one more. It's pure genius: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TevQS4qgE_Q
  6. No worries, I'll just quote the best post in the thread for you.
  7. Yep, it's Arma II hands down. OFP 2 was developed completely separately from the dev(Bohemia Interactive) behind the original and the Arma series. There's tons of user made campaigns/missions/mods available here armaholic.com. Not to mention the ability to quickly and easily make your own in the editor. I haven't in awhile, at least not since Arma, but some amazing tactical FPS gaming nirvana can be had online. Get on comms(Teamspeak or Ventrilo) with organized players online, I did with the SimHQ folks and had a blast. Well worth the effort. If you do decide to buy, make sure you get the bundle pack that is Arma II and the just released expansion pack Op Arrowhead. Here's a video of the new FLIR optics using a drone to laz a target for the Apache's Hellfire missile. There's tons of other videos out there, take a look for yourself, some great eye candy in Arma II.
  8. I'm sure some of you have seen this before, but I hadn't and thought I'd post it. It's pretty kool, try it out here: http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_aug2006/RotatingIllusion.htm If our brains are so easily fooled, what aspects of reality are we missing?
  9. Oh and about the scenario, dismount your crews from their vehicles. They will take their MGs or grenade launchers with them. Put them up on the hill for overwatch. May have to run back to refill ammo at some point, but much better survivability. I play exclusively in RT, just too great of a tactical advantage to go back to Wego. It can feel pretty slow sometimes, especially in this scenario, SO TAKE IT SLOW. Back to being off topic about the title, PT I couldn't find anything about the 'UK eco thriller', post a linkie. I did find this movie from 1943 about the Nazi's invasion of Norway. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034694/
  10. So did anybody see the movie with Mad Max Mel Gibson? I hear he's pretty popular nowadays.
  11. Actually I've barely noticed this weird looking terrain when zoomed out. But of course I'm all in favor for making it look better for CMN. Although a bit off topic, more about the UI graphics, but can we not have neon green graphic gun/afv icons? Something like Scipio's mods makes so much more sense for CM.
  12. Or put this feature in for us Duo/Quad core users? I'm sure a good portion of us have an extra CPU(in my case three) just sitting there. I'm not a hardcore tech head, but it's probably safe to say multi-core computers aren't going anywhere. :cool:
  13. Michael, I don't think I had that one, I remember it though. Speaking of old sim games, anybody else remember this one: From 1990, now twenty years ago, I still have fond memories of this one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-10_Tank_Killer
  14. Shouldn't this be in the tech support forum? I always manually unlicense when uninstalling, don't wanna take any chances and it takes just a few seconds. Good luck with getting it worked out
  15. What game are you guys talking about? This one: or this one: I'm the proud owner of both, but it's been quite awhile since playing them though. For sh!ts & giggles I could check storage for them. IIRC they both had very hefty manuals.
  16. Ha, I was just reading about it and then came here, just posted today: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/29497/Analysis_Looking_Beyond_Retail_Numbers_For_US_Game_Industry_Growth.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+GamasutraNews+%28Gamasutra+News%29&utm_content=Google+Reader and here: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/29528/NPD_FullGame_PC_Downloads_Reaching_Parity_With_Physical_Purchases.php I don't think it's much of a surprise for gamers to hear this. I myself use to shun buying games digitally. There's just something about holding that nice shiny box in your hand and having the manual to read. Not surprised to see the top two digital retailers to be Steam and Direc2drive. These two have really picked up the pace in terms of competing with each other. I've bought a lot more games in the past year then I would have normally. It's all because of their great sales and the counter matching sale within usually 24 hrs. Games that go for like $40-50 at retail can be had for $20 or less. With patience of course, the sales don't start to kick in until a few months after release.
  17. I am looking forward to more features/tweaks to the existing CMx2 campaign. It's not like I hate it either, played the original, Marines, Brits, and a bunch of the user made ones. Like most that come around here, I got plenty of confidence in you guys to do it justice. Admittedly with the new QB overhaul, I will care even less about the state of the current campaign system. Anyways, ok no more questions. I'll start to feel guilty for taking up too much of your time. Besides, other posters will shun me for distracting you from a CMN bone. I think that's why I'm a bit grouchy!
  18. I swear if there was a way to conduct a poll you would have glaring proof that more of us prefer the old Ops as a base or starting point for a future and more polished campaign/Op. I'd put a hefty wager on it. Of course only those that have played both CMx1 and CMx2 a fair amount would be eligible to vote. If in fact, there are little changes to the campaign for CMN, which is understandable with the QB overhaul. I think we'll see most of the WWII diehards that passed on CMSF come back and reiterate this. Times have changed, your fanbase has grown exponentially since you axed CMx1 Ops in 2000. Only until CMSF shipped in 2007 and soon again with CMN can everybody look back and compare the two. (revisit Ops/Cam) One last question for you Steve, if you could magically brush aside all the technical obstacles and cost in manpower/resources. Would you forge ahead with the old CMx1 style Op over the newer CMx2 campaign? Oh and yeah, thanks for dealing with us yet again.
  19. Very well then, I'll be first in-line. And because I'm first in line and because my mommy always told me I was special, can I get a free copy? Thanks I appreciate it! P.S. Have you guys decided on a name yet?
  20. BF will always release manuals for the base games. Simply because there are too many old wargaming farts that like to sit on the john while reading about the game.
  21. This is exactly what my point was a few pages back. Not sure if it came across or not. So just gonna quote Elmar, thanks for sparing us the drama this time. Even the small amount of folks that responded in this thread backs this up. Mark my words though, with the intro to WWII with the release of CMN, people are gonna want a much better campaign/Op. Since because the current system is much more passable with Modern era. I think we'll see this brought up a helluva lot more with the WWII setting than it was for CMSF.
  22. Elmar, relax, it's not the end of the world. Or is it?
  23. Well hell, all I'll say is this, if I ever win the lottery I'll storm your offices and plop down on the table two years salary for the team. Now go make that Op you had originally designed.
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